Department history

The department was founded on August 13, 1992 and is the clinical base of the maternity hospital №2 in Bukhara. The department was headed by professor tf.d. M.N. Negmatullaeva, and from 1992 to 2012, R.A. Pulatova, Sh.S. Isomitdinov, M.R. Kurbanov, M.A. Samadov, H. Zikrillaeva, M.T. Khatamova and others. For 10 years, the department defended 10 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations, in 2007, 5 candidate theses were defended, currently the department conducts scientific and theoretical work with 7 researchers, 18 clinical residents.

In September 2013, by order of the rector of the institute, the departments of obstetrics and gynecology No. 1 and No. 2 were merged, and the head of the department was appointed Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ikhtiyarova G.A.

From 2013 to the present, the educational and scientific base of the department has been strengthened, practical and methodological assistance in the field of maternal and child health has been provided to regional and district health care institutions.

In 2019, the department was renamed “Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1” and the head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ikhtiyarova GA. During this period, the department pays special attention to teaching, research and treatment. The department involves masters and clinical residents. A number of republican scientific and practical conferences were held. Professors and teachers of foreign educational institutions were involved in the educational process.