Scientific direction of the department
28.12.2021 2022-04-29 16:58Scientific direction of the department
Improvement of measures for the organization of disease prevention among the population. Organization and conduct of classes on public health and health care, medical statistics of psychological aspects of management with residents and undergraduates of the 1st and 2nd year of study all specialties. Development and preparation for publication of curricula and programs, teaching and methodological aids. One of the topical areas is the organization of a healthy lifestyle on an outpatient basis, as well as improvement of methodological and constructive aspects.Implementation of various forms of cooperation with Russian and foreign medical and educational institutions, organizations and firms. Raising high moral character and ethical character in health care workers: honesty, disinterestedness, patriotism, humanism and love for their profession.Organization of experience exchange in the field of professional education of teachers, academic mobility and consulting activiti
Today, Ph.D. associate professor Baratova M.S. supervises the activities of the department. The department closely cooperates with the Tashkent Medical Academy, Samarkand Medical Institute, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Andijan Medical Institute, as well as with foreign universities such as Dagestan Medical University, Abu Ali Ibn Sino Medical Institute in Dushanbe-Tajikistan, Almaty State University in Kazakhstan. Today, the department actively cooperates on academic mobility with the Ryazan State Medical University named after Pavlov, and also cooperates in SOPs for training residents’ doctors with the Moscow National Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine.
Over the past 3 years, the staff of the department has published a number of textbooks, monographs, etc., including: Ph.D. Associate Professor Ataeva M.A. co-author of textbooks “Management in nursing”, “Hamshiralik ishida boshkaruv”, “Hamshiralik ishida boshqaruv”, Umarov S.Kh., Ataeva M.A., Baratova M.S., “Ultrasonic technology and modern ultrasound technology”, Kobylova G .AND. in collaboration with the National Guide to COVID-19, Atoeva M.A. monographs: “Sanitary protection of water sources of water supply” together with the Kursk National Medical Institute and “Restrictive measures during an epidemic: a historical excursion and problems of the present time”.
Baratova M.S. participated in an international conference in Russia in 2018, received the Socrates Medal and Honored Worker of Science and Education, Professor N.A. Nuraliev and Ph.D. Ataeva M.A. received the Hippocrates Medal RAS.
In 2019, a team of students named after “Avicenna” of the Bukhara Medical Institute, headed by Atoeva M.A. took 2nd place at the III All-Russian International Olympiad in Dagestan and were awarded a diploma. In 2020, the head of the department, Baratova M.S. with a team of students “Avicenna” were awarded a diploma in the category “International Leader”.
The staff of the department received 1 patent “Forecast of atrial fibrillation and development of the left atrium in patients with severe arterial hypertension with normal and unintentional left ventricular diastolic dysfunction”, 3 computer programs. More than 100 articles in the journals of the local Higher Attestation Commission of the department employees and dissertations, about 40 articles have been published in foreign scientific journals. The staff of the department annually takes an active part in public relations on television and radio on topical topics of medicine. In the cities and districts of the region, lectures and talks were held on promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population, videos were shown, and this work continues.
The staff of the department conducts research in the following areas:
1) Hygienic direction: Kobilova G.A. – “Hygienic assessment of the state of labor and the development of preventive measures for workers in the field of agricultural production in the context of production modernization.”
2) Hygiene: Salomova H.J. – “Toxicological and hygienic assessment of the insecticide Zaragen and the development of regulatory documents.”
3) Morphology: Fayziev Kh.B. – “Changes in the morphometric parameters of the spleen in traumatic brain injury.”
4) Dentistry: Rajabova D.B. – Development of complex treatment of periodontal diseases in combination with cardiovascular diseases.
5) Dentistry: Vokhidov U.G. – ” Improving the treatment and prevention of fluorosis in school-age children”.