Scientific activity of the staff of the department
28.12.2021 2022-04-26 12:34Scientific activity of the staff of the department
In 15-21.11.2021 associate professor of the department Pulatov Sadriddin Sayfullaevich exchanged experience in the field of academic mobility at the Kazakh State University named after M. Avezov, who is included in the QS 1000 rating.
Educational and methodical activities of the department.
The staff of the department develop curricula, textbooks on the topics of practical classes, develop new forms of control of students’ knowledge.
The department implements an educational program for the preparation of masters in the specialty of neurorehabilitation. Clinical residents will be trained in sports medicine and neurorehabilitation.
The scientific work of students is encouraged at the department. Students participate in research, hold regular meetings of the student scientific circle, participate in various student conferences, and also participate in republican Olympiads and take pride of place.
The staff of the department is actively involved in the treatment, diagnosis and consultation of patients.
The staff of the department is actively involved in the spiritual and educational activities of the institute.