History of the department
22.01.2022 2022-03-24 14:53History of the department
The department was established by the first rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Professor AIMuminov on the basis of the order No. 4/7 dated October 30, 1990. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor RD Davronov, who had previously worked at the Department of Histology II Tashkent State Medical University, was appointed head of the department.
The department began its work on September 2, 1991-1992 academic year in the following structure (Figure 1):
– R.D.Davronov – head of the department
– J.A. Porsoyev – assistant, responsible for academic affairs
– RH Hamdamov – assistant, responsible for economic affairs
– RY Ergashev – assistant, responsible for spiritual and educational work
– AA Tukhtaev – assistant, responsible for scientific affairs
– NN Khabibullayeva – senior laboratory assistant
– N.Ochilova – laboratory assistant
The first structure of the department of histology (1991-1992 academic year)
During the past period at the Department of Histology worked the following professors – teachers and technical staff: BA Khidoyatov – Head of the Department, Professor; from assistants: R.Kh.Khamdamov, A.A.Tukhtaev, Sh.Sidikova, M.J.Khamroyeva, H.T.Rajabov, N.E.Tukhsanova, Z.J.Jumayeva, J.G.Kenjayeva, M.Safarova, O.I.Jabborova, K.Sh.Jumayev; From laboratory assistants: M.Khidoyatova, M.Kh.Bakhronova, N.I.Khabibullayeva
Professors and teachers of the department carry out research work on the following issues:
1) To study the effect of various antigens and adverse environmental factors on the structure and function of members of the immune system;
2) To study the effect of natural and artificial nutritional factors on the morphology of members of the endocrine system (in the experimental case);
3) To study the effect of cases of toxic hepatitis and chronic enterocolitis on the lactation process and the formation of members of the immune system in the next generation.
In order to optimize the educational process, from April 22, 2005 the departments of histology and medical biology continued their activities in a unified manner. During these years, the heads of the department were appointed Associate Professor RD Davronov (2005-2013) and Professor BA Hidoyatov (2013-2016).
It is known that Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor BA Khidoyatov has been working as a Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Bukhara State Medical Institute for almost 20 years since 1996. He has lectured and practiced human anatomy and histology at a high methodological level. During the work of Professor BA Hidoyatov as the head of the department under his scientific guidance was trained 1 master (BS Shokirov), one of whom is currently working as an assistant at the department.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B.A. Khidoyatov
New educational technologies (educational multimedia, Internet messages, distance learning, etc.) and interactive methods (“Round table”, “Brainstorming”, “Pen on the table” in the teaching of histology, cytology and embryology at the department ”,“ Tour the Gallery ”and so on.
Assistant Oripova N.A. class is taking place.
. In the past, the staff of the department has prepared 9 textbooks, 3 monographs, more than 200 multimedia, 30 textbooks and more than 100 scientific articles.
The IX Congress of the International Association of Morphologists and the IV Congress of the Association of Morphologists of Uzbekistan were held on May 14-17, 2008 at the Bukhara State Medical Institute with the active participation of the staff of the department.
One of the main activities of the department is spiritual-educational work. This activity is carried out with the population of districts of Bukhara region, in academic groups, in student dormitories. The topics of the event are wide and include the decrees of the President, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders of ministries and khokimiyats, the activities of the “teacher-student” system and the current issues of the day.
Members of the department at the student scientific conference (2010)
Omsk Medical University of the Russian Federation (Head of the Department of Histology, Professor BBSemchenko), Karaganda Medical University of Kazakhstan (Associate Professor BBBritko), Osh Medical University of Kyrgyzstan (Head of the Department of Histology, Professor STShatmanov) , In collaboration with the University of Health Sciences of the Republic of Turkey (Professor of Histology and EmbryologySapmaz Tansel) conducts teaching and research.