Educational-methodical management
27.09.2021 2022-06-07 15:16Educational-methodical management
Department staff
Chief specialist
Chief specialist
Leading specialist
The future of any society is determined by the level of development of the education system, which is its integral part and vital necessity. Today, the reform and improvement of the continuous education system of our country, which is on the path of independent development, has increased, raising it to a new quality level, the introduction of advanced pedagogical, information technologies, and an increase in the effectiveness of education to the level of state policy. With the adoption of the Law “On Education” and the “National Curriculum”, the foundations of modern education were laid through the system of lifelong education. At a time when the Republic of Uzbekistan is on the way of building a democratic, legal and civil society, the main goal and driving force of the ongoing reforms in the field of education is the upbringing of a comprehensively developed person.
The President pays great attention to the development of education and adopts a number of laws, including the Resolution “On strengthening the material and technical base of higher educational institutions, as well as further improving the quality of training highly qualified personnel” No. 1533, “On the further development of the language teaching system” No. 1875, “ On the further improvement of the system of training and certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel “No. 4456,” On the development of medical education in the Republic of Uzbekistan “, Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2956” On measures to further reform the system “and No. 3151” On measures for further expanding the participation of industries and sectors of the economy in improving the quality of training of highly qualified specialists “, No. 5847” On approval of the Concept for the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 “imposes even greater responsibilities on each specialist working in the field of education.
-The educational and methodological department is an independent part of the institute and is subordinate to the vice-rector for educational work of the institute.
-The educational and methodological department includes an educational department, a methodological office.
-The educational and methodological department plans and organizes the educational process at the institute, directs and monitors the educational and methodical work of departments, dean’s offices and faculties.
Currently, there are the head of the educational department, 2 methodologists, 2 chief specialists, 1 leading specialist, 1 head of educational work, 1 dispatcher in the educational-methodological department.
Tasks of the department
- Implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Training Program, decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the “Oliy Majlis” and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and upbringing of the younger generation.
- Studying regulatory documents of higher education: Classifier of directions and specialties of higher education, Qualification requirements for bachelors of higher education, State educational standard and requirements for the content of the minimum required level of knowledge for obtaining a master’s degree in a specialty.
- Unification of educational and professional programs of higher education, the implementation of organizational and methodological support for mobility and membership.
- Development of the foundations for the formation of curriculum and scientific programs, taking into account the needs of personnel.
- Implementation of the priorities of scientific, technical and socio-economic development of the country.
- Application of foreign experience in the organization of the educational process.
- Development of measures for the widespread use of modern information and computer technologies.
- Recruitment of teachers with hourly pay, control of their workload.
- Implementation of activities related to educational and methodological work at the institute, monitoring the implementation of the requirements of the new regulations on the department, dean’s office and faculties of the new curriculum and higher medical education.
- Control over the implementation by the department and deans of the schedule of the educational process and industrial practice.
- Organize the final schedule of the educational process in all disciplines in accordance with the curriculum. To study and take into account the proposals and wishes of the department and deans in this regard.
- Control over the educational process in the rating system for assessing students’ knowledge.
- Organization of work on the improvement and revision of educational programs, control over their implementation.
- Scheduling classes for the semester and academic year.
- Control over the correctness and timeliness of the educational process by the staff and students of the department.
- Instructing teachers on the methodological work of the department.
- Providing the departments with the necessary programs and methodological developments.
- Organization and control of the implementation of “New pedagogical technologies” and “Interactive techniques” in the educational process.
- Checking the readiness of departments to accept the final attestation, participation in the organization of state attestations.
- The Academic Council of the Institute, the Rector’s Council, the Central Methodological Commission to raise issues related to educational work, and prepare a draft decision, monitor their implementation.
- Control over work in the educational department, dean’s office and departments.
- Conducting the results of the reports of the dean’s office and departments for the academic year.
- Preparation of a certificate on behalf of the rector of the institute and the vice-rector for academic affairs.
- Determination of the number of teaching hours in subjects in accordance with the curriculum and monitoring its implementation.
The educational and methodological department, under the leadership of the vice-rector for educational work, together with the dean’s office and departments, performs the following work:
-Ensuring the implementation of decisions and instructions of higher organizations related to the educational process;
-Preparation and approval of curriculum for bachelor’s and master’s degrees, developed at the institute in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard;
-Development and preparation for the approval of working curriculum for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in their curriculum and disciplines;
-Determination of the staffing table of departments, taking into account the total workload of the university and the contingent of students, as well as the recommendation of recruiting the teaching staff in accordance with the regulations;
-Nomination of candidates for approval by the Ministry of the heads of state certification commissions;
-To recommend the composition of the state certification commissions and control their activities;
-To recommend the composition of the state certification commissions and control their activities;
-Consideration and control of the provision of students with textbooks, teaching aids and other literature for blocks of curricula in accordance with state standards;
-Provision of complete educational and methodological complexes of subjects of the curriculum, their actualization;
-Control students’ knowledge of the rating system, the formation of their written works and compliance with the regulations;
-Development of annual and calendar plans of work to improve the qualifications and academic level of professors and teachers;
-Development and control of annual work plans to improve the qualifications of teachers;
-Preparation of materials for the Academic Council on the opening of new departments, faculties, specialties;
-Carrying out the certification of laboratory assistants under the guidance of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs in conjunction with the personnel department;
-Control the preparation of dean’s offices and departments for the new academic year.
It should be noted that the large-scale reforms carried out today in our country are aimed at creating sufficient conditions for young people to acquire deep knowledge and knowledge of the secrets of the profession. Therefore, we must make a great contribution to the development of our country, along with the formation of our knowledge and skills, effectively using the opportunities created for them by young people.
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