Faculty of advanced training for doctors
24.09.2021 2023-07-15 16:26Faculty of advanced training for doctors
Yuldasheva Rano Urinbaevna
Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Medical Training
The Faculty of Advanced Medical Training was established at the Bukhara State Medical Institute. Abu Ali ibn Sino on the basis of the Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and BGMI No. 1 dated 15.05.2015, by order of BGMI No. 224/4 dated 03.07.2015. Its main task was to continue the work on retraining and advanced training of doctors. To date, an important area is the additional professional education of practitioners, which is currently being implemented in the course of educational programs of various durations, taking into account the requirements of the model of continuing medical education.
The purpose, objectives and direction of activity of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Doctors is the training, advanced training and professional retraining of medical personnel who are competitive in the conditions of rapid development of medical technologies, capable of as a result
At the departments of the faculty, doctors are trained in cycles of improvement, primary specialization. Upon completion of the training, it is possible to pass a certification exam with a specialist certificate.
FUV works in accordance with the training and production plan, which is approved at a meeting of the Academic Council after coordination with the territorial health authority with subsequent approval by the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.
The faculty consists of 1 department and 3 courses:
– Department of Retraining and Advanced training of family doctors
– The course of “Emergency ambulance and resuscitation”
– Course “Obstetrics and gynecology”
– Course of “Dentistry”
Head of the Department
senior lecturer
Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Family Doctors
Medical personnel training courses are conducted by the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Family Doctors of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Doctors of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. The main activity of the faculty is the organization and training of doctors working in the public and private sectors of Bukhara, Navoi region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan in general and thematic advanced training courses (144, 72, 36, 18 hours).
Practical classes and lectures are conducted by the teaching staff working at the department, as well as visiting specialists from far and near abroad. Practical classes are held in the clinic of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, clinics, private clinics and polyclinics that have contracts with the Institute. Cadets are invited to participate in international scientific and practical conferences and seminars held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute. In 2021, cycles of 15 general and thematic courses (144, 72, 36, 18 hours) were conducted, developed by the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of family doctors of the Bukhara State Medical Institute and approved by the Ministry of Health
History of the department
The Department of General Practitioners Training was founded on September 1, 1994. At that time, the department was referred to as the department of “therapy of the 6th course”. The head of the department was appointed the chief physician of the polyclinic No. 1 of the city of Bukhara, a doctor of the highest category, H.K.Botirova, at that time 7 assistants actively conducted pedagogical activities at the department. The main base of the course was considered to be the city polyclinic No. 1.
In January 1995, the course was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sharipova Nodira Juraevna.
The number of bases has increased since March of the same year. The number of key assistants has increased to 6. The regional hospital, the united polyclinic No. 4, and the regional cardiology dispensary have been added to the bases. On a competitive basis, 6 active and talented students were the first to be accepted and trained in the “experimental group of family doctors training” approved by the Council of the Medical Institute. In December 1995, by the decision of the Institute’s Council, the course was renamed the “Department of Therapy of the VI course”. In September 1997, the department was renamed the “Department of General Practitioners Training” and the training of general practitioners started. At that time, 40 assistants at the department (21 of them were on the main, 13 people worked part-time) taught students in the areas of internal diseases, endocrinology, hematology, skin and venereal diseases, infectious diseases. 4 candidates of medical sciences, 3 doctors of the highest category, 10 doctors of the first category were active. Scientific research was also carried out by two doctoral students, two graduate students and one clinical resident.
The department consisted of 18 clinical bases: city hospital, district hospital, children’s and infectious diseases hospital, tuberculosis and dermatovenereological dispensaries, polyclinics No. 1 and No. 4, Khanabad, Tor-Tor and Zarmanak rural medical centers, city ambulance. In those academic years, 20 assistants worked at the department, the department was headed by MD, Professor Sharipova Nodira Juraevna.
On December 10, 1998, with the support of the World Bank, repair work began in the department, as a result of which the educational and medical departments started working from 01.09.99. The department was equipped with modern educational and medical equipment. Seven medical departments of the city general polyclinic No. 4 functioned at the department, in which 5 doctors of the department and 2 practicing doctors of polyclinic No. 4 worked tirelessly. Based on the basic principles and job responsibilities of general practitioners, they provided qualified medical care to a population of 8,500 people. The educational and therapeutic process was carried out on modern educational and diagnostic equipment. Fourteen employees of the department have successfully completed advanced training courses for general practitioners according to international standards under the “Health-1” program and have been awarded international certificates.
At that time, the “Health” project was carrying out significant work in the field of medicine, healthcare in the country, and on the initiative of this project, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 3, 2003 No. 31/329 and a positive decision of the Personnel training Department at the city polyclinic No. 4, the “Department of GP training” and “Educational and Medical VP-2 training center”.
Under the auspices of the rector of the Institute, Professor R.M.Akhmedov, in September 2003, reconstruction work began on the 1st (for the medical department) and 4th floors (for the educational department) of the building of the children’s polyclinic No. 4 (“Children’s Wellness Center”) in Bukhara for the “Educational and Medical Center for the preparation of GP-2”. Work has been carried out on the reconstruction of the educational and medical center. In 2 months, 18 classrooms in the educational department were repaired and commissioned, and in September 2004 – 6 offices of the medical department and the registry.
The World Bank and the Healthcare Project provided educational and medical equipment in the amount of 52103450.01 soums for the 2nd Educational and Medical Training Center of the GP.
Since April 2004, classes for 6-7 courses have started in the 2nd Training Center of the GP, and since September, within the framework of the Health project, a total of 39 cadets from Surkhandarya, Navoi and Bukhara regions have completed a 10-month training course for advanced training of doctors.
According to the Order No. 398 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 29, 2002 and Order No. 363 §1 of the Bukhara Regional Health Department dated November 15, 2004, in the children’s polyclinic No. 4 of Bukhara, within the framework of the Health Care project program, a “GP Department” was created on the basis of the educational and treatment center, consisting of 6 units serving 5200 a man.
On January 4, 2009, the sudden and untimely death of the head of the Department, MD, Professor N.D. Sharipova was a great loss for our university.
From January 2009 to 2015, the department was headed by PhD, Associate Professor Zharilkasinova G.Zh.
During this time, the department has trained a large number of qualified personnel for the primary health care system.
Under her strict guidance, within the framework of the Health project, from 2001 to 2002, qualified teachers of the department underwent advanced training at leading universities in the UK (London) and Estonia
Since 2013, the department has professionally debuted fruitful cooperation with the University of Alberta, Canada, on a project to develop the prospects of distance learning, problems of electronic medical education. The initiator of the project is Ural State Medical University, the participants are Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Bukhara State Medical Institute. The staff of the medical base was one of the first in the Republic of Uzbekistan to undergo a 10-month course of GP / OT. The admission of patients according to the primary system has started.
The Faculty of Advanced Training of Doctors (hereinafter FUV) was established at the Bukhara State Medical Institute. Abu Ali ibn Sino (hereinafter referred to as BGMI) on the basis of an Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and BGMI for No. 1 dated 15.05.2015, by order of BGMI No. 224/4 dated 03.07.2015. Its main task was to continue the work on retraining and advanced training of general practitioners of Bukhara, Navoi, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions. To date, in addition to the main task, the following areas have been added to the FUV: advanced training of doctors working in private medical institutions with the issuance of medical categories on the basis of Order No. 426 of 31.07.2017. “On the creation of advanced training courses for doctors of private medical institutions and the issuance of a qualification category.”
Since 2015, Ph.D., Associate Professor Zharilkasinova G.Zh. was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of the VP. Under her leadership, the staff of the departments directed all their efforts to improve the educational process in connection with the new requirements of modern pedagogy
Since 2015, R.U.Yuldashova has been appointed to the post of head of the educational part.
She took her duties responsibly. Organizing current and long-term planning, coordinated the development of the necessary educational and methodological documentation, systematically carries out quality control and monitoring of the educational process.
Having excellent theoretical training, extensive pedagogical experience, successfully manages the educational, educational, methodical work of the teaching staff of the department, skillfully directs teachers to implement curricula and programs, to improve the quality of knowledge, equipping classrooms with handouts. The staff of the department has always provided and provides extensive assistance in conducting educational, medical and scientific work to employees of other departments and clinics, as well as practical doctors.
Since 2019, Yuldashova R.U. has been appointed to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Medical Training. Its methodological readiness, general and pedagogical culture is the key to the effectiveness of the department, each of its employees.
Since September 2020, the department has been headed by the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Tilloeva Sh.Sh.
She is a responsible performer and leader, has a large baggage of scientific works, a person of inexhaustible energy and diligence, her activities are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of the personality of the teacher and pupil, her active life position aims the entire team to achieve high results, infects them with optimism, the desire to move forward.
Currently, the department, in addition to training general practitioners, also operates the course “Emergency Care”.
Activities of the department
The Department of Retraining and Improvement of Family Doctors currently conducts lectures, practical and seminars on general education and thematic refresher courses for the training and retraining of medical workers working in primary health care institutions in Bukhara, Navoi region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Educational processes of employees of the Navoi region healthcare system.
The processes of training employees of the healthcare system of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
The process of lecturing by Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases and Resuscitation of Bukhara State Medical Institute M.Abdurakhmanov to the audience of the Department of Retraining and advanced training of family doctors.
The department also conducts lectures and seminars in cooperation with foreign professors.
The innovative development of the assistant of the department Adizova Dilnavoz was funded by the Ministry of Innovative Development.
D.R. Adizova at the exhibition of innovative ideas “Innoweek-2022”
Dilnavoz Adizova, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Family Doctors, attended a training seminar at the University of Freiburg Clinic in Freiburg, Germany, based on the ChildCA Erasmus+ program by invitation from September 4 to October 1, 2022.
A new master's program in the field of medical engineering is being developed in Uzbekistan
On April 25-27 of this year, the first meeting seminar of the international Erasmus+ program 101082221-UzMedEn “Development of a new master’s program and training courses in the field of medical engineering in Uzbekistan” funded by the European Union was held at the International University of Chemistry in Tashkent. The leadership of BSMI,vice-rector for international cooperationL.Niyazov, associate professor of the Faculty and Department of Hospital Therapy, Nephrology and Hemodialysis K.Abdullayeva, assistant of the Medical Chemistry DepartmentU.Gapurov, and assistant of the Department of Biophysics and Information Technologies in Medicine Z. Narzullayeva, took part in above mentioned meeting.
This project is recommended for financing in 2023-2025, the project cost is 471 thousand euros.
Partner universities in the project:
- Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering
- Bukhara State Medical Institute
- Bukhara Institute of Engineering Technologies
- Polytechnic University of Turin in the city of Tashkent
- Andijan State Medical Institute
- Tashkent International University of Chemistry
- Tashkent University of Information Technologies
- Riga Technical University – RTU (Latvia)
- Vilnius Technical University – VILNIUSTECH (Lithuania)
The coordinator of this project is G. Jarilkasinova, the vice-rector for academic affairs of our institute.
The goal of the project is to train highly qualified personnel who produce, manage and service equipment, software and technologies used in diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation processes.
Sultonova Nigora Azamovna assistant of the Department of Retraining and Qualification of Family Physicians about visit to Kazakhstan National Medical University named after S. D. Asfandiyarov
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