History of the department
29.12.2021 2022-03-24 15:50History of the department
A group of enterprising scientists, Professor RMAkhmedov and Professor NJ Sharipova of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, applied to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a proposal to train a General Practitioner / Family Physician in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
After studying this proposal and considering the expediency of training general practitioners / family doctors in Bukhara region, on September 4, 1995 with the assistance of the Council of Rectors of Republican Medical Universities, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Regional Bureau of the European Consulting Service to Bukhara State Medical Institute The right to conduct an experiment to approve the DGP / FD training program was granted. In preparing the curriculum, European countries (Greece, Italy, Sweden, UK, Slovenia), WHO Charter, a one-month in-service training course on maternal and child health at the University of Connecticut in Hartford (USA) tgan.
The founder of the department, Professor Sharipova N.J, used training programs for general practitioners. During a visit to a clinic in Farmington and during a practical training, Nodira Juraevna was interested in organizing family medicine. The department was established in 1995 by the order of the rector of the institute R.M Akhmedov and NJ Sharipova was appointed the head of the department.
DSc prof.Sharipova NJ (1995-2009)
DSc docent
Jarilkasinovn GJ (2009-2015)
PhD docent
Badritdinova MN (2015- y)
Work on measures defined in the model “Healthy mother – healthy child”
Sheets of measures for the implementation of the program “Health-3”
On November 14-15, 2013 the head of the department Jarilkasinova GJ participated in the IV All-Russian Congress in Tatarstan with a report on “Bukhara State Technical University DGP / FD”