Research works

Currently, the department has 7 PhDs, 3 associate professors, 4 basic doctoral students, 6 independent researchers, With 18 assistants, they have been contributing to the education of the younger harmoniously developed generation.

Today at the department BKBadriddinova “Assessment of the risk factors for the development of terminal renal insufficiency in type 2 diabetes mellitus”, Sh.M. Akhmedova “Comparative classification of morphometric parameters of the thymus under the influence of different stages of brain injury”, GI Akhmedova “Risk, risk factors and organization of the prevention of proteolytic arterial hypertension in the framework of metabolic syndrome”, K.Sh.Djumayev comparative features of people’s physical growth indicators in relation to lifestyle ”, Sh.N. Nurulloyeva conducts research on the topic of “Prevention of obesity and body weight at different levels of hyperglycemia.

” Employees of the department have published more than 150 scientific articles and theses in national and foreign scientific journals, 80 of which are in prestigious foreign journals. In the chair 25 textbooks, 2 electronic textbooks, 10 monographs, more than 70 teaching aids, 7 computer program certificates, 7 methodical recommendationsIt is prepared in Uzbek-Russian languages and is used in science lessons. Employees of the department have achieved a number of successes during their professional careers. Since the establishment of the Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, they have participated in many grant projects and programs, improving their skills in prestigious universities abroad. In particular, in 2001-2002, qualified teachers of the department were Ph.D. Badritdinova MN, Ph.D. Juraeva HI, PhD Saidova LB, Soliev AO. and others have trained in the United Kingdom (London) and Estonia as part of the Health Project. On September 16-17, 2010 the trainers of the department took part in the anniversary conference of the Republic “Development of primary SS in Uzbekistan for the past ten years.”

In the Uzhealth project in 2014-2017 as part of the Tempus project

the department attended. In the framework of the project Jarilkasinova GJ, Tairov M.Sh., Soliev A.O. , Karomatov IJ, Ruziyev OA, Mavlonov NH, University of Pisa, Italy, Nitra University, Slovakia, 1 bachelor’s student returned to Belgium, 2 master’s students returned to Slovakia, Italy, Belgium, Portugal . As part of this project, the institute received equipment worth 7,000 euros. In November 2017, Toirov M.Sh. won the Erasmus + professor teacher mobility grant. , Teshayev Sh.J., Olimov S.Sh. 2017 2020 Erasmus + project IHOD project grant was awarded, on the basis of which the department received equipment worth 5,000 euros, and the staff of the department has been training in Italy, Spain, Ireland. In addition, 6 masters have studied at universities in Lithuania, Italy and Ireland. In 2018, Pavia of Italy, Dublin of Ireland, Kaunas of Lithuania returned to study at the universities of Valencia, Spain in 2019.

Badritdinova MN and Saidova LB returned to Moscow with a speech at the conference “Health and Education in the XXI Century”, which took place on December 16-17, 2019. In 2019, as part of the Erasmus + project, the mobility of professors and teachers was won, and Tairov M.Sh. , Roziyev OA, advanced training at the University of Kosice, Slovakia. In September 2020, Soliev A.O. Mehr was generously awarded a breastplate for her selfless work.

Currently, the department has 21 professors and teachers who carry out their pedagogical and medical work with pride and satisfaction.

Employees of the department during the lesson

The department participated in the Uzhealth project as part of the Tempus project

Visits of the staff of the department to medical facilities

Erasmus + professor teacher mobility grant won

Soliyev A.O ‘. He was awarded the Medal of Mercy and Generosity for his selfless work.

Participation in the IHOD project tfn dots. Badritdinova MN

Employees of the department have been training at the University of Koshnitsa, Slovakia

Assistant of the department Djumaev K.Sh. won the pedagogical grant in 2012

In September 2020, ONHusenov was admitted to the joint doctoral program of German and Uzbek universities.

There are scientific circles on the scientific theme of the department. In 2018-2019, talented students were trained under the guidance of Ph.D., Associate Professor Badritdinova Matluba Najmiddinovna and Juraeva Hafiza Iskandarovna. Achieved high results at the international scientific conference. In 2021, Salimbayeva Nigina, a student of the 607th group of the Medical Faculty, was awarded the honorary 2nd place in the Republican Science Olympiad in the field of “Therapy”.

In order to ensure the implementation of the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 14, 2018 No 10-5 / 4345 Professors and teachers of the Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology headed by MN Badritdinova from November 28 to December 1 The general medical registration phase of the “Patronage Month” is divided into sections of apartments attached to primary health care facilities, district multidisciplinary central polyclinics, urban and rural family clinics, medical staff of rural medical centers, a contingent in need of targeted patronage, complex, heavy and unexplained ”patients were identified and referred to the second phase of care.

The event was dedicated to the Day of Medical Workers of Bukhara. Hokim of Bukhara region O. for his selfless work and active participation in public affairs. He was awarded a diploma by Barnoev.