

About the course

Pharmacy —study and research of the creation of medicines and medical devices, as well as their production, manufacture, quality control, standardization methods, state registration, storage, information about them, implementation of such tasks as delivery and sale to pharmacies and medical institutions. Complex of scientific and practical activities. 18-веку сформировалась как наука pharmaceutical chemistry, types of medicines and technology of medicines, pharmacognosy, organization and its specialized disciplines, such as economics, forensic chemistry, the influence of medicines, types of medicines, methods of their administration, preparation technology and other factors the direction studies.

Entry Requirements

Copy of identity document (passport), original Higher education document, Copy of the international certificate confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of foreign language proficiency, photo 3×4.

Duration of training

3 years

Credit hours

(for local students)UZS 10 488 590

(international students) $3500-5500

Education code


Among the Courses Offered
  • Strategy of socio-economic development of Uzbekistan
  • Practical foreign language
  • Research work, scientific practice (internship) and preparation of a master’s thesis
  • Modern information and communication technologies
  • Methods of teaching special subjects
  • Pharmacological analysis