Фундаментал ва клиник тиббиёт ахборотномаси, 2024 (2), №8
Maqola mavzusi
Azimova Sh.Sh., Saidov A.A.
Buxoro davlat tibbiyot instituti
So‘nggi yillarda jahon stomatologiya amaliyoti bemorlarga yuqori sifatli yordam ko‘rsatishda sezilarli yutuqlarga erishdi. Bunga stomatologik kasalliklar etiologiyasini o‘rganish, stomatologiya materialshunosligining so‘nggi yutuqlari va zamonaviy tibbiy asbob-uskunalardan foydalangan holda ularni davolashning samarali usullarini yaratish bo‘yicha muayyan yutuqlar yordam berdi. Shu bilan birga, klinik tajriba shuni ko‘rsatadiki, shifokorlar “yomon” ishlab chiqarilgan protez, ya'ni og‘iz bo‘shlig‘ida begona jism haqida shikoyat qiladigan bemorlar bilan ko‘proq shug‘ullanishlari kerak, chunki ular og‘izga o‘rnatilgandan keyin birinchi marta paydo bo‘ladigan og‘riq va taktil diskomfort kabi noqulaylikni his qiladilar.
Kalit so'zlar
ortopedik reabilitatsiya, psixoemotsional buzilish, hayot sifati, tish protezlari
- Aзимова Ш.Ш. Оценка психоэмоциональных нарушений и качества жизни при ранней диагностике и лечения аномалий прикуса у детей O‘ZBEKISTONDA INNOVATSIYALAR VA // FANLARARO ILMIY TADQIQOTLAR JURNALI 19-сон 20.05.2023. 1821-1288 бет.
- Азимова Ш.Ш. Болаларда тишлов аномалияларини даволашнинг самарадорлиги // Tibbiyotda yangi kun 6 (56) 2023. 260-263 бет.
- Болаларда Азимова Ш.Ш., Саидов А.А. кесишган тишловни эрта ташхислаш ва даволашда тиббий-психологик даво-профилактика алгоритми // Услубий тавсиянома. - Бухоро, 2022. - 16 б.
- Саидов А.А., Азимова Ш.Ш., Абруев У.Р., Расулов М.М. Тиш-жағ тизими аномалиялари ва деформацияларининг Бухоро шаҳар мактаб ёшидаги болалар орасида тарқалиш даражасини ўрганиш // Доктор Ахборотномаси. - Самарқанд, 2020. - № 1. - С. 67-71. (14.00.00; № 20)
- Саидов А.А., Азимова Ш.Ш., Ахмедов Х.К. Тишлов аномалиялари ва чакка пастки жағ бўғими дисфункцияси бўлган болалар оғиз бўшлиғи гигиеник ҳолатини баҳолаш // Доктор Ахборотномаси. - Самарқанд, 2020. - №3 (95). - С. 70-73. (14.00.00; № 20)
- Саидов А.А. Азимова Ш.Ш. Оценка некоторых показателей ротовой жидкости у детей с патологией прикуса и височно нижнечелюстного сустава // Тиббиётда янги кун. - Бухоро, 2022. - №5 (43). - С. 228-232. (14.00.00; № 22)
- Саидов А.А. Оценка некоторых по казателей ротовой жидкости у детей с патологией височно-нижнечелюстного сустава // Monografia pokonferencyjna. Science, research, development #31. Rotterdam. - 2020.-P.30-32.
- Саидов А.А., Азимова Ш.Ш. Опре деление основных этиологических факторов у детей с дисфункцией височно нижнечелюстного сустава // Monografia pokonferencyjna. Science, research, development #32. Berlin. -2020.-P. 48-51.
- Aliev Navruz Khasanovich. Correction of Internal Disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint Using Muscle Relaxation Splints Made with Cad/Cam Technologies // 2022.10.28. Vol. 1 – p. 160-166.
- Azimova Sh.Sh. Medical Psychologi cal Approach In The Development Of Early Diagnosis And Treatment Of Children’s Crossbite // Eurasian Scientific Herald. – Volume 3, Issue, December, 2021. – Р.31-36. (JIF: 8.225)
- Azimova Shakhnoza Shukhratovna Effectiveness of treatment of malocclusion in children // International Journal of Cognitive Neurosciences and Phsychology. - Volume 1, Issue 1, September, 2023. – Р. 30-34.
- Azimova Shakhnoza Shukhratovna, Saidov Akbar Ahadovich Algorithm for Early Detection and Treatment of Malocclusion in Children // International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine. - Volume 1, Issue 2, September, 2023. – Р. 22-29.
- Azimova Shakhnoza Shukhratovna, Saidov Akbar Ahadovich Assessment of the Violation of the Psycho-Emotional State and Quality of Life of Patients with Malocclusion in the Process of Orthopedic Treatment // International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics. – Vol. No. 3, Issue 2, September, 2023. – Р. 13-18.
- Azimova Sh.Sh., Saidov A.A., Ibragimovа F.I. Medical and Psychological Approach in the Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cutaneous Bite in Children // Annals of the Romanion Society for Cell Biology. – Volume 21, Issue 4, March, 2021. – Р. 16137-16142. (Scopus)
- Azimova Sh.Sh. Comprehensive Assessment of Psycho-Emotional Disorders and Quality of Life of Patients with Dentition Defects in the Process of Orthopedic Rehabilitation // Research Journal of Trauma and Disability Studies. - Volume: 2 Issue: 10 | Oct – 2023. – Р. 21-26. ISSN: 2720-6866.
- Hamidovich, J. A., & Ahadovich, S. A. (2022). Assessment of Quality of Life During Orthopedic Treatment of Patients with Diseases of the Mucosa of the Oral Cavity. Texas Journal of Medical Science, 8, 96-100.
- Saidov A.A. Assessment of some indicators of oral liquid in children with the pathology of the temior-lower under jaw joint // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, Indiya, 2020.Vol 9, Issue 1, january. – Р. 59-63.
- Saidov A.A. Hygienic condition of the oral cavity during orthodontic treatment of children with temporomandibular joint dysfunction // The Pharma Innovation Journal. Indi ya,2020. - № 9(6). - Р. 589-591.
- Saidov A.A., Olimov S.SH., Gaffarov S.A., Akhmadaliev N.N. The value of matrix metalloproteases and connective tissue markers in the pathology of temp-jaw joint in children // Journal of critical reviews, 2020. Vol 7, – P. 44 49.
- Saidov A.A., Gaffarov S.A. Evaluation of some indicators of oral fluidin children with temporоmandibular joint pathology// International journal of Innovations in engineering research and technology- 2020. -P.16-18.
- Shakhnoza Shukhratovna Azimova Medical Psychology Algorithm of Prevention and Treatment of Malocclusion among Children Aged 10-18 // International Journal of Health Systems and Medical Sciences ISSN: 2833-7433 Volume 2 | No 5 | May -2023. – Р. 300-308.