Khasanova Dilnoza Akhrorovna (DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01).
27.11.2021 2021-11-27 17:28Khasanova Dilnoza Akhrorovna (DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01).
To the member of the Scientific Council DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01 awarding scientific degrees at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
The next meeting of the Scientific Council DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01 will be held on December 2, 2021 at 12:30 in the small conference hall on the 3rd floor of the main building of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.