Center for Digital Learning Technologies

Center for Digital Learning Technologies

Farmonov Sunnatullo Shokhirovich

Head of the center

Staff of the department

Salokhiddinov Sukhrob Sayfiddinovich
Sultanov Feruz Rakhmonovich
Zairov Maqsud Islamovich
Zairov Makhsud Islamovich
Ergashev Zavkhiy Khayyumovich
graphic designer
Bozorov Azizbek Azamovich
Local Area Network and video surveillance system administrator
Zakirov Ibrokhim Ravshanovich
Content manager
Narziyev Mukhriddin Zayniddinovich
Audiovisual systems administrator

History of the Center

Khamroyev R.R (2004-2006 y.

Umurov.F.H (2007-2019 y.

T.S.Jalolov (2019-2020y.)

Zairov M.I (2020-2024 y.

Farmonov S.SH (2024- h.v.

The center was led by Hamroyev Rustam Rasulovich from 2004 to 2006. From 2007 to 2019, it was headed by Umurov Fahriddin Hotamovich. From 2019 to 2020, the center was under the leadership of Jalolov Tursunbek Sadriddinovich. From 2020 to 2024, Zairov Maqsud Islomovich served as the director of the center. In 2024, Farmonov Sunnatullo Shokirovich became the head of the center.

Markaz xodimlari tarkibi


The Institute’s Information Technology Center operates on the basis of the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on measures to further improve the field of Information Technology and communications”dated February 19, 2018 PF-5349 and the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 08/1-580 dated February 2018.

The center is considered a structural unit of the Institute and carries out work related to the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational institution. The center conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the decisions and orders of the The center is directly subordinate to the vice-rector responsible for the introduction of the Act.

The following are the main functions of the center:

Timely notification of the leadership of the higher education institution about emerging taxdids to information security at the higher education institution, as well as Information Protection Consulting Services;
Organizes and supervises the management activities of the national network” e-education”;
Monitoring the correct operation of existing computer technology programs at the Institute;
Develop new digital content to enrich the educational process with interactive and innovative content and integrate them into the educational process;
Introduction of special cybersecurity programs;
Research, testing and inclusion of new educational technologies in the educational process;
Institute to make suggestions to the management to increase the computer stock at the expense of modern computers;
Monitoring the operation of the internet network, (e-mail) e-mail services on demand at the Institute, monitoring the timely reception and distribution of news and news;
To guide all the work carried out by the Institute on e-learning, as well as to establish relations with domestic and foreign higher educational institutions on the organization of e-learning;
Protection against unauthorized visits, modifications, falsifications and losses of information stored and transmitted from communication channels;
Identification of internal and external threats to information security;
Ensuring the modernity and truthfulness of information transmission;
Protection against unauthorized visits, modifications, falsifications and losses of information stored and transmitted from communication channels;
Unauthorized modification of software tools as well as loss protection;
Granting access to hardware, software and information resources for registered users;
Users who have worked with distributed resource and network services, such as registration in the Business Journal and keeping the correctness of the user’s behavior in control based on the periodic analysis of this journal;

The center provides the following functions to perform the tasks assigned to it


a) in the implementation and development of information and communication technologies, ensuring the smooth operation of their software and information security:
Implementation of measures aimed at eliminating and preventing the recurrence of malfunctions, errors and defects in digital products created or controlled by the center;
Making suggestions for the effective use of computer technology and technology in the learning process;
Determination of the need for computer study rooms and computers, determination of responsible persons and control the effective use of computer study rooms;
Installation and updating of digital products created or controlled by the Center on computers used in structural units;
Organization of educational and methodological and practical seminars dedicated to the issues of introduction and use of information and communication technologies;
Incorporating Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and other interactive technologies into the educational process
The center regularly organizes training courses in digital educational technology for teachers and students
Conduct a security audit to ensure information security and confidentiality, combat new threats, and introduce users to new security regulations;  
b) the Institute in organizing the effective use of the internet network, monitoring the performance of the corporate and local network:
To ensure that existing network devices (servers, svićs) in training buildings are constantly in operation and provide them with software services;
Control the operation of computers on a local network;
Monitoring the continuous operation of the video surveillance system installed in educational buildings;
To make proposals to the management of the Institute on the registration of contracts with providers in the appropriate manner on connection to the Internet network;
Ensure and monitor the effective use of the internet network of employees and students;
Monitoring the continuous operation of the Internet network through an internet connection and a software and technical inter-network screen, as well as taking measures to eliminate various risks;
d) in improving the official website and email service and ensuring continuous active operation, the provision of interactive services:
To provide the institution’s email service of employees operating in the constituent units and to monitor their correct use of email;
Digital products created or controlled by the center and the improvement of the official website and the placement in their own time of information provided by the Information Service regarding the activities of the Institute;
Ensure that the interactive services provided through the website are constantly in operation and updated;
e) in ensuring the integration of the Institute’s information systems into the global network, automation of the educational process, formation of an electronic scientific and methodological base and organization of continuous updating:
Development of existing programs for the automation of the educational process, as well as control over their effective use;
Organization of connection to Global information and legal and educational resources and their regular updating;
Ensure that digital products created or controlled by the center and special programs developed and introduced by the Ministry of higher and secondary special education are replenished in time with information relevant to the Institute;
Control over the effective use of the electronic document exchange system introduced at the Institute;
Create an e-learning resource base and monitor its completion and maintain a register;
Providing software support for the creation of electronic variants of the literature of the new generation;
Formation and control of continuous updating of the database of electronic textbooks being created;

To carry out the tasks and functions that the center has

it has the following rights:

Request materials and information relating to the activities of the department from the structural units of the Institute;
The center will implement new security technologies and take the necessary measures to protect users ‘ personal data;
To make proposals to the management of the Institute on the promotion of employees of the department who made a worthy contribution to the development of the Institute’s activities, were able to show their talent and knowledge, actively participated in public affairs, achieved achievements in various fields, showed an example of dedication;
To make proposals to the head of the Institute on the implementation of disciplinary sanctions carried out in the legislation in relation to the head and responsible employees who do not comply with the rules for the use of information and communication technologies and information security if necessary;
Participation in the development of documents on the activities of the center;
Approval and implementation of advanced training programs on the technologies used in the educational process of the center;
The center is necessary for the implementation of new technologies and testing of innovations in the educational process;
The center will implement new security technologies and take the necessary measures to protect users ‘ personal data;
The center can also have other rights in accordance with the legislation;


To ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to the center in the decisions of the Council of the Institute and the orders of the rector;
Timely and high-quality execution of tasks given by the management of the Institute;
To ensure high efficiency in all areas of activity, to actively participate in the activities of the Institute;
To consider appeals of individuals and legal entities within their competence;
To organize personal receptions in the prescribed manner for individuals and representatives of legal entities;
To comply with Labor and executive discipline and service tasks, to ensure the implementation of annual work plans;
The institute is obliged to comply with internal regulations, rules of etiquette, internal procedures of student accommodation.
The center may also be subject to other obligations in accordance with the legislation.

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