Those who worked as the head of the Department of commercialization of scientific innovations at the Bukhara State Medical Institute:
In 2018-2021 – I.I.Ismailov
In 2021-2022 – U.K.Abdullaeva
2022 y-Amonov son of Muhammad Komil
From 2023 to now, Sherov Sherzod Abdurasulovich was appointed head of the Department of commercialization of scientific innovation development.
Organization of the Department of commercialization of scientific innovations: In order to ensure the implementation of Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the PQ-3698 decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 7, 2018 “on additional measures to improve mechanisms for introducing innovations into sectors and sectors of the economy” and the implementation of Order No. 594 of the Minister of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 5, 2018 the section Charter for commercialization is approved.
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