Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Medicine

Khudoyberdiyev Dilshod Karimovich

PhD, associate professor

dean of the faculty

2015-2016 – A doctor at a rural medical center in the Gijduvan district of Uzbekistan

2016-2017 – Doctor on duty in the emergency department of the Samarkand District Medical Association

2017-2019 – Bukhara State Medical Institute otorhinolaryngology, oncology and ophthalmology

assistant of the department

2019-2022 – Assistant of the Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute

2022-2022 – Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute

2022-2023 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Students of the Bukhara State Medical Institute

2023 – h.v. – Head of the medical faculty of the Bukhara State Medical Institute

1. Khudoyberdiev D.K. Vliyanie factorov vneshney sredy na morfologiyu jeludka // Problems of biology and medicine. Samarkand, 2019. – #3 (111). – S.295-297. (14.00.00; No. 19)

2. Khudoyberdiev D.K., Teshaeva D.Sh. Topography of the stomach of a one-month-old white rat, macro- and microscopic structure of the stomach wall // Problems of biology and medicine. – Samarkand, 2020. – #3 (119). – S. 165-168. (14.00.00; No. 19)

3. Khudoyberdiev D.K., Navruzov R.R., Teshaeva D.Sh. Peculiarities of the morphometric parameters of the white rat stomach in the early postnatal period // Problems of biology and medicine. – Samarkand, 2020. – #5 (122). – S. 231-234. (14.00.00; No. 19)

4. Teshaev Sh.J., Khudoyberdiyev D.K., Davlatov S.S. The impact of exogenous and endogenous factors on the stomach wall, macro-, microscopic anatomy of newborn white rats // International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. – 2021. – Vol. 13. – R. 679-682. (Scope)

5. Khudoyberdiev D.K., Teshaeva D.Sh. Peculiarities of the macro-microscopic anatomy of the stomach of a newborn white rat // A new day in medicine. Tashkent, – 2020. – #2/1 (30/1). -191-193 p.

6. Khudoyberdiev D.K. Morfologicheskie i morphometricheskie izmeneniya stenki jeludka odnomesyachnyx// I International Scientific and Theoretical conference. Lithuania. Volume 3. March 12. 2021. – S. 57-61

7. Khudoyberdiev D.K., Navruzov R.R. Peculiarities of the macro-microscopic anatomy of white rat pups on the first day after birth/ Aktualnye problemy patologicheskoy anatomii. Vzglyad molodyx uchyonyx. – Bukhara, 2021. -S. 92-95

8. Khudoyberdiyev Dilshod Karimovich. Morphometric parameters of the stomach wall of white rats with chronic radiation sickness and correction with a biostimulant in postnatal ontogenesis//”New day in medicine” ISSN 2181-712X. EISSN 2181-2187
3(41) 2022, B.-375-381

9. Khudoyberdiev Dilshod Karimovich, Ostonova Malohat Namoz qizi. MRI diagnostics of meniscal injuries in knee joint injury//International multidisciplinary journal
of development of the scientific world
(IMJDSW)/Volume 1 Issue, 3 September 2022, R-25-31

10. Khudoyberdiev Dilshod Karimovich, Muratov Ramazon Farkhodovich. Possibilities of Magnetic Resonance and Multispiral Tomography in Urooncology//International Journal of Health Systems and Medical Sciences
ISSN: 2833-7433 Volume 2 | No. 4 April -2023.
Page. 104-108

11. Khudoyberdiyev Dilshod Karimovich, Bahronov Faizullo Abduraufovich, RADIATION DIAGNOSTICS OF AN ALTERED HIP JOINT//Scientific journal of research in medicine (sjrm)
Article available online: https://savanticjournals.uz Volume 1 Issue 3 September 2022. 38-50

12. Khudoyberdiev Dilshod Karimovich, Djurayev Nadir Ablokulovich. Radiation Diagnostics of Breast Diseases in Women With Hypothyroidism//Scientific Journal of Applied and Medical Sciences Volume: 01 Issue: 05 2022. B.79-84

13. Khudoiberdiev Dilshod Karimovich, Juraev Nodir Ablokulovich, RADIATION DIAGNOSTICS OF BREAST PATHOLOGIES IN WOMEN WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM//Journal of Advanced Research and Stability Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr – 2023 ISSN: 2181-2608 255-261

14. Khudoyberdiev Dilshod Karimovich, Djuraev Nodir Ablokulovich, Luchevaya diagnostika patologii molochnoy zhelesky u genshchin s hypothyroidism//Journal of Advanced Research and Stability Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr – 2023 ISSN: 2181-2608 247-254

15. Khudoyberdiev D. K. The influence of external factors on the morphology of the stomach //Problemy biologii i meditsiny. – 2019. – T. 3. – no. 111. – S. 295-297.

16. Khudoyberdiyev D. K. et al. Morphological Characteristics Of Morphometric Parameters Of The Gastric Mucosa In Polypragmasia With Anti-Inflammatory Drugs //Eurasian Scientific Herald. – 2022. – T. 4. – S. 1-7.

17. Khudoyberdiev D., Hasanov O. Methods of radiodiagnostics and otsenke izmeneniy tazobedrennogo system //Journal problemy biologii i meditsiny. – 2016. – no. 4 (91). – S. 193-196.


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Faculty staff

Djumayeva Dilnora Muratovna
Deputy Dean
Ismatullayev Abdullo Nasrullayevich
Kurbonov Akram Daminovich
Khusenova Azima Samoydinovna
Kholmurodova Gulruh Kahramonovna
Rajabova Zarnigor Nematullayevna
Shukurova Nargiza Talibjanovna
Baratova Sanoat Raupovna
Sharipova Nilufar Ahadovna
Ochilova Nodira hamroyevna
Fayzullayeva Gulnoz Sayfullayevna
Hamroyeva Fazila Hoshimovna
Ochilova Gulhayo Hamroyevna