Office Registrar management

Office Registrar management

Rakhmatov Olim Bobomurodovich

Head of Registrar's Office

Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor

Responsibilities of the head of the office

– Organization of administrative work, distribution of tasks among employees, ensuring effective and timely completion of assigned tasks;

– control over compliance with labor and performance discipline by sector employees;

– general management of all activities and sector employees;

– drawing up work plans for sectors and ensuring their implementation;

– coordination of the activities of official links in an educational institution based on the goals of the sectors;

– Ensuring the implementation of the relevant articles of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, Decrees, Orders, Presidential Resolutions, Cabinet of Ministers Resolutions, Resolutions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders, instructions, letters, modemograms and telephone messages, as well as orders of the rector;

– Concluding agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation between an educational institution and the Department of Health, regional health organizations, enterprises, private medical enterprises and firms and organizing their implementation;

– Use and control of educational platforms HEMIS (, Moodle (, and interdepartmental unified electronic document management,;

In connection with the optimization of dean’s offices, marketing departments and student personnel, the responsibilities of the heads of sectors of the registrar’s office are equivalent to the responsibilities of the deputy dean of faculties.