Faculty of International Medicine

Faculty of International Medicine

Khasanova Dilnoza Akhrorovna


Dean of the faculty

1. Khasanova D.A., Avezova D.B. Morphological changes observed in the lungs in chronic renal failure (Experiment) International journal of health systems and medical sciences Volume 2, No. 7, 2023, page 97-99
2.      Khudoyberdiev D.K. Khasanova D.A. Vozrastnaya rentgenatomiya jeludka s uchetom razlichnyx patologii “Problems of biology and medicine” mejdunarodnyi nauchnyi zurnal. – Samarkand, 2023, No. 3 (144). – R.337-341
3. Ilyasov A. S., Khasanova D. A., Dustova N. Q., Oripova F. Sh. Anatomo-physiological foundations of physical culture 04/06/2023 #122/1 G.Q-0024
5. Khasanova D.A. “MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES AND CHANGES IN THE INCHAL INTESTINE LYMPHOID STRUCTURES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ASD 2 FRACTIONS IN CHRONIC LIGHT DISEASE” New day in medicine – referativnyy, kulturno-prosvetitelsky journal – Bukhara, 3 (53) 2023    B.50-5 5
6. Khasanova D.A. Sharipova E.M. NAChALNYE STRUKTURNO-FUNKTsIONALNYE IZMENENIya MOLOCHNOY JELEZY POD VLIYANIEM ENERGETIChESKIH NAPITKOV V EXPERIMENTE A new day in medicine nauchno-referativnyy, kulturno-prosvetitelsky journal – Bukhara, 3 (53) 2023    B.143-148
7. Khasanova D.A. Changes in the thymus of experimental animals under exposure and genetically modified products International scientific research journal Indonesia Volume 4, Issue 3, Mar., 2023, page 531-535
8. Khasanova D.A. Reactive changes in the spleen of experimental animals when exposed to genetically modified product Emergent: journal of educational discoveries and lifelong learning (EJEDL) Indonesia Volume: 4 Issue: 3, March-2023, ISSN 2776-0995 page 53-57
9. Khasanova D.A. “The Effect of the Antiseptic Stimulator Dorogov on the Mammalian Body” (Literature Review) “Eurasian Medical Research Periodical” Indonesia Volume 17| February 2023 ISSN: 2795-7624 Page 87-90
10. Khasanova D.A. Possible negative effects of a genetically modified product on the hepatobiliary system of rats Innovative technologica methodical research journal Indonesia Volume 4, Issue 3, Mar., 2023
11. Rustamova N. Khasanova D.A. Comparative Characteristic of Morphometric Parameters in Right-Handed and Left-Handed of the II Period of Childhood American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences USA 2023 2023; 13(5): 656-658
12. Khasanova D.A. “Morphological Features of Lymphoid Structures of the Small Intestine of Rats in Normal and Chronic Radiation Sickness” Journal of coastal life medicine China 2023 Vol-11(1), 1329–1331.
13. Khaitova D.Sh. Khasanova D.A. Changes in the dental system in children and adolescents with hearing loss Journal of pharmaceutical negative results 2022 Vol.13. – Special Issue-9.- P.2955-2957
14. Teshaev Sh., Khasanova D.A., Cusella G. Interesting facts about the department of normal anatomy in Pavia Research journal of trauma and disability studies Poland, 2022, – Vol.01. – Issue-09.- P.162-165
15. Khasanova D.A. Intraorgan changes of rat spleen vessels in early postnatal ontogenesis British Medical Journal. – England, 2022,- Vol.2, No. 1 P. 284-289
16. Khasanova D.A. Morphological features of spleen at different stages of postnatal ontogenesis Central Asian journal of medical and natural sciences.- India, 2022, – Vol.2. – Issue-7.- P.154-159
17. Khaitova D.Sh. Khasanova D.A. The impact of various factors on the formation and development of the craniofacial area in children with hearing loss (literature review) Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2022: Pages 957-961
18. Barnoev A.I. Khasanova D.A. Changes in the small intestine in pulmonary fibrosis. The body’s response to experimental pulmonary fibrosis World bulletin of public health (WBPH) Scholar Express Journals, Germany 2022 Vol-16 P.128-129
19. Khasanova D.A. Oripova F.Sh. Morphological, pathophysiological indicators of cervical neoplasia and new methods for its correction (clinical-experimental study) International journal of early childhood special education (INT-JECSE) America, 2022, – Vol.14. – Issue-5.- P.3182-3185
20. Khasanova D.A. Barnoev A.I. Morphometric parameters of the small intestine in experimental pulmonary fibrosis International journal of early childhood special education (INT-JECSE) America, 2022, – Vol.14. – Issue-5.- P.3186-3188
21. Barnoev A. I. Khasanova D.A. The influence of external factors on intestinal lymphoid structures “Problems of Biology and Medicine” mejdunarodnyi nauchnyi zhurl. – Samarkand, 2022, No. 3 (136). – R.288-291
22. Alimova N.P. Khasanova D.A. Method for diagnostics of the degree of hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue of adenoids in children «New day in medicine» nauchno-referativnyy, kulturno-prosvetitelsky journal. – Bukhara, 2022.- No. 3(41).- P.306-309
23. Khasanova D.A. Intraorgannye izmeneniya sosudov selesyonki krys v rannempostnatalnom ontogeneze “A new day in medicine” nauchn

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Staff of the faculty

Khuseynova Gulshan Khuseynovna
Asadova Yulduz Ismatovna
Hamroyeva Zilola Hikmatovna


Ramazonova Zarina Salimovna


Boboyeva Sadina Nishonovna


Two-degree joint education programs


Dual degree programs are a great opportunity not only to gain international experience, but also to earn two degrees in one undergraduate or clinical residency program.

In recent years, our alma mater has been developing cooperation relations with the world’s leading medical universities, currently their number has reached 136. Agreements on the development of bilateral diploma programs have been signed with most of them, in which the partner universities transfer students who have expressed their desire to study to each other.

Key features and benefits of dual degree programs:

  • implemented in cooperation with a specific partner university;
  • educational programs and curricula are synchronized and compared;
  • permanence of students in universities participating in the double diploma program is ensured;
  • teaching language – Russian, English, Turkish;
  • after the completion of the educational process, the students will be awarded the degree of specialization of both partner universities;
  • study periods and exam results are automatically recognized at partner universities and are calculated based on the agreements, general principles and quality assurance standards of partner higher education institutions.

In addition to studying abroad and receiving two degrees, program participants will have a variety of positive experiences:

  • they study on the basis of new modern experiences, acquire practical skills within the framework of Uzbek and foreign experience;
  • participate in various systems of educational quality assessment;
  • Experienced professors from the Bukhara State Medical Institute and foreign universities will participate in lectures;
  • learn to introduce themselves in a foreign language and confidently adapt to a new environment;
  • study in an intercultural environment;
  • receive regular language practice;
    participate in student mobility programs.