Department of Clinical Skills Simulation Training

Department of Clinical Skills Simulation Training

Soliev Alisher Urokovich

Director of the center

Staff of the department

Gaffarov Abduhalil Muzaffarovich
Narzullaev Nuriddin Umarovich
Ubaidullaev Botirbek Bakhshilloevich
Numonov Muhammad Bozorvich
Ismailova Ferangiz Shavkatovna
Kadirbaeva Madina Telmanovna
Barotov Shukhrat Karimovich
Khasanova Mahfuza Tuykulovna
Rakhmatov Alizot Akhtamovich



This Regulation is based on the Regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 9, 1997, Article 225) and “On the National Program for Personnel Training” (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 11-12, 1997, Article 295, Regulation “On Higher Education” and the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education No. 487 dated December 3, 2011. It was compiled on the basis of the “Model Regulation on the Departments of a Higher Educational Institution” and was discussed and recommended for approval at the meeting of Department No. 1 on August 27, 2022.

This resolution amends and supplements the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” (ORQ-637 No. 23.09.2020) and the Regulation “On Higher Education” in accordance with the order “On additional input” (August 28, 2017, No. 6-2017, registered by the Ministry of Justice on October 13, 2017, register No. 1222-3) determines the procedure for organizing. This regulation determines the procedure for organizing the department of “Teaching Clinical Skills on Simulators”.

Historical information about the department:

In 1990, the decision of the Republic of Uzbekistan to establish a medical institute in the hometown of our great-grandfather Abu Ali ibn Sina – Bukhara was announced. Responsible management of the institute’s activities was entrusted to A.I. Mominov, and he was appointed rector of the institute. In a short period of time, under the leadership of A.I. Mominov, the Bukhara State Medical Institute took its place among the prominent higher educational institutions of our republic.

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2017 No. 3171 “On measures for the further development of the provision of specialized medical care to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021” “Bukhara State Medical Center named after Abu Ali ibn Sina On September 5, 2022, the simulation training center began work in a new building in connection with the implementation of the item “Creation of a simulation training and clinical center on the basis of the institute.” On December 22, 2023, the 6th Council of the University considered the issue of creating a department for teaching clinical skills on simulators, it has 8 workplaces, including such specialists as therapists, resuscitators, surgeons, pediatricians, ENT specialists, ophthalmologists, gynecologists. The creation of the department was approved. The department was created on the basis of the order of the Rector of the University dated December 28, 2023 No. 1-A / 657 on the creation of the Department of Teaching Clinical Skills on Simulators at the University. The department began its activities in February 2024.

  1. General rules
    The Department of Teaching Clinical Skills on Simulators is a structural subdivision of the International Faculty of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. The department conducts classes in the areas of surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, pediatrics, ENT science, as well as the preparation of educational and methodological, scientific and methodological, research papers, the preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, advanced training and advanced training. retraining is carried out, as well as organizational, spiritual and educational and educational activities.
    The Department of Teaching Clinical Skills on Simulators includes the head of the department, senior lecturer and lecturer (assistant) in the category of teaching staff.

    3. Professors of the department are hired and work in accordance with the Regulation approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated February 10, 2006 No. .

    The department has classrooms, laboratory rooms and a spiritual and educational room, which help to ensure the educational and scientific process. The department belongs to the group of departments that train specialists in clinical sciences.

Organization and management of the department

  1. The department consists of 1 candidate of sciences and 8 assistants:
    Soliev Alisher Orokovich – candidate of medical sciences, head of the department
    Narzullaev Nuriddin Umarovich, assistant of the department
    Barotov Shukhrat Karimovich – assistant of the department
    Ismailova Ferangiz Shavkatovna – assistant of the department
    Kurbanov Doston Kakhramonovich – assistant of the department
    Kadyrbaeva Madina Telmanovna – assistant of the department
    Khasanova – assistant of the department
    Gafarov Abdukhalil – stylist
    Nomanov Mukhammad – stylist
    Ubaydullaev – son of Batyr Bakhshullo.

    2. The scientific potential of the department is 18%.

    The department reports to the dean of the international faculty.
    The Department of Teaching Clinical Skills on Simulators was established as a separate department in 2024 based on the order of the Rector of the Institute, and its staffing units were calculated by the Financial Planning Department of the Institute and approved by the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs.
    5. PhD O’Soliev was appointed Head of the Department.

    6. The personal work plan of the Head of the Department and other teachers is approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

About the center

In pursuance of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3171 dated June 20, 2017 “On the organization of comprehensive medical services to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, at the Bukhara State Medical Institute “Abu Ali Ibn Sino”, on September 5, 2022, a “Simulating educational and clinical center” in a new building

BSMI Simulation and Clinical Research Center.

The clinical training center has the following classrooms: Anesthesiology-resuscitation; Surgical; Otorhinolaryngology; Obstetrics and gynecology; Pediatrics and neonatology; Therapy and internal diseases; Ophthalmology; Dentistry. All these classrooms are equipped with appropriate modern simulation models, which allows students to study subjects at the proper level.

In May 2022, the simulation training center was equipped with modern simulators. The departments of obstetrics-gynecology, pediatrics-neonatology, therapy, surgery, anesthesiology-reanimation have been enriched. The center is fully equipped and provided with information and communication technologies.

The center has 7 classrooms, 1 lecture hall, 1 research room, 2 laboratory rooms for students, 15 rooms equipped with wheelchairs for practicing practical skills.

In the simulation training and clinical center, 400 students can simultaneously engage in practical and theoretical classes. In addition, the theoretical knowledge of 50 students can be assessed, and students can directly participate in performing tests in the clinical laboratory.

The department is entrusted with the following tasks.

– lectures, laboratory, practical and other types of training are essential for all forms of training (in cases where it is separated from production and not separated from production), conducted at the scientific-methodical and professional level; guidance of students in professional practice, as well as independent work: introduction of rating control of students’ knowledge; organization of events for students outside the classroom;

– training of highly qualified personnel who meet the high moral and ethical requirements of developed democratic countries:

– development of educational programs in the subjects of the department and submission for approval in accordance with the established procedure, as well as preparation of reviews and conclusions on educational programs prepared by related departments:

– preparation of textbooks, educational, methodological and demonstration manuals, as well as the necessary information on the program, teaching aids and educational and methodological literature subject to republication in accordance with the order of the rector’s office of the higher educational institution; participation in the preparation of educational and methodological literature. Methodological literature:

– working with talented students, improving the forms and methods of their independent preparation for Olympiads and competitions, taking measures to increase the volume of independent preparation by optimizing classroom work:

– performing research work in accordance with the approved plan, discussing completed research work and implementing its results in production, recommending the publication of completed research papers: ensuring effective integration of education, science and production: students’ research supervision papers;

– reviewing the educational, educational-methodical and educational work of the department staff in their personal plans; studying, generalizing and disseminating the experience of experienced teachers, introducing new pedagogical technologies: helping teachers who have started teaching in acquiring pedagogical skills;

creating an information base, using modern educational and technical means and means of individual learning and independent learning in the process of conducting classes;

– developing a distance education system; highlight the experience of foreign educational institutions:

– organizing regular contacts with university graduates and postgraduate teachers at this department;

– holding events to improve the qualifications of specialists in the department’s profile, wide development of the system for providing educational services;

Goals and objectives of the subjects taught at the department level.

Teaching clinical skills on simulators – the goal and objectives of science

The goal is to increase the level of students’ competence in performing practical skills related to therapy, gynecology, pediatrics, intensive care, surgery, ophthalmology, ENT and other specialties, based on the qualification classification of a future general practitioner.

Objectives – to master the theoretical basis of practical skills.

– study the sequence of all practical skills
– perform a sufficient number of repetitions to achieve level 4 competence in performing practical skills.
Ensure a high level of lectures and practical classes provided for by the curricula and programs.
Objective and fair assessment of students’ knowledge in accordance with the norms of the law using a multi-level rating system and testing method.
Preparation of teaching aids, methodological demonstration manuals, films, information tables and samples of educational materials on scientific topics and their analysis and approval in the central methodological councils of network methodological and problem commissions.
Wide dissemination of the experience of innovative teachers of the department in the educational process and practical support of young teachers in acquiring pedagogical skills.
Provide students with knowledge and information about the latest achievements in endocrinology and diabetology, as well as the effective use of prepared teaching aids and modern technical means.
Conducting research work on theoretical, practical and scientifically significant topics, publishing scientific articles, preparing doctoral dissertations for defense, applying their results in practice, involving students in research work according to the plan of the department.
Regularly conduct educational and mentoring activities among students to form a national and universal high human consciousness, morals and values ​​​​characteristic of the Uzbeks.


1. Responsibilities of the Head of Department:

– planning the work of the department;

– giving lectures and performing other educational work;

– ensuring that all teachers of the department conduct training at a high ideological, theoretical and methodological level;

– ensuring that the department conducts research work in a single direction, manages it and directly participates in it;

– distributing tasks related to educational work among employees, constant monitoring and management of the quality of the educational process, managing the methodological guidelines prepared by the department staff.

– providing materials on rewarding or punishing department employees through rating;

– heading the improvement of scientific and pedagogical skills of the department staff.

– improving and monitoring the quality and effectiveness of educational work of the department teachers with students in lectures and classes, monitoring the quality and effectiveness of the educational and methodological work of the department and work in groups;

– holding department meetings; listening to reports of clinical rectors and masters, organizing discussions of educational, methodological and scientific reports.

2. Responsibilities of the assistant for educational work of the department:

– maintaining all documents related to the educational work of the department, taking into account the educational and organizational-practical work of teachers;

– makes proposals to the education department on drawing up a class schedule;

– fills out a table for all teachers and assistants of the department;

– takes into account the fulfillment of educational tasks;

– is responsible for the storage of documents of the educational archive of the department, annual reports and scientific reports;

– the department is responsible for the condition of educational visual aids;

– directly participates in the educational process;

– monitors the timely writing of entries in the department journal;

– control the quality of educational tests;

– collects information on student training.

3. Responsibilities of the associate professor:

– giving lectures to students, conducting practical classes;

– participation in the preparation of educational and methodological recommendations, conducting tests, all methodological work and strengthening the material and technical base of the department;

– improve their ideological and political level, theoretical knowledge; constantly improve pedagogical skills and practical experience;

– conducting scientific research and participating in its implementation;

– supervising postgraduate students or research staff together with the professor or independently;

– carry out assignments of the head of the department on methodological, educational and methodological, organizational and other issues.

4. Duties of the senior lecturer:

– giving lectures to students;

– conducting practices as assigned by the head of the department;

– conduct methodological work as assigned by the head of the department;

– conducting ideological and educational work with students during and outside of classes;

– constantly improve their theoretical knowledge and pedagogical skills;

– conduct scientific research and supervise the scientific work of students on the topic of the dissertation;

– carry out the instructions of the head of the department on educational, methodological, educational and organizational issues.

5. Duties of the assistant:

– conducting practical classes, seminars, participating in lectures;

– conducting methodological work at the department;

– conducting ideological and educational work with students during and outside of classes;

– constantly improve their theoretical knowledge, pedagogical skills and practical experience;

– conducting research and preparing dissertations in accordance with the scientific plan of the department, supervising the scientific work of students;

– providing ongoing support in healthcare practice;

– participating in the dissemination of scientific and political knowledge;

– completing assignments on educational, methodological, educational and organizational work according to the instructions of the head of the department.

– providing tools (film, projector, tools, tablets) for lectures and practical classes;

– requires students to comply with internal regulations, safety precautions and fire safety measures;

– keeps minutes of department meetings, deals with office work.

6. Duties of the office manager (stylist):

– preparation of exhibition tools for lectures, preparation of experimental tools for scientific research;

– assist teachers in conducting practical classes, provide students with the necessary equipment and methodological instructions, receive equipment after training, take measures to repair damaged equipment;

– assistance to students who are members of the student scientific society in conducting experiments;

– ensuring the operation of equipment, compliance with equipment safety rules, taking measures against fire;

– maintaining department documents, writing applications, filling out student lists and other journals;

– deliver information on attendance

1st floor

  1. Analysis collection room
  2. Washing room

   3. Laboratory of Immunohistochemistry

  1. Biochemical laboratory
  2. PCR laboratory
  3. Histology training laboratory
  4. Center for assessing theoretical knowledge

2nd floor

  1. Expert room
  2. Debrief room
  3. Laparoscopic skills training room
  4. Chamber
  5. Children’s resuscitation training room
  6. Toilet before surgery
  7. Study surgery room
  8. Intensive care room for shock
  9. Telemedicine room
  10. Emergency care
  11. Training room
  12. Pediatric pulmonary-cardiac resuscitation
  13. Anatomical skills room
  14. Director’s room

3rd floor

  1. Dental skills training room
  2. Debriefing room
  3. Surgical skills training room
  4. Laboratory skills room
  5. Office of maxillofacial surgery and otorhinolaryngology
  6. Trauma room
  7. Procedure room
  8. Audience
  9. Conference room
  10. Staff room

Guests of the simulation center

Vitalis Ritter – KfW, portfolio manager, Nigora Karabaeva – KfW, senior project coordinator, Cornelia Becker – GIZ Health project manager; Aliya Dzhalmagambetova, GIZ project coordinator.

Students in lecture classes

Pulmonary cardiac resuscitation practice

Laboratory training

Practical anatomy classes

 Laboratory activities

Practicing practical skills of students in the histology training and analytical room

Center for assessment of students’ theoretical knowledge

Histology laboratory room of the simulation center

Shock resuscitation training room

Training operating room of the simulation center

Students performing practical skills in the training operating room

Pediatrics room for CPR

Pediatrics room for CPR

Urological and proctological skills training room

The process of learning practical skills of students in the obstetrics and gynecology room

Research defense room

Training laboratory

Dental skills training room

Procedure room

The labor and delivery study room

Simulator for blood pressure measurement, CPR, heart and lung auscultation, pulse detection, pupil response to light


Introducing guests to the department

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