1. Responsibilities of the Head of Department:
– planning the work of the department;
– giving lectures and performing other educational work;
– ensuring that all teachers of the department conduct training at a high ideological, theoretical and methodological level;
– ensuring that the department conducts research work in a single direction, manages it and directly participates in it;
– distributing tasks related to educational work among employees, constant monitoring and management of the quality of the educational process, managing the methodological guidelines prepared by the department staff.
– providing materials on rewarding or punishing department employees through rating;
– heading the improvement of scientific and pedagogical skills of the department staff.
– improving and monitoring the quality and effectiveness of educational work of the department teachers with students in lectures and classes, monitoring the quality and effectiveness of the educational and methodological work of the department and work in groups;
– holding department meetings; listening to reports of clinical rectors and masters, organizing discussions of educational, methodological and scientific reports.
2. Responsibilities of the assistant for educational work of the department:
– maintaining all documents related to the educational work of the department, taking into account the educational and organizational-practical work of teachers;
– makes proposals to the education department on drawing up a class schedule;
– fills out a table for all teachers and assistants of the department;
– takes into account the fulfillment of educational tasks;
– is responsible for the storage of documents of the educational archive of the department, annual reports and scientific reports;
– the department is responsible for the condition of educational visual aids;
– directly participates in the educational process;
– monitors the timely writing of entries in the department journal;
– control the quality of educational tests;
– collects information on student training.
3. Responsibilities of the associate professor:
– giving lectures to students, conducting practical classes;
– participation in the preparation of educational and methodological recommendations, conducting tests, all methodological work and strengthening the material and technical base of the department;
– improve their ideological and political level, theoretical knowledge; constantly improve pedagogical skills and practical experience;
– conducting scientific research and participating in its implementation;
– supervising postgraduate students or research staff together with the professor or independently;
– carry out assignments of the head of the department on methodological, educational and methodological, organizational and other issues.
4. Duties of the senior lecturer:
– giving lectures to students;
– conducting practices as assigned by the head of the department;
– conduct methodological work as assigned by the head of the department;
– conducting ideological and educational work with students during and outside of classes;
– constantly improve their theoretical knowledge and pedagogical skills;
– conduct scientific research and supervise the scientific work of students on the topic of the dissertation;
– carry out the instructions of the head of the department on educational, methodological, educational and organizational issues.
5. Duties of the assistant:
– conducting practical classes, seminars, participating in lectures;
– conducting methodological work at the department;
– conducting ideological and educational work with students during and outside of classes;
– constantly improve their theoretical knowledge, pedagogical skills and practical experience;
– conducting research and preparing dissertations in accordance with the scientific plan of the department, supervising the scientific work of students;
– providing ongoing support in healthcare practice;
– participating in the dissemination of scientific and political knowledge;
– completing assignments on educational, methodological, educational and organizational work according to the instructions of the head of the department.
– providing tools (film, projector, tools, tablets) for lectures and practical classes;
– requires students to comply with internal regulations, safety precautions and fire safety measures;
– keeps minutes of department meetings, deals with office work.
6. Duties of the office manager (stylist):
– preparation of exhibition tools for lectures, preparation of experimental tools for scientific research;
– assist teachers in conducting practical classes, provide students with the necessary equipment and methodological instructions, receive equipment after training, take measures to repair damaged equipment;
– assistance to students who are members of the student scientific society in conducting experiments;
– ensuring the operation of equipment, compliance with equipment safety rules, taking measures against fire;
– maintaining department documents, writing applications, filling out student lists and other journals;
– deliver information on attendance