Frequently Asked Questions
15.04.2022 2022-04-18 10:10Frequently Asked Questions
1. Question: Can you explain the procedure for sending graduates of higher medical education institutions, who studied on the basis of a state grant in certain areas of undergraduate education, to work in family clinics and family clinics!
Answer: The order of employment is based on the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 769:
1. This Regulation provides that graduates of higher medical education institutions (hereinafter referred to as graduates) who studied on the basis of state grants in certain areas of undergraduate education are admitted to family doctor’s offices and family clinics (hereinafter referred to as OSHP and OP). ) determines the order of referral.
2. Graduates will be divided into OSHPs and OPs from the time they graduate in the 2017/2018 academic year and then work on a mandatory basis at a permanent residence.
Graduates of medical higher education institutions in the areas of “Medical work”, “Pediatric work” and “Vocational education (medical work)” in the parameters of targeted admission on the basis of a state grant, regardless of the place of residence. It is divided into “OShP” and “OP” for mandatory operation in the specified district (city).
3. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan determines the bachelor’s directions of graduates of higher medical educational institutions for compulsory work in OSHP and OP.
4. In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and districts (cities) of the city of Tashkent the period of compulsory employment of the graduate is 3 years (36 months). From the 2020-2021 academic year, the period of compulsory employment of graduates of medical higher education institutions in the areas of “Medical work”, “Pediatric work” and “Vocational education (medical work)” at least 5 years (60 months) in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and districts (cities) of the city of Tashkent, specified in the parameters of targeted admission on the basis of a state grant, regardless of the place of receipt.
2. Question: How is the distribution of graduates for compulsory employment carried out?
Answer: According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 769:
In order to distribute graduates for compulsory employment, as well as to coordinate and control the process of compulsory employment, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan A Commission consisting of authorized staff (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) shall be established.
The composition of the commission, as well as the procedure for organizing its activities shall be determined by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
1. Information on applications for vacancies and available vacancies submitted by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city, district (city) khokimiyats for compulsory employment of graduates. distributed annually by the Commission on the basis of the data.
The commission distributes graduates for mandatory vacancies in OSHP and OP.
2. Specific terms, place and conditions of compulsory employment of graduates, as well as their obligations between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, higher medical education institution, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city khokimiyats and graduates It is specified in the contract in 4 copies (hereinafter referred to as the contract).
The sample contract is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the prescribed manner.
3. Higher medical education institutions issue referrals for graduates on the basis of a contract with a clear indication of the territory of the republic and the “OShP” or “OP”.
4. Graduates who enter the master’s degree or clinical residency (residency) after graduation to continue their studies, regardless of the form of education (on the basis of a state grant or payment-contract), a master’s degree for compulsory employment and distributed after completion of clinical residency.
5. Graduates of master’s and clinical residencies studying at the bachelor’s degree in higher medical education on the basis of state grants are awarded by the Commission to these specialists of higher medical educational institutions, research institutes, specialized scientific-practical medical centers and other health institutions. distributed according to the need.
In this case, the Commission will, first of all, distribute the available vacancies in the OP and the central district (city) multidisciplinary clinics for the mandatory employment of graduates of master’s and clinical residency.
3. Question: How to hire students who have graduated from a higher education institution on the basis of a state guarantee?
Answer: Recruitment of students who graduated from a higher education institution on the basis of a state guarantee is carried out as follows:
1. After graduation, graduates must come to the place of work specified in the contract in accordance with this Regulation and begin work within 3 months.
2. Graduates of master’s and clinical residencies studying at the bachelor’s degree in higher medical education on the basis of a state grant must come to the place of employment specified in the contract and begin work within 3 months after graduation.
3. The employer concludes an employment contract with the graduate in accordance with the contract and on the basis of a work permit in the manner prescribed by law.
4. The employer fills in the document on arrival and placement in the work submitted by the graduate and then within ten days for its submission to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the relevant higher medical education institution. sends to the territorial body of the department.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the higher medical education institution must keep records of each graduate in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this case, graduates sent for compulsory employment in competitive positions are accepted without competition.
4. Question: Can graduates change their place of compulsory employment? What is the procedure, if possible?
Answer: In accordance with Resolution 769 of the Cabinet of Ministers:
1. If there are serious reasons for a graduate assigned to forced labor to change his place of work, get married, move to another area for permanent residence, the graduate has the right to apply to the Commission to change the place of forced employment. provides supporting documents.
2. The commission within fifteen days, based on the results of consideration of the application of the graduate and the submitted supporting documents, determines the place of other obligatory work for the graduate in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.
5. Question: Does a graduate have the right to refuse compulsory employment?
Answer: No, not right. In case of refusal of the graduate to work compulsorily:
1. In case of refusal of compulsory employment the graduate pays to the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan compensation in the amount of four hundred times the basic calculation amount applied in practice at the time of issue by the higher medical educational institution of the order on graduation.
2. If a graduate allocated for compulsory employment in accordance with this Regulation voluntarily refuses compulsory employment at the place specified in the contract during the period of training, he shall be transferred to the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan specified in paragraph 19 of the Regulation. pays compensation in a reduced amount in accordance with the term.
Only full months of compulsory service are taken into account when calculating the amount of compensation.
3. The graduate must apply to the Commission with a relevant application to formalize the refusal of compulsory employment. In this case, the date of submission of the application by the graduate to the Commission is the date of refusal of compulsory employment in accordance with paragraph 20 of this Regulation.
4. An employment contract with a graduate who refuses to work compulsorily shall be terminated in the manner prescribed by law.
5. The amount of compensation paid by the graduate to the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the refusal of compulsory employment in full to the personal off-budget treasury account of the higher medical educational institution where he studied under the state grant pays.
6. The institution of higher medical education keeps the account of the sum of compensations in the separate off-budget personal treasury account and no later than three working days after receipt of compensation in the personal account transfers the sum of compensation to the income of the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan. provides.
7. In case of inability of a graduate to work compulsorily due to incapacity for work, distributed in accordance with this Regulation, the decision on his subsequent employment shall be made in the manner prescribed by the Commission.
Graduates who are unable to work compulsorily due to partial or complete loss of ability to work (in the presence of supporting documents) are exempt from compensation on the basis of the decision of the Commission.