Internal order rules

Internal order rules

Chapter 1. General rules

The following basic concepts are used in these Rules: Employee – citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have reached the specified age and signed an employment contract with a higher education institution, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons; employment contract – an agreement of the parties between an employee and a higher education institution for a specific specialty, qualification, position subject to the internal labor procedure, as well as on the basis of the conditions established by labor laws and other normative documents agreement to perform for a fee; professors-teachers – employees hired for the position of department head, professor, associate professor, senior teacher, teacher; doctoral student – a person admitted to a higher education institution for a basic doctoral course or a doctoral course according to the established procedure; independent applicant – a person admitted to a higher education institution as an independent applicant according to the established procedure; student – a person admitted to a higher education institution in order to receive education in a relevant specialty and receiving education and training.
These Rules define the internal labor procedure of the higher education institution, the duties of the higher education institution, the management, employees, students, doctoral students, independent researchers, as well as hiring, changing the employment contract and canceling the employment contract, education and the procedure for organizing the educational process, work and study discipline, working time, rest time and its use, as well as incentives for achievements in work and study, responsibility for violation of work and study discipline, higher education It is the main internal regulatory document that regulates issues related to the territory of the institution and the order inside the premises, as well as other legal relations between the employer and the employee, doctoral student, independent researcher and students.

Chapter 2. Conclusion, amendment and cancellation of an employment contract § 1 Conclusion of an employment contract

  1. Labor relations between the employee and the higher education institution are established on the basis of the labor contract concluded between them.
  2. The person entering the job at the time of employment must have the following documents: a passport with the address of permanent residence or temporary registration or another document that can replace it; employment record (except for persons entering employment for the first time); a military ticket or a certificate of being in the military account for conscripts or conscripts; At the time of employment, which can be performed only by persons with special training in accordance with the legislation, the employee’s diploma of graduation from a higher or secondary specialized vocational school, the right to perform this job issuing certificate (relevant certificate that the diploma obtained in the territory of foreign countries has been nostrified (recorded equivalence) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan); instead of a work book, persons entering work on the basis of a place of employment shall submit a certificate obtained from the main place of work. It is forbidden to demand documents not specified in the legislation from the person entering the job during the hiring process. If the passport or other identity document of the person entering the job is not valid, he/she may be refused employment.
  3. After checking the completeness of the documents specified in the second-sixth paragraphs of Clause 4 of these Rules, the applicant will write an application and register it in the office of the higher education institution. In the application, the name, surname, patronymic of the applicant must be written in full, without abbreviations, and the position he is applying for must correspond to the position specified in the staff list.
  1. An employment contract is concluded between the employee and the employer regarding the following:

position and workplace where the employee is employed;

term of employment contract;

start day of work;

labor rights and obligations of the parties;

working hours and the procedure for granting work leave;

payment procedure;

other cases stipulated by the labor legislation.

In cases where the term of validity is not specified in the employment contract, this contract is concluded for an indefinite period. The conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract is carried out in accordance with labor laws and other normative documents.

  1. An employment contract with each employed employee (including those who enter on a temporary basis) shall be concluded in written form with at least two copies of the same legal force, and they shall be handed over to each of the parties for safekeeping. At the request of the employee, the employment contract (contract) is drawn up in the language he knows and has the same legal force as the contract (contract) drawn up in the state language. The addresses of the parties are indicated in the employment contract. The employment contract is confirmed by the signature of the employee and the rector (director) of the higher education institution (branch). The signature of the rector of the higher educational institution is confirmed by the seal of the higher educational institution.
  2. Registration of labor contracts in the “Uniform National Labor System” interdepartmental software-hardware complex, approved by the Human Resources Department of the higher education institution by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 971 of December 5, 2019, Labor relations between the employee and the employer in accordance with the regulation on the procedure for the formation and maintenance of electronic labor records (conclusion, amendment and cancellation of labor contracts, formation and maintenance of labor records, etc.) Interdepartmental “Uniform National Labor System” registered in the software-hardware complex.
  3. The employment contract concluded in accordance with the law enters into legal force from the date of signing by the parties. The employee begins to perform work duties from the date specified in the employment contract. If the employment contract does not specify the day of the start of work, the employee must start work no later than the morning of the working day (shift) on which the employment contract is signed.
  4. An employment contract is considered to be concluded from the first day of employment of a person who is employed with the permission of the employer without formalizing the employment.
  5. After the conclusion of the employment contract, the employer issues an order on employment in accordance with the content of the employment contract and introduces the employee by signing the order.
  6. The higher education institution has no right to refuse employment in the following cases: a) persons invited to work by the employer; b) disabled persons, graduates of educational institutions, single parents with three or more children, persons approaching retirement age, if they are eligible for employment at the expense of the minimum number of jobs determined by the local state authority. if sent by local labor authorities; c) pregnant women and persons with children under the age of three; g) in other cases stipulated by legislation.
  7. The employee has the right to request the employer to justify the reasons for the refusal of employment in writing. The employer must provide him with a written reason within three days. Pregnant women and women with children under the age of three will be explained in writing the reason for the employer’s refusal to hire them, even if they do not apply for such a request. In the case of illegal refusal of employment, the employee has the right to appeal to the supervisory body or the court in accordance with the established procedure.
  1. The employment contract may stipulate a preliminary test during recruitment. In the absence of such a condition, the employee is considered to have been hired without a preliminary test. The test condition is reflected in the employment order. An entry about employment is entered in the labor book of an employee who is hired with a preliminary test, without specifying the conditions of the preliminary test. The initial trial period cannot exceed three months. The exact duration of the preliminary test (within three months) is determined by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. Before the end of the trial period set by the parties, the employer (if the test result is unsatisfactory), as well as the employee (if there is no desire to continue the employment relationship), have the right to terminate the employment contract by giving a written notice to the other party three days in advance. If one of the parties does not demand the termination of the employment contract before the end of the trial period set by the parties, the employment contract will continue to be valid and its termination will be allowed on general grounds. The period of the employee’s temporary incapacity for work and other periods when the employee is not at work due to valid reasons are not included in the initial trial period. During the initial trial period, the employee will be fully subject to the labor laws and the working conditions set for the employees of the higher education institution. It is not allowed to set a trial period when transferring an employee to another job. The preliminary trial period is not applicable during the conclusion of an employment contract with the following: pregnant women, as well as women with children under 3 years of age; graduates of secondary specialized, vocational educational institutions and higher educational institutions who are entering work for the first time within three years from the date of graduation from the relevant educational institution; Those who are employed for a period of up to six months; persons sent to work at the expense of the minimum number of jobs specified for a higher education institution.
  2. Recruitment to a higher education institution is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the approved statute.
  3. During the recruitment process or when the employee is transferred to another job with his consent, the higher education institution: scope of work tasks assigned to him, rights and obligations, terms of work and payment for work; these Rules, the collective agreement, job instructions and other documents related to the employee’s work; Code of Ethics of the higher education institution; with the anti-corruption program (policy) of the higher education institution; the regulation on notification of cases of appeals by employees, students, students and doctoral students of higher education institutions with the aim of inciting them to commit corruption offenses; must familiarize the employee with the rules on labor protection, technical safety and production sanitation.
  4. All employees who have worked at a higher education institution for more than five days shall be kept a work book by the Personnel Department in accordance with the provisions of the Instruction on the Procedure for Keeping Work Books (list number 402, January 29, 1998), with the exception of those who work on a temporary basis. Also, the procedure for registering labor contracts, creating and maintaining electronic labor records in the interdepartmental software-hardware complex “Uniform National Labor System” approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 971 of December 5, 2019 In accordance with the requirements of the regulation on “Uniform National Labor System”, the creation and maintenance of electronic labor records is ensured in the interdepartmental software-hardware complex.

18. The employer and the officials of the higher education institution may ask the employee to perform work that is not part of his work duties, to commit illegal actions, as well as to endanger the life and health of the employee or other persons, honor and dignity. does not have the right to demand actions that discriminate against him. Relations with women in higher education institutions should be based on the requirements of legislative documents, national traditions and principles of mutual respect.

§ 2. Changing and canceling the employment contract

  1. Change of working conditions is carried out based on the requirements of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  2. The employee performs work in several professions and positions during the specified working hours, along with his main work specified in the employment contract.
  3. Work in several professions and positions can be determined for a specific or indefinite period. After the end of the agreed period, the conditions set with this employee about working in several professions and positions will be canceled. Work in several professions and positions and its termination are reflected in the employment contract.
  4. It is formalized by order of the rector of the educational institution.
  5. The employment contract can be canceled only on the grounds provided for in the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in the manner specified therein.
  6. The employee must notify the employer in writing about his intention to terminate the employment contract two weeks in advance. The notice period starts from the morning of the application day, regardless of the date of application registration. The application submitted by the employee shall be submitted to the rector of the higher education institution no later than the day of its submission and the following day. If the employee’s application is related to the impossibility of continuing the work due to valid reasons, it will be submitted to the rector of the higher education institution (in the absence of the rector, the person who replaces him) on the day of its application. The following are valid reasons: military service; admission to educational institutions; retirement; to be elected to an elected position or to be appointed to positions included in the nomenclature (list of positions) of high-ranking offices; the state of health of the employee or his close relatives in need of care according to the medical report issued by TMEK or TMK; other valid reasons for not being able to continue working in this position.
  7. The employee has the right to apply for the termination of the employment contract at any time, including during the period of temporary incapacity for work, vacation, and business trip. All these listed periods are included in the notice period for termination of the employment contract. During the notice period, the terms of the employment contract will continue to be fulfilled by the parties in the usual manner.
  8. An employment contract concluded for an indefinite period, as well as a fixed-term employment contract, may be terminated at the initiative of the employer before its expiration in the following cases: changes in the organization of work in the activities of a higher education institution, the number of employees ( state) or when the volume of work that led to a change in the nature of work is reduced or when relevant structural units are terminated; when the employee’s qualifications are insufficient or he/she becomes unfit for the work he/she is doing due to his/her health condition; when the employee regularly violates his labor duties (one year from the day the employee was brought to disciplinary or financial responsibility for previously violating his labor obligations, or the measures of influence stipulated by the laws on labor and other normative documents were applied to him repeated misconduct by an employee during the period of time is a regular violation of labor duties); when the employee grossly violates his work duties once; in connection with the employment of another employee who does not work on a substitute basis, as well as when the employment contract with substitutes is canceled due to the restriction of substitute work according to the terms of employment; when the employee reaches retirement age; when there is a right to receive state pension in accordance with the law.
  1. It is not allowed to terminate the employment contract at the initiative of the employer during the period of temporary incapacity for work and during the period of leave stipulated by labor laws and other regulatory documents, except for the cases of complete liquidation of the institution.
  2. A one-time gross violation that can lead to the termination of an employment contract includes: violation of executive discipline (in the decisions, decrees, orders and assignments of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Government decisions and orders, Higher and secondary special failure to ensure timely and full quality implementation of the tasks specified in the decisions of the board of the Ministry of Education, orders and instructions of the minister); absence from work without a valid reason (absence from work without a valid reason continuously during the working day or absence of more than 3 (three) hours in total during the working day), according to the lesson schedule for professors and teachers, a lesson during one working day failure to start or participate in classes scheduled on time; coming to work under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic (psychotropic) substances or in a state of intoxication; damaging the property of the higher education institution or robbing it in various ways (including theft); abuse of the position (service) duty (authority) by the employee (use of the powers assigned to the position contrary to the interests of the service) and unethical behavior that tarnishes the name of an employee of a higher education institution commit; harassing women, committing acts that degrade their honor and dignity, harassing and violence, violating their rights in other ways; committing actions that can damage or harm the business reputation and interests of the higher education institution with unreasonable or immoral actions, media and social networks; gross violation of technical safety and sanitary rules in a way that endangers the life or health of the employees of the institution, including their own; gross violation of the requirements of the regulations on the procedure for preventing the commission of corruption-related offenses by employees in the performance of their duties, i.e. the employee: on the fact that someone approached him with the aim of persuading him to commit corruption-related offenses about all cases, as well as about any facts that become known to them of similar violations committed by other employees of state bodies, their leaders, the anti-corruption department in the ministerial system, or failure to notify the law enforcement agency; using his official position or receiving from individuals and legal entities money, securities, material assets, gifts, loans, property in exchange for the performance or non-performance of a certain action, directly or through an intermediary receiving services; forcing subordinates to make illegal decisions or commit corrupt acts; to receive property benefits by using his position to exempt citizens from payments set for the provision of services, or to allow actions aimed at obtaining privileges in another way; failure to report to the head of the relevant structural unit about crimes against the management order, including abuse of office or official position, and circumstances that may lead to the origin of corruption; if the head of the study (inspection) group conducted by the institution receives a message about the abuse of authority by the employees participating in the study (inspection), he does not report it to a higher-ranking official and prevent negative consequences does not take measures to obtain; as a result of an employee’s deliberate concealment of information about a conflict of interest or failure to fully disclose it in a timely manner in accordance with the regulations on conflict of interest management in the ministry system, it leads to improper performance of service obligations or if the legitimate interests of the higher education institution are violated.
  1. It is not allowed to terminate the employment contract concluded by the employer with the employee on the grounds specified in Clause 27 of these Rules without obtaining the consent of the Trade Union Committee of the higher education institution, except for the cases specified in the legislation. . The trade union committee must notify the employer in writing about the decision of the trade union committee on the issue of giving consent to the termination of the employment contract with the employee, within ten days from the date of receipt of the employer’s written submission. The employer has the right to terminate the employment contract no later than one month from the day of the adoption of the decision of the trade union committee to approve the termination of the employment contract with the employee.
  2. Termination of the employment contract is formalized by order of the employer. The last working day is considered the day of termination of the employment contract. On the same day, the higher education institution gives the employee a copy of his work record and the order about the termination of the employment contract, and the settlement is made with it.

Chapter 3. Working time, rest time and their use

  1. The time when the employee must perform his work duties in accordance with the work order or schedule or the terms of the employment contract is considered working time.
  2. The start and end of daily working hours for the employees of the higher education institution and the break time for rest and meals are determined as follows: every day – from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; daily lunch break — from 13.00 to 14.00. Also, the working time of professors and teachers is determined in the mode of total working time. The general day off is Sunday. Setting Saturday as a day off is carried out by the rector of the higher education institution in agreement with the Trade Union Committee.
  3. If necessary, the working day regime may be changed by the order of the rector of the higher education institution in agreement with the Trade Union Committee.
  4. Reduced working hours and working days for professors are set to 36 hours per week and are regulated according to the training schedule.
  5. Professors-teachers perform their activities during the working day based on the plan of all kinds of educational, scientific-methodical, scientific-research, organizational-methodical, spiritual-ethical and educational work.
  6. The implementation of the training schedule, work plan and duty schedule by professors-teachers is the responsibility of the director of the academic lyceum under the vice-rector of the higher education institution, the dean of the faculty and his supervised by the head of the department and the head of the department.
  7. The following employees are also assigned a reduced working time: employees aged 16 to 18 – 36 hours a week; Group I and II disabled people — 36 hours a week.
  8. Determine part-time working days or part-time working weeks, remote work method, flexible work schedule or transfer to home working mode both at the time of hiring and after the agreement between the employee and the employer can be At the request of a pregnant woman, a woman with a child under the age of 14 (disabled under the age of 16), including a woman who has such a child under her care, or a person who is busy caring for a sick member of the family, a medical report in accordance with, as well as in other cases provided for by law, they are assigned part-time working hours.
  9. Out-of-hours employment of employees is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law.
  10. The duration of annual vacations, payment for them and their calculation, as well as the calculation of the length of service giving the right to vacation are carried out in accordance with the procedure provided by legislation.
  11. Upon the employee’s application, he may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by the agreement of the parties, but it should not be more than three months in total within a twelve-month period.
  12. Annual basic leave is granted as follows: after six months of work for the first year of work (except for the cases specified by law); at any time of the working year in accordance with the vacation schedule for the second and subsequent working years (except for cases specified by law). The time of vacation use can be changed according to the agreement between the employee and the employer.
  13. According to the written application of the employee, the leave can be divided into parts. In this case, a part of the vacation should not be less than twelve working days.
  14. Withdrawal from vacation is allowed only with the consent of the employee. The unused part of the vacation will be given to the employee in this working year or it will be transferred to the next year in compliance with the rules for rescheduling the vacation.
  1. At the discretion of the employees, compensation may be paid for the excess of the minimum period of annual leave (fifteen working days). The employee must be notified about the time of leave at least fifteen days before the start of the leave. Payment for the holiday must be made no later than the last working day before the start of the holiday.
  2. When the employment contract is terminated, including due to the expiration of its term, at the employee’s request, it is possible to provide annual leave in accordance with the agreement between the employee and the employer, and then terminate the employment contract. . In this case, the day the vacation ends is considered the day the employment contract is terminated. During the vacation period provided for in this paragraph, the employee does not have the right to withdraw his application for termination of the employment contract and his initiative, if the term of the notice of termination of the employment contract, established by law or by agreement of the parties, has expired.

Chapter 4. The procedure for organizing education, work and study discipline

  1. As a rule, the academic year at a higher educational institution begins on September 2. Training sessions are conducted based on lesson schedules prepared in accordance with the curriculum and educational programs.
  2. The schedule of educational activities is created for the semester on the educational platform of the electronic higher education institution, approved in the appropriate manner and sent to students, professors, faculty deans and other structures before the beginning of the semester. According to the orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the decisions of the Council of the higher educational institution, the recommendation of the Educational and Methodological Department, optional training can be included in the educational process based on a separate schedule.
  3. During the academic year, students are given vacations with a total duration of 8-10 weeks twice.
  4. The duration of the academic hour is set at 40 minutes and a joint lesson without a break of 80 minutes is introduced in the higher education institution. There is a 10-minute break between each lesson.
  5. When studies are organized in 2 shifts, the break between shifts is set to 40 minutes.
  6. The academic year is divided into two semesters, each of which ends with the completion of the results of student learning.
  7. In order to assist in the public, organizational and administrative work of the higher education institution, to establish an effective system of student self-management, the dean of the faculty appoints group captains to perform their temporary duties until they are elected. .

Group leaders conduct their work based on the Charter of the higher education institution, these Rules, and other internal local documents of the higher education institution. Group captains are elected by open voting at the general meeting of the group based on the tutor’s recommendation. In the first year, group captains are appointed by the dean of the faculty to perform their temporary duties, and then they are elected by open voting at the general meeting of the group within a month.

  1. The group leader may be released from his duties in accordance with his application or due to the fact that he did not fulfill the tasks assigned to him to the required level, and committed actions that damage the reputation of the group leader, according to the presentation of the dean of the faculty. Group captains perform the following tasks: participation in meetings on behalf of students; making proposals to the dean of the faculty regarding the improvement of educational work; conveying students’ feedback to the dean’s office regarding the quality of training sessions conducted by professors and objective assessment of students’ knowledge; to make proposals to the primary organization of the higher educational institution of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, the trade union committee of the higher educational institution, or the dean’s office of the faculty in order to encourage students actively participating in the scientific and public affairs of the higher educational institution; to submit proposals to the faculty dean’s office, the higher education institution’s trade union committee, or the primary organization of the higher education institution of the youth union of Uzbekistan to take action against students who do not fulfill the obligations set forth in these Rules.

55.Executive staff, professors and other employees, doctoral students and students of the higher education institution are bound by these Rules, the Charter of the higher education institution, the Code of Ethics of the higher education institution, and the fight against corruption of the higher education institution. program (policy), regulation on notification of cases of appeals by employees, students, students and doctoral students of a higher education institution with the purpose of inciting them to commit corruption offenses, decisions of the Council of a higher education institution, the rector must strictly comply with the requirements specified in orders, job instructions, regulations on structural units and other local regulatory documents.

  1. Financial support[1] of students studying on the basis of a fee-contract can be implemented in accordance with the procedure established by law.
  2. Students studying at a higher educational institution from abroad and from distant cities and regions of the republic are accommodated in student residences according to the commission’s conclusion based on the established criteria and according to the relevant order of the rector of the higher educational institution.
  3. In order to be accommodated in student residences, the student applies with an application and attaches relevant documents. This appeal will be considered by the commission approved by the order of the rector of the higher education institution in the established order and based on the established criteria. 59. As a rule, students living in student residences are considered temporarily according to the established procedure.
  4. Students living in student residences shall have the rights and obligations specified in the Regulations on Student Residences, these Rules, and local documents and agreements on the use of rooms and equipment of Student Residences.

Chapter 5. Layout inside buildings

  1. The vice-rector for financial and economic affairs of a higher educational institution is responsible for providing educational buildings with the necessary equipment (furniture, educational equipment, etc.).
  2. Entry into the building is carried out on the basis of service permits, electronic permits, temporary permits and student IDs, as well as other identity documents.
  3. After the end of working hours, the keys to the rooms and auditoriums are handed over to the security guard attached to the higher education institution, which ensures the security of the building, by signing a special journal.
  4. After the end of working hours, the security guard assigned to the higher education institution ensuring the safety of the building, in order to ensure the safety of fire and equipment, the electric lights are turned off, the windows and doors are locked, the employee and the student checks whether he left the building at time z.

Chapter 6. Encouragement for achievements in work and studies

  1. Employees are encouraged in the following ways: submitting a proposal to the subordinate ministry, agency or the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education to recommend them for state awards for their special services to the state and society; recommendation for honorary degrees and other types of awards for setting a special example in labor activity; awarding the employees and students who have made a significant contribution to the efficiency of the higher education institution and fulfill the assigned tasks on time with the honorary certificate of the rector of the higher education institution and diplomas in various nominations; financial incentives, giving gifts in connection with jubilee dates; one-way awards on the occasion of the professional holiday; awards and other forms of incentives given in connection with the holidays.
  2. Wages, additional payments, bonuses and other payments provided for by labor legislation are not included in the types of incentives specified in these Rules.
  3. Students are encouraged for their high performance in studies, research work and active participation in the social life of the higher education institution in the following order: publication of a letter of thanks; reward with a monetary award or valuable gift; awarding with honorary diplomas, degrees and diplomas of various denominations. At the same time, scientific olympiads and sports competitions held on the scale of international, republican and higher education institutions with special talent, who are receiving education on the basis of state grants and fee-contracts at the expense of the financial incentive fund for students. results, as well as in special cases (death of parents, disability, need for social protection) in accordance with the criteria set by the board of higher education, students may be given a one-time incentive or financial aid payment.
  4. Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational Affairs of the Higher Educational Institution of Student Encouragement, Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment, Faculty Deans, Youth Union of Uzbekistan It is carried out in accordance with the order of the rector of the institute based on the recommendation or recommendation of the primary organization, the advisory council on women’s issues, the decision of the scholarship commission.

Chapter 7. Liability for violation of labor and educational discipline

  1. A higher education institution may apply the following measures to an employee for the first violation of labor discipline or in case of negligence: warning; deprivation of a one-time reward (if it is provided for in the local documents regarding the reward); disincentive.
  1. For violation of labor discipline, the higher education institution has the right to apply the following disciplinary measures to the employee: reprimand; a fine of no more than thirty percent of the average monthly salary; a fine in the amount of not more than fifty percent of the average monthly salary in the cases specified in Clause 27 of these Rules (deduction of the fine from the employee’s salary is carried out in compliance with the requirements stipulated in the labor legislation); 3) termination of the employment contract. Disciplinary measures not provided for in this paragraph are prohibited.
  2. The application of disciplinary punishment and measures of influence is carried out by the order of the rector of the higher education institution. It is not possible to apply both disciplinary and other measures for violation of labor discipline.
  3. As a measure of disciplinary punishment, a fine is applied regardless of whether or not it was given to the employee for his misconduct.
  1. A written explanation letter is required from the employee before disciplinary punishment is applied. The employee’s refusal to issue an explanatory letter cannot be an obstacle to the imposition of punishment for his misconduct. The fact that the employee refused to issue a letter of explanation regarding the violation of labor discipline is formalized with a document. When applying a disciplinary punishment, the severity of the misconduct, the situation in which the misconduct was committed, the previous work and behavior of the employee are taken into account.
  2. Disciplinary sanctions are applied immediately after the detection of misconduct, but within one month after the detection of this behavior. Sick or vacation time of the employee is not added to the one-month period.
  3. Punishment cannot be imposed after six months have passed since the day of the commission of the misconduct, and two years after the date of the commission of the financial[1] economic activity when it was determined as a result of an audit or inspection. . The period of criminal proceedings is not included in this period.
  4. The employee is notified of the order on the imposition of disciplinary punishment and a receipt is obtained. If the employee refuses to issue a receipt, it will be formalized with an appropriate document.
  5. Only one disciplinary sanction may be applied to an employee for each misconduct.
  6. The validity period of a disciplinary punishment cannot exceed one year from the date of its application. If the employee is not subject to disciplinary punishment within this period, one year after the announcement of the punishment, he is considered not to have received disciplinary punishment. In such cases, an order to remove the disciplinary penalty is not issued.
  7. Disciplinary punishment can be removed at the initiative of the rector, at the request of the employee or at the request of the employee’s immediate supervisor, even before a year has passed. Early removal of disciplinary punishment from an employee is formalized by the order of the rector of the higher education institution.
  8. An employee may appeal against a disciplinary punishment in accordance with the procedure provided by the labor legislation.
  9. When an employee causes direct damage to a higher education institution and its property, regardless of whether disciplinary punishment is applied, he may be held financially liable in accordance with the law.
  10. Incentive measures shall not be applied to the employee during the period of disciplinary punishment.

83. These Rules, the Code of Ethics of the higher education institution, the anti-corruption program (policy) of the higher education institution, incitement to commit corruption offenses by employees, students, students and doctoral students of the higher education institution for the purpose of notification of cases of application, the Charter of the higher education institution, decisions of the Council of the higher education institution, orders of the rector, job instructions, regulations on structural units and other local for violation of the requirements established by the normative documents: a) for students: expulsion from the higher education institution (postponement from course to course); you are good; a student who misses classes from 12 to 16 hours for no reason, as a rule, is officially warned by the dean of the faculty that disciplinary action will be taken against him; as a rule, severe disciplinary action against a student who missed 32 hours of classes without good reason; b) to a doctoral student: you’re welcome; expulsion from the doctoral program will be applied. Disciplinary measures are applied within one month after the detection of inappropriate behavior, within six months from the date of its occurrence, regardless of the time the student (doctoral student) was sick or on vacation, as well as sick, vacation , during academic leave or pregnancy and maternity leave, expulsion from a higher education institution (doctorate) is not allowed. The term of validity of a disciplinary punishment cannot exceed one year from the date of application of the punishment. If the student or doctoral student is not subject to disciplinary punishment within this period, he is considered not to have received disciplinary punishment one year after the announcement of the punishment. In such cases, an order to remove the disciplinary penalty is not issued. Disciplinary punishment applied to a student or doctoral candidate for exemplary behavior, high performance in studies, scientific research work or active participation in the social life of a higher education institution is the responsibility of the dean of the relevant faculty, the head of the Master’s Department or the Scientific may be removed even before a year has passed by order of the rector based on the statement of the head of the department.

  1. Students of a higher education institution based on the requirements of the regulation on the procedure for transfer, restoration and expulsion of students of higher education institutions approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated June 20, 2017 No. 393 may be expelled from the educational institution in the following cases: a) at his own will; b) in connection with the transfer of studies to another educational institution; c) for violation of educational discipline and the Code of Ethics of the higher education institution and these Rules; g) due to missing classes for more than 74 hours during one semester without reasons; Based on the order of the Minister of Health No. 236 dated August 8, 2020, in accordance with paragraph 93 of the Regulation on teaching the credit-module system at the Bukhara State Medical Institute, the academic debt is 4 credit modules and more to submit a presentation to the rector of the institute about the exclusion from the ranks of students and expulsion from the ranks of students (postponing from course to course); d) due to non-payment of tuition fees on time (for students studying under a fee-for-service contract); e) in connection with the student’s deprivation of liberty by the court; j) in case of violation of the established procedure in the entrance exams according to the court decision (in this case, those excluded from the ranks of students will not be reinstated in the ranks of students); z) due to death.
  2. Expulsion of students at the initiative of a higher education institution is carried out with the written consent of the student union (for students who are members of the union). It is also possible to agree with the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan when the student is expelled according to sub-paragraph “v” of paragraph 84 of these Rules.
  3. A student subjected to disciplinary punishment may file a complaint regarding the legality and fairness of the punishment imposed on him in accordance with the procedure established by law.
  4. Information on the disciplinary punishment applied to the student is kept in his personal document collection.
  5. When a student is expelled from a higher education institution, he is given personal documents, an academic certificate in the prescribed form, and a copy of it is sewn into a personal collection.
  6. During military service, health recovery, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as child care leave, as well as sick family members (father, mother or their substitutes, spouse , child) may be granted an academic leave to the student in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Chapter 8. Separate rules

  1. Quarantine or similar employee, when it is not possible to perform his work duties at the place of work (higher education institution building), in the cases where restrictions are established in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation, the employer, with the consent of the employee, allows him to work remotely, flexibly can switch to work mode at work or at home. In this case: the equipment and/or technical means necessary for the performance of the employee’s work duties shall be provided by the employer according to the written request of the employee; in case of damage caused by the fault of the employee to the equipment and equipment given to the employee by the employer, the damage will be compensated by the employee to the employer in accordance with the current legislation; if the employee uses personal equipment and/or technical means, as well as means of communication, including the Internet, for the performance of his work duties, the employer reimburses the employee for expenses not exceeding one times the amount of the basic calculation; when there is a need for production, the employer notifies the employee one day in advance through means of communication and transfers him to a permanent place of work based on the order; communication between the employee and the employer through the exchange of electronic documents is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the internal local documents of the higher education institution and other legal documents. An employee transferred to the remote work method (working at home) shall retain the rights to work leave, temporary incapacity benefit and other rights provided for by law and the collective agreement of the higher education institution in accordance with the vacation schedule. Remote work means a method of work in which the employee’s work duties specified in the employment contract are performed outside the employer’s territory, outside the permanent workplace, area or facility under the direct or indirect control of the employer.
  2. Pregnant women, the elderly, people with disabilities, and employees with chronic diseases are the first to use the right to work remotely, on a flexible work schedule, or at home.
  3. In case of temporary transfer of an employee to remote work, the employer issues an order specifying the deadline for transferring the employee to the temporary remote work mode.

Chapter 9. Final Rules

  1. Admission of citizens by the rector and vice-rectors of the higher education institution is carried out on the basis of the duly approved schedule. 94. All new employees and students will be introduced to these Rules by the personnel department through a signature.
  2. Every employee has the right to protect his/her rights stipulated by legislation, these Rules, other internal documents of the higher education institution and the employment contract through the means and methods provided for by the law, when he/she believes that his/her rights have been violated, independently or by the higher education institution. has the right to apply to the employer through the union committee. This appeal will be considered in the prescribed manner, and the employee will be informed about the result.

Chapter 1. General rules

Article 1. Relations regulated by this Code

This Code was developed in accordance with the Law “On Education” of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other laws and statutory documents, and pedagogues and other employees, students, doctoral students of the institute (hereinafter – employee, student and doctoral student) regulates relations related to principles, norms of professional ethics, educational process and basic rules of behavior in service.

Article 2. Goals and objectives of the code of conduct

Objectives of the Code of Conduct:

development of common culture among employees, students and doctoral students;

forming a modern image of employees, students and doctoral students of the institute;

educating employees, students and doctoral students in the spirit of respect for the institution and its values;

is to improve the concept of institute etiquette and develop a unified approach to requirements for appearance and behavior in the institute. The tasks of the code of conduct are as follows:

prevention of delinquency and crime, promoting and inciting inappropriate behavior, including violence, cruelty and obscenity among staff, students and doctoral students, as well as various negative vices and protection from the influence and attacks of ideas and views foreign to our national mentality, extremism, separatism, fundamentalism and “mass culture”;

to determine the reasons and conditions for the occurrence of such inappropriate behavior and to eliminate them;

educating employees, students and doctoral students in the spirit of high legal awareness, strict adherence to the Constitution, laws and other regulatory legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

forming and improving the ability of employees, students and doctoral students to always respect and protect the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens;

formation of patriotism, high spiritual and moral qualities in employees, students and doctoral students and educating them in the spirit of respecting our national values, respecting the honor and dignity of women, not allowing inappropriate behavior towards them;

formation and development of a healthy social and psychological environment in the institute;

Creating conditions for the formation of appearance-related culture among employees, students and doctoral students of the institute;

preserving and further increasing the authority and reputation of the institute in the life of the state and society, as well as in the educational system.

Article 3. Scope of the Code

This Code applies to all employees, students and doctoral students of the institute.

Chapter 2. Principles of the Code

Article 4. Basic principles of behavior of employees, students and doctoral students of the institute

This Code is based on the principles of legality, the priority of rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens, patriotism, loyalty to the duty of service and education, justice, honesty and impartiality, efficiency and economy.

Article 5. The principle of legality

Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute strictly comply with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and fulfill their service and study obligations in accordance with the job instructions, employment contracts, the provisions of this Code, the internal rules of the institute and other educational regulations. perform in accordance with public documents.

Article 6. The principle of priority of rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens

The rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens are considered the highest value of the institute. Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute do not allow violations of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens, and in cases of such violations, they help to restore the rights.

Article 7. The principle of loyalty to the duty of patriotism, service and study

Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute carry out their study and service activities based on spiritual and moral values, loyalty to the Motherland, loyalty to the duty of service and study, expressing the society’s demand and trust in the institution of higher education. Employees, students, and doctoral students perform their duties of study and service in good faith, regardless of their interests and ideological views.

Article 8. The principle of justice, honesty and impartiality

Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute must be fair, honest and impartial in the implementation of their service and study activities, and treat all legal entities and individuals who apply to the institute, its sites and social networks based on the requirements of this principle. must be.

Article 9. The principle of efficiency and economy

Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute constantly increase the efficiency of their work by implementing innovative technologies and in other ways.

Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute, in turn, treat the property of the institute, their own time and other people’s time with responsibility and caution.

Chapter 3. Fight against corruption

Article 10. Do not accept any form and appearance of corruption

Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute do not accept any form and appearance of corruption and take legal measures in solidarity against its manifestation in any way.

Employees, students and doctoral students should fight against corruption and actively contribute to its prevention, as well as inform about the anti-corruption program of the institute and cases of appeals by employees, students, students and doctoral students of the institute to commit corruption offenses. must fulfill the requirements of the Regulation, conduct their activities transparently and fairly, adhere strictly to the rule of law while remaining loyal to high moral values and principles.

Chapter 4. Requirements for behavior and official communication of employees, students and doctoral students

Article 11. Rules of dress and appearance in the institute Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute must wear modern clothes suitable for their studies and profession.

Female employees, students and doctoral students of the institute, who attract attention, in particular, revealing the body transparently, revealing the shoulders, breasts and abdomen, above the knees, and wearing excessively tight clothing, as well as headphones, ears and fingers. they are not allowed to come to the institute with various jewelry or metal objects on different parts of the body, piercings or tattoos on the visible part of the body. Also, it is not allowed to add elements that reflect belonging to different religions and confessions and subcultures (hijab, kipa, kashaya, cross, etc.) to the uniform of students allowed to come to the institute. Students should come to the institute in light-colored and non-bright blouses, knee-length skirts or suits and dark-colored shoes, as well as bring the necessary educational materials with them. Men who are employees, students and doctoral students of the institute should wear a white, beige, light brown or light gray shirt, classic style trousers or a suit, tie and dark shoes. In this case, students must bring the necessary educational materials with them. Employees, students and doctoral students are prohibited from wearing outerwear (cloaks, coats, jackets, etc.) in the auditorium and service rooms. The appearance and clothes of employees, students and doctoral students should be neat and clean.

Article 12. Participation in meetings and gatherings

During their participation in various events (meetings, solemn gatherings, meetings, holidays), employees of the institute, students and doctoral students are obliged to treat speakers with respect, maintain peace and tranquility during the event, and without the permission of the chairman and moderator it is impossible to throw a bite and speak. If necessary, it is allowed to enter and leave the meeting hall between speeches.

Article 13. Follow the rules of behavior in buildings

At the entrances and exits of the buildings, as well as on the corridors, students should let staff, men, women, and young people pass adults before them. Each person entering the building must openly show his identity document (service or student ID card, passport, etc.) to the responsible person or duty officer appointed to control entry and exit to the building, or pass through the turnstiles with a specially issued ID card. teeth are a must. Employees, students and doctoral students should walk on the right side of the road on the territory of the institute, and should not talk loudly on mobile devices in corridors and halls. When meeting each other, it is recommended to greet each other: students greet staff first, young people greet adults first.

Article 14. Standards of official communication of employees, students and doctoral students

Employees, students and doctoral students of the institute, when interacting with organizations and institutions, mass media and citizens, must follow the following norms and rules of official communication: perform their actions in the interest of the institute, maintain and improve its image , not to carry out actions that harm the name and interests of the institute, its employees, students and doctoral students, as well as to create a highly positive impression of the institute with their exemplary behavior when communicating with them and in correspondence on social networks; relations with women must be based on the requirements of current legislation, national traditions and principles of mutual respect; Not to distribute information about the institute, its employees, students and doctoral students that is untrue or misinterpreted, that allows for a false interpretation, or to allow such information to be disseminated. not to eat, as well as not to make speeches on this topic in public and on social networks; not to disclose information about the personal life of employees, students and doctoral students without their consent; not to clarify information about employees, students and doctoral students that are not related to their professional and educational activities; follow the rules for providing service information; to provide the requested information in accordance with the requirements of sufficiency (extremely short and at the same time excessive) and reliability (does not require re-checking); not to use the information received in the course of performing one’s official duties in an inappropriate manner, as well as not to distribute them without the permission of the Institute’s management; not to unreasonably criticize the activities and professional actions of employees, students and doctoral students in the educational process, public appearances, as well as untruthful actions of state authorities and management bodies and institutes, the actions of its employees in mass media and various social networks , not to discuss without grounds and not based on clear evidence, and not to evaluate and express opinions about them.

Article 15. Observance of work and study time

Employees, students and doctoral students must come to class and work on time, observe work and study discipline.

Article 16. Prohibition of unethical and inappropriate behavior in the institute

It is strictly forbidden to engage in the following unethical and inappropriate behavior that interferes with the student’s and doctoral student’s studies, and the employee’s work at the institute: committing any offense or crime, including defamation, insult; consumption and distribution of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and analogues of alcohol, alcohol and tobacco products; aggression against peace or tranquility, fighting, gambling and playing other games based on risk; causing material damage to the institution and moral damage that negatively affects its business reputation; causing physical, moral or material harm to employees, students and doctoral students; Polluting the environment of the institute in any way; Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco or other products and being intoxicated in the buildings and yard of the institute, as well as in the area adjacent to the buildings of the institute, having grown hair and beard contrary to the appearance and the rules set forth in this Code. arriving without complying with the requirements for clothing and shoes; Preparation of non-institutional information, as well as various motion pictures, illegal information, obscene pictures and films, propaganda of national, racial, ethnic, religious enmity, extremist, separatist and fundamentalist sentiments on computers belonging to the institute , view, store, distribute and invite them; conduct that interferes with educational activities and work, as well as the tranquility of employees and students (unintended use of radio transmitters, televisions, multimedia and sound devices); placing on the Internet and other social networks any material that is not typical of universal and national values or that harms the reputation of the institution and its employees, or using them for various inappropriate purposes. Aggression by employees, students and doctoral students that lowers the working reputation, value and prestige of the institute, leads to moral violation of the educational process, degrades the honor and dignity of people, rape and brutality, vandalism, inter-ethnic The use and distribution of photos, videos and audio recordings that provoke conflict, religious orientation, terrorism, extremism, and fundamentalism, as well as showing obscene and romantic scenes, is not allowed. Also, various untrue, baseless and unverified claims that adversely affect the reputation of state authorities and higher education institutions, their employees and students. the appearance (disclosure) of information, opinions, opinions and attitudes on the Internet, social networks, as well as other mass information sources, distributors, carriers, and positive reaction to such information (clicking “like”, reposting) (doing) is an unethical and improper behavior that hinders the study of this student and doctoral student, and the employee’s work at the institute.

Chapter 5. Ethical obligations of the management of the higher education institution and procedures for preventing conflicts of interest in professional activities

Article 17. Obligations of the leader

Management and heads of structural units (hereinafter referred to as heads) set an example of high professionalism, objectivity, purity and justice towards subordinates, positive, morale in the institute or its structural units. – it should help the formation of psychological mullet. The leader should not demand subordinate employees to perform tasks that are beyond the scope of their duties, and should not encourage them to commit illegal actions. In his activities, the leader: does not allow cases of discrimination in labor relations, selection and placement of personnel based on signs of kinship, compatriotism or personal loyalty; not to allow factionalism, localism, favoritism, as well as other negative factors to arise in the course of performing one’s official duties; not to be rude, not to belittle the honor and dignity of people, not to have a psychological and physical effect on them; take timely measures to prevent and regulate conflicts of interest; take measures to prevent corruption; to create all the conditions for the professional and intellectual development of employees, a comfortable workplace, free use of modern computers, the Internet, the library fund and information resources, recreation, relaxation, and physical training based on internal capabilities; It is necessary to efficiently organize the activities of employees and treat the property and financial resources entrusted to him with care and economy. The leader is responsible for demanding and ensuring that the employees under his command observe labor discipline.

Chapter 6. Requirements for relations between employees, students and doctoral students

Article 18. Relations between employees, students and doctoral students

Relations between employees, students and doctoral students should be based on the principles of national values and traditions, a single collective environment, mutual respect and attention, friendship, solidarity, honesty and justice. Disrespect for human dignity, denigration of personality, appropriation of other people’s intellectual property, rudeness, use of obscene words, and fighting are strictly prohibited in the relations between employees, students and doctoral students. Pedagogical staff should make high demands on students in the educational and educational process, together with respect for their personality.

Article 19. Interactions of teaching staff and students in and outside the auditorium

When the pedagogue enters the auditorium, all students should stand up and meet with respect, and then take their seats after the pedagogue greets and allows them to sit down. Even when the pedagogue employee finishes the lesson and leaves the auditorium, the students should get up and follow him. Pedagogical staff should respect the personality of students in the educational process and in other situations, follow the principles of openness and benevolence in dealing with them, carry out their duties impartially in the process of teaching students, do not discriminate against students, use harsh words They must always be honest and unbiased in relation to them. Pedagogical staff should respond to students’ questions about subjects of interest to them outside of class, following ethical standards, and take measures to increase their interest and passion for science.

Article 20. Academic persecution and harassment will not be allowed

In the life of the institution, the leadership or pedagogic staff involved students in certain work without their consent, using their labor force without payment (in the higher education institution and other areas attached to it, with the relevant decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Cabinet of Ministers, strict safety standards (except for cases where voluntary Saturdays and other types of activities are organized in accordance with the rules) when addressed to them for the purpose, the rejection of such a request by the students will result in a low grade or other type of pressure and harassment by the pedagogue in the future. Academic harassment is prohibited and such harassment is strongly condemned.

Article 21. Use of mobile devices

The use of mobile communication devices during the lessons is strictly prohibited for everyone. The use of mobile communication devices may be allowed only with the permission of the pedagogue in necessary and justified cases.

Article 22. Participation in the lesson

Students are not allowed to come late to class. However, a student who is late for a lesson for a good reason can enter the auditorium and take his place with the permission of the pedagogue. A pedagogue can expel a student who interferes with class activities by his or her inappropriate actions after notifying the dean of the faculty (in his absence, the deputy dean or the tutor) about the situation.

Article 23. Communicating outside of class

If there is a need for a student to communicate with a pedagogue outside of class, then communication can be carried out: consultation hours, independent work or at a time determined by mutual agreement; it is desirable for the student to know the position, name, patronymic and surname of the pedagogic employee with whom he wants to communicate. In cases where there are justified serious reasons (rudeness, greed, low quality of lessons, evidence of regular interruptions in classes due to the fault of the pedagogue, etc.) and the unanimous opinion of the group (course), students may replace the pedagogue. they can contact the dean of the faculty with a request.

Article 24. Subordination

Appeals to senior staff by employees, students, and doctoral students in relation to any issues are organized on the basis of a certain procedure (principle of subordination), i.e., step-by-step access to the leadership levels in the response. The cases of direct application of students to the rector of the institute are excluded.

Article 25. Initiative and activity The initiatives and ideas of employees, students and doctoral students to further improve the moral and ethical environment in the higher education institution, to increase the quality of education, to effectively use innovative ideas, and to organize various beneficial events are encouraged. will be canceled.

Students are not allowed to come late to class. However, a student who is late for a lesson for a good reason can enter the auditorium and take his place with the permission of the pedagogue. A pedagogue can expel a student who interferes with class activities by his or her inappropriate actions after notifying the dean of the faculty (in his absence, the deputy dean or the tutor) about the situation.

Chapter 7. Ethical obligations of employees, students and doctoral students

Article 26. Ethical obligations

Persons entering the institute to study and work are introduced to this Code in writing (by signing). Employees, students and doctoral students: to comply with legal documents and the requirements of this Code; to deeply understand noble qualities such as always striving for excellence, living a life with honesty and justice; to respect our national traditions, customs and values related to manners; to constantly work on them and regularly study the adopted legal documents; to carry out their duties conscientiously and professionally; to refrain from any actions that tarnish the reputation and authority of the institute; not to use information about the institute to harm its interests and business reputation; careful treatment of the institution’s property (movable and immovable property, flora and fauna, etc.), including correct and economical use of material and technical means provided for the performance of duties; economical use of electricity and water; if any unpleasant incident or incident occurs, to immediately report it to the management of the institute; to comply with the specified restrictions and prohibitions, to perform their duties without deviation, not to discuss the personal and family problems of employees, students and doctoral students, to discuss about any person gender, race, nationality, language, religious belief, social origin and position not to misjudge or discriminate against him, regardless of his other characteristics; not to organize and spread various incitements, conspiracies, gossip and slander about employees, students and doctoral students, as well as other persons; to avoid controversial situations that damage the business reputation or prestige of the institute; not to deliberately harm the efforts of employees, students and doctoral students in the work and educational process; not to commit actions that demean the honor and dignity of women, not to be rude, not to use obscene words expressed in disregard for generally accepted rules of conduct in mutual relations; timely and high-quality execution of the decisions (tasks) taken (given) by state bodies and officials, as well as by the management of the Higher Education Institution within their powers; not to abuse one’s position for personal benefit and the benefit of others; to tell the truth, not to mislead managers and other employees; not to install various advertising tools without the permission of the authorized personnel; to take all measures to ensure the preservation and confidentiality of information known to them in the course of their professional activity, for their disclosure they will be liable in accordance with the procedure established by law; to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of the health of the people around, to support the growth of aesthetic and ecological culture; to express a critical opinion and make an objective decision, to understand and eliminate one’s mistakes and shortcomings; not to deliberately flaunt one’s financial well-being in various ways; To be polite to the staff of the information resource center, to treat books and equipment with care, to turn off or put the mobile communication devices in silent mode there, not to speak loudly and not to disturb others, food not to eat food, not to leave paper, chewing gum and other waste, to follow the procedures for receiving and handing over books; to enter the sports complex in sports clothes and shoes; to be careful with sports inventory; to return the sports inventory to the specified places after training; to comply with the established procedures of the sports complex; to maintain cleanliness in the auditoriums, buildings and the area adjacent to the buildings of the higher education institution; not to pollute the area, to dispose of waste in special boxes placed on the premises; not to leave a personal car in a prohibited place, not to violate traffic rules and disregard (being careless), as well as not to create danger when using vehicles; outside of work (study), they are obliged to observe generally accepted norms of etiquette, to avoid anti-social behavior.

Article 27. Additional requirements for etiquette

a) students: to constantly improve speech culture; to actively support and strengthen the self-management system of students, develop creative activity and cultivate collective culture; not to discuss the grades of other students with the pedagogue; not to receive help from outside, not to provide help to others during the procedure for protection of written works and rating control; not to submit assignments or written works prepared by other persons on their behalf; not to miss classes without reason and not to come late to classes without reason; not to wander in vain on the territory of the institute during training sessions; not to leave the territory of the institute without the permission of the dean of the faculty, the head of the master’s department, during the lessons; in the event of a conflict situation with an employee, student or doctoral student, to restrain their emotions and to contact the relevant department and staff (tutor, dean, primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, Spirituality and Enlightenment Center) to address; to be active and attentive in the educational process and strictly follow the instructions of the pedagogue; not to talk during the lesson and not to engage in activities not related to the lesson; to be careful with equipment, not to write on tables and chairs; not to leave paper, chewing gum and other unnecessary things in the auditorium; not to eat or chew gum during classes, as well as to use a personal computer and other means of communication only with the permission of the pedagogue; to turn to the pedagogue employee with a question or request during the training session with a raised hand and after permission has been granted; to follow the queue procedure and established rules when ordering and receiving food in public dining places; To strictly observe the rules of internal order of the student residence; in the interest of public safety, to the extent possible to come to the institute by public transport;

b) employees: to comply with the discipline at their place of work and the rules of internal procedure of the Institute; to leave his place of work in a condition that meets the requirements before the vacation or when the employment contract is terminated, not to hand over office equipment and other materials, tasks assigned to him, but not yet completed, to another person; to observe the culture of communication and the rule of providing information when communicating by phone (including, starting the conversation with a formal greeting, then moving to the goal by stating one’s service institution, position and surname, first name, first name, presented the information should be as short, concise and clear as possible, it is not allowed to block the telephone network due to the fact that the requested information is searched during the conversation, if necessary, make a call back possible); to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism; to decide on a healthy lifestyle among young people, to warn them about the evils of alcoholism and drug addiction, various other dangerous threats and extremist influences alien to us, attacks of “popular culture”; to help in the spiritual and moral education of learners and the development of effective forms and methods of educational work; not to do actions that raise doubts about conscientious performance of one’s official duties, not to discuss professional and personal shortcomings of one’s colleagues with students; not to expel students from educational activities without grounds, as well as not to threaten the student with expulsion from the ranks of students of the institute (expulsion from course to course) or to force the student to abandon studies, not to cause him to be expelled from the ranks of students (expulsion from course to course) without reason ; in the academic group (course), they fulfill the requirements, such as providing written information about the general cultural state of student behavior to the deans of the faculty, in the necessary cases, on the need to take measures of influence.

Chapter 8. Promotion and action procedure

Article 28. Motivating employees and students

Employees and students who fully complied with this Code during the academic year and contributed to the establishment and strengthening of a high moral and ethical environment in the institute, management, faculty deans, heads of departments and other structural department heads according to the recommendation, they can be financially or morally encouraged in the prescribed manner.

Article 29. Importance of code compliance for attestation and other processes

Compliance with this code by employees is taken into account when conducting attestations, forming a personnel reserve for appointment to higher and other positions (career growth).

Article 30. Responsibility for violation of the provisions of the Code

Violation of the provisions of this Code by an employee, student and doctoral student of the institute serves as a basis for holding him accountable in the prescribed manner.

Article 31. Interaction of the code and internal procedures

When employees, students, and doctoral students violate the provisions of this Code, the measures specified in Chapter VII (Liability for Violation of Work and Study Discipline) of the Rules of Internal Procedure of the higher education institution shall be applied to them.

Chapter 9. Organization of the ethics commission

Article 32. Ethics Commission

As a rule, issues related to violations of the norms of this Code by employees, students and doctoral students can be considered by the Ethics Commission. Also, the Ethics Commission, as a rule, according to the instructions of the rector of the institute; according to the results of the service inspection; on his own initiative; the institute can consider these types of issues based on the information received from employees, students and doctoral students, as well as through the communication channels of the institute. The ethics commission is formed by at least 5 people. The purpose, tasks, functions, rights and other issues related to the organization of the Ethics Commission are determined by the Statute of the Ethics Commission approved by the rector of the institute.

Article 33. Conclusion of the Ethics Commission

Based on the results of consideration of violations of the Code of Ethics by the Ethics Commission, a conclusion is drawn on the presence (absence) of disciplinary or other violations of rules. At the same time, a proposal is submitted to the rector of the institute to hold the offending employee, student and doctoral student accountable. Taking into account the nature of the violation of the allowed rule, the Ethics Commission can be limited to a warning against the violation of the Code of Ethics against the employee, student and doctoral student. The draft order on disciplinary action against an employee, student and doctoral student who does not comply with the code of conduct is prepared by the deans of the faculty and the graduate department (in relation to students), and the personnel department (in relation to employees and doctoral students). Employees, students and doctoral students can receive information about the violation of the rules committed by them, the process of consideration of the violation of the rules and provide evidence for self-defense, as well as appeal in the prescribed manner regarding the decisions of the higher education institution. have the right to do.

Article 34. Public control

In order to ensure public control over the behavior of an employee, student or doctoral student, the practice of discussing cases of non-compliance with this Code in the Trade Union Committee, Advisory Councils on Women’s Issues, and the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan can be introduced.

Chapter 10. The final rule

Article 35. Entry into force of the Code and amendments and additions to it

This Code shall enter into force after approval by the Council of the Institute, and amendments and additions to it shall be carried out by the decision of the Council of the Institute.