3-sector(Coordination of the educational process)

3-sector(Coordination of the educational process)

Salomova Khanifa Jaxonovna

Head of the sector

Staff of the sector

Adilova Ra’no Hamidovna
Head specialist
Amanova Zarnigor Ismatovna
Head specialist
Nasriyeva Lola Zayniyevna
Hamroyeva Mukhlisa Orziyevna
Gulomova Lola Teshyevna
Hikmatova Shahlokhan Hamidovna

Sector of educational process coordination

Duties of the 3rd sector:

  1. Planning the educational process of the sector of coordination
  2. Organization of the educational process.
  3. Formation of academic groups and streams.
  4. Drawing up all types of study schedules.
  5. Monitors student attendance (reports on attendance to the management of the institute and higher organizations that need it).
  6. . Drawing up a lesson schedule and monitoring its implementation.
  7. Gives advice to students who find themselves in difficult and controversial situations regarding the educational process.
  8. Creates training hours.
  9. In cooperation with departments, draws up and controls educational and methodological documentation.
  10. . Receives and controls reporting on educational work carried out by departments
  11. .Monitors and supervises the implementation of the personal work plan of professors, prepared by the departments.
  12. . Formation of a plan for the professional development of teaching staff.
  13. Opens a personal account for professors of each main state in the electronic portfolio system.
  14. Preparation of notices and letters for professors and teachers who are scheduled to improve their qualifications every month