Department of Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment
27.09.2021 2024-08-03 13:46Department of Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment
Staff of the department
The main directions of spiritual and educational work
Formation of students on the basis of national and universal values, as khaki citizens of the Independent Republic of Uzbekistan;
Formation of national pride in students;
Glorifying and enriching the best of the ancient traditions of our people;
Preparation of civil and childlike duties before the motherland for the successful implementation;
Training of students in the implementation of social policies carried out in connection with the transition of our country to a market economy;
Work on the training of young specialists of the level of demand in the domestic and foreign policy of our country;
To increase the responsibility to master the profession in students;
Nurture the attitude towards the realization of their duty to the National, Family, parent, neighbor, neighborhood;
Formation and improvement of individual qualities of the student as a person, specific;
Broad promotion of students with social activism, initiative, respect for studies and profession and a sense of social malaise;
To protect the benefit of the student youth, to provide all the facilities for them to gain knowledge and live a healthy life;
Development of socio-political and legal consciousness of students, expansion of critical and analytical thoughts in them;
The fight against negative vices in society, such as injustice, obscenity, bribery, familiarity and localism;
Determination of ideological immunity among student-youth in the fight against international terrorism, religious and political extremism, homosexuality and organized crime;
Improving the spiritual and moral work addressed.
Tasks of the Department of work, spirituality and enlightenment with young people
The department is assigned the following tasks in order to further improve the educational process and improve the efficiency of the University:
Leadership of the “spiritual and educational” system, coordination of work carried out in this area;
Preparation, printing of literature on the necessary scientific and methodological topic on spiritual and educational issues using advanced experiments;
Organization of training of employees of all industries;
Various circles, sports, community club, meetings, respect for universal values, devotion to historical traditions, love for the motherland, ideas of independence, spirit of independence, spirituality widely explain to students our achievements in the field;
Training of highly qualified specialists who meet the demand of a new type of mature period, training as spiritual-cultural, moral-spiritual physically competent, faithful to the motherland, neighborhood;
Regular improvement of the management system in the process of spiritual and educational education;
Development of plans and programs of spiritual and educational work and control over its implementation;
The decrees of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Supreme Assembly and Cabinet of Ministers, timely delivery, organization of orders and information of the Ministry of higher education as well as the tasks set out in the law on education and the National Program of Personnel Training to students, coaches and professors;
Speeches and lectures of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, timely communication of the essence of the decisions made by the Cabinet of Ministers to students and youth and professors, Organization of comprehensive explanatory work;
Setting up a system for improving the master-apprentice system;
To ensure that the coaching hours held by the mentors are effectively held;
Organization of meaningful holding of “spirituality Day” events held at the University;
Holding meetings in different educational directions;
Improving the system of work in cooperation with the EU-regulatory agencies in order to prevent violations;
Scientific and methodological and practical literature on the issues of spiritual and educational education of students and young people, the preparation and printing of manuals and the provision of educational literature;
Organization of meaningful student leisure;
To organize regular monitoring of the living conditions of students living in the student housing and rent;
Control of the University in order to ensure the continuous, high-quality operation of sports-wellness, household services, nutrition, recreation, cultural recreation systems;
Organization of various competitions, festivals, spartakiads, Olympiads at the University;
In order to improve the financial situation of students with disabilities who come from financially disadvantaged multi-child families, it is necessary to regularly work to determine their condition and make proposals to the university leadership;
To organize events on various topics on the occasion of the holidays and anniversaries of Scientists;
Organizing visits of students and professors to film theaters, museums, places of historical pilgrimage;
Organization and supervision of work carried out by parents of students, local authorities, charitable foundations, neighborhoods and faculties at the University;
Formation of students on the basis of national and universal values, as khaki citizens of the Independent Republic of Uzbekistan;
Formation of student national pride;
Preparation of civil and filial duties and duties before the motherland for the urgent;
Organization of competitions, festivals, spartakiads, Olympiads at the University;
To ensure the participation of professors and students in various public affairs, activities that will take place in the Republic, Region, City and University;
Directions of educational work and the introduction of a proposal to improve their effectiveness.
During the 2023-2024 academic year, the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino implemented the following activities in the spiritual and educational sphere:
In the 2023-2024 academic year, the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino organized over 1,500 events, nearly 50 competitions, 14 festivals, 49 various projects, and more than 20 intellectual olympiads with the aim of fostering patriotism among the youth, cherishing national values and noble traditions, assisting their spiritual, intellectual, physical, and moral development, as well as supporting and encouraging talented and gifted young people. More than 3,500 students participated in these activities.
As a result of the effective spiritual and educational work carried out, in the current academic year, the students of the institute won more than 150 high and honorary places in competitions, olympiads, and contests held at the regional, national, and international levels. Specifically:
• 1st place in the “Zakovat” Republican “Student League” tournament
• 1st place in the Republican stage of the “Zakovat” intellectual olympiad (prize of 100 million soums)
• 1st place in the provincial stage of the “Zakovat” women’s league among female students
• 1st place in the Republican stage of the “Mirzo Ulugbek Heirs” contest
• 1st place in the “Enlightenment Field” Republican contest under the motto “New Uzbekistan – New Worldview”
• 1st place in chess, 2nd place in table tennis and running at the Student Festival held in Turkey
• 1st place in the provincial stage of the “Debate” intellectual tournament
• 1st place in the provincial stage of the “Student League” chess games
• 1st place in the provincial stage of the “Smart Reader” competition
• 1 recipient of the Presidential State Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan
• 1 recipient of the Islam Karimov Scholarship
• 1 recipient of the Minister of Health Scholarship
• 1 recipient of the Abu Ali ibn Sino Scholarship
• 2 winners of the International Science Olympiad at the Abu Ali ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University
• 2nd place in the current year’s Union and Oasis Cup in KVN competitions
• Provincial stage winner of the “Zulfiya” award
• 1st place in the “Woman of the 21st Century” competition
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