Vice-Rector for Finance and Economic Affairs
23.09.2021 2023-01-23 15:39Vice-Rector for Finance and Economic Affairs

Sharipov Oybek Safarovich
Head of Department of affairs
General information
Sharipov Oybek Safarovich, Vice-Rector for Financial and Economic Affairs, was born on July 27, 1976 in the Vobkent district of the Bukhara region. Member of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan. Higher education. In 2008 he graduated from the Bukhara Institute of Food and Light Industry Technology (in absentia). Specialization in education: analysis of economic activity management, vocational education: computer science and information technology.
1994-1996 – Employee of the department “Economics” of Bukhara state medical institute
1996-1997 – Supplier of the department “Economics” of Bukhara state medical institute
1997-1999 – Accountant of the Bukhara State Medical Institute “Accounting
1999-2001 – Deputy Chief Accountant of Bukhara state medical institute.
2001-2011 – chief accountant of the Bukhara State medical institute.
2011-2018 – Vice-Rector for Finance and Economics of Bukhara state medical institute
2018-2020 – Financial Director of LLC “Shofirkon Super auto.”
2020 – 2020 – Bukhara State Medical Institute 1st class accountant in accounting and Associate Dean for Youth Affairs of the Medical faculty deputy
2020-2021 Head of works department
From 2022 to the present, he has been working as Vice-Rector for Financial and Economic Affairs.
Ensures timely execution of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees of the President, resolutions, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers.Organizes the implementation of orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders and instructions of higher organizations, decisions Оf the Academic Council of the University of Uzbekistan on issues related to financial and economic processes, and orders and orders of the rector.Educational departments and dean’s offices, which ensure the financial process, coordinate and control their work.
Developed proposals for the staffing of assistants in the financial and economic part, organized work to provide departments and structural divisions with qualified workers;
Managed the development and implementation of recruitment plans for vacant positions related to financial and economic activities, staff development and training
Makes proposals on the effective use of classrooms, improving the technical equipment of classrooms and laboratories.
Proposals are being prepared to take action against employees who have violated performance discipline, to terminate employment contracts with them.
Permanent financial and economic cooperation with higher educational institutions, organization of interaction with local authoritiesSupervises and coordinates the work of the planning and finance department, accounting, economics, as well as other departments assigned to the order of the rector, and manages the organization of work on the repair of buildings, landscaping and landscaping.
Increasing the attraction of extrabudgetary funds through the launch of additional paid services (publishing, personal services, paid training courses, rent, sponsorship, dividends, etc.) within the existing material and technical base of the BDTI, and thus the teaching staff and staff work over the development of proposals for material incentives for employees.
Organizes the formation of extra-budgetary funds and other special extra-budgetary funds from the education of students on a paid-contract basis, provides accounting for income and expenditure estimates from the State budget, funds received from paid-contract training and entrepreneurship from the relevant ministries .;
BDTI exercises control over the implementation of budget, financial and economic activities, accounting for foreign exchange transactions
BDTI carries out all documentary work on the preparation of educational and laboratory buildings, student dormitories and other auxiliary buildings and structures for the autumn-winter season and the new academic year and ensures their implementation;
BTDI organizes activities to attract investments, review design estimates for the reconstruction and overhaul of existing buildings and structures, draw up contracts, accept and control the quality of work performedDeveloped measures for the rational and economical use of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds, as well as types of public services and ensured their implementation.
Professors and employees of the BDTI develop and implement measures to improve the conditions of remuneration, the development of accounting and reporting.Teachers and staff of the BDTI monitor the timely payment of monthly wages and student scholarshipsCreates an action plan to ensure the safety of students and workers in emergency situations and labor protection and conducts control work to ensure its implementation.Plans the work of student canteens, canteens, sports and recreation centers, medical centers and ensures their work, as well as supervises the work to constantly meet the needs of student dormitories; In order to fulfill their official duties in the newly built campus on Gijduvon street, supervision over the construction work of the clinic is being strengthened.