BukhSMI Press Service

A joint faculty will be established at Bukhara State Medical Institute with another prestigious Russian university.

Buxoro davlat tibbiyot institutida Rossiyaning yana bir nufuzli universiteti bilan qo‘shma fakultet tashkil etiladi1

A joint faculty will be established at Bukhara State Medical Institute with another prestigious Russian university.

Recently, by the decision of the President, the Bukhara State Medical Institute, which is expected to receive university status in the future and be named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, has been continuously expanding its international cooperation.
The institute is increasingly involved in joint educational programs with nearly 10 countries, organizes qualification enhancement and internships with advanced medical and educational institutions, and hosts foreign trips, all of which are demonstrating high effectiveness.

Recently, a delegation led by Professor Ivan Mikhailovich Petrov, the Rector of Tyumen State Medical University, visited the institute.
The prestigious guests were welcomed by the rector of the institute, Professor Shukhrat Teshayev, and the vice rectors, who introduced them to the institute’s modern campus, information resource center, department of traditional medicine, simulation center, and clinical building.
The Russian guests highly appreciated the opportunities for developing medical education at the institute.

During the meeting, the parties held negotiations on implementing several agreements aimed at further developing higher medical education. The discussion focused on organizing joint educational programs, internships, the development of traditional medicine, and the implementation of joint scientific projects.
It was announced that starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, a joint educational program in Dentistry and General Medicine will be established at Bukhara State Medical Institute in collaboration with Tyumen State Medical University, and student admissions will begin.