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An international conference was held in Bukhara in cooperation with a prestigious Turkish university

Buxododa Turkiyaning nufuzli universiteti bilan hamkorlikda xalqaro konferensiya o'tkazildi

An international conference was held in Bukhara in cooperation with a prestigious Turkish university

In the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, scientific conferences, science Olympiads, meetings and dialogues on international cooperation are organized almost every week.

Today, on January 29, a scientific-practical conference was held at the institute on the topic “Actual problems of infectious diseases”. It is worth noting that professors and teachers from the Turkish University of Health Sciences, one of the closest partners of the institute, who have been in our country for a month and gave master classes to students, as well as infectious disease doctors working in practice from Bukhara and Navoi region, will take part in this conference. reached

At the scientific-practical conference opened by Shuhrat Teshayev, rector of BuxDTI, issues such as epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment methods and new technologies of infectious diseases were discussed

Lectures were given by the leading scientists of the field at the conference