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Bukhara medical system cooperates with Korean folk medicine.

Buxoro tibbiyot tizimi Koreya xalq tabobati bilan hamkorlik qiladi1

Bukhara medical system cooperates with Korean folk medicine.

“Daegu Haany University” (DHU) of South Korea is a higher education institution ranked 2nd in the field of folk medicine, 35th in the field of medical education, and among the TOP-100 universities of South Korea.

Daegu Haany University was founded in 1981 and includes several institutes in the fields of Korean folk medicine, health, environment, culture, business and information, agriculture, and design. Today, more than 7,000 students study here.

Cooperation between this higher educational institution and the Bukhara State Medical Institute is of great importance in the development of effective relations.

Efforts to exchange knowledge and experience on a bilateral basis make it possible to further increase the existing capacity.

Chang Keun, director of the generational integration support center of Daegu Haany University, noted that the university plans to expand cooperation on establishing research-based production based on folk medicine at the Bukhara State Medical Institute, training Uzbek youth in the field of pharmaceuticals based on folk medicine, and opening the King Sejong Korean Language Center in Bukhara. is planning

In addition, the Korean side plans to open a joint RD scientific research center at the Bukhara State Medical Institute, to organize joint educational programs on folk medicine, to build a smart electronic farm (E-farm) for the cultivation of medicinal plants, in which herbal medicines, cosmetics and other products will be produced. in favor of launching the release.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that the cooperation with the Bukhara State Medical Institute has expanded, and that both sides are interested in strengthening the work in this regard in the future.

The head of the region expressed his full support for the proposals made during the conversation with the Koreans and the planned projects.