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“II Forum of Future Technologies” started in Moscow

Moskvada II Kelajak texnologiyalari forumi ish boshladi4

“II Forum of Future Technologies” started in Moscow

Today, the “Second Forum of Future Technologies” (II Foruma budushchikh tekhnologii) started in Moscow, the capital of Russia. According to “TASS” news agency, this year its main topic will be the prospects for the development of medicine. For two days, scientists, doctors and other experts will discuss modern technologies. Among them, genetic technologies, development of neurotechnologies, regenerative medicine, biotechnology, etc. It is worth noting that Shuhrat Teshayev, rector of the Abu Ali ibn Sino Bukhara State Medical Institute, and Jasur Jonibekov, the head of the medical radiology department, are participating in this prestigious event.

Topics such as promising technologies in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, future technologies for motherhood and childhood, creation of artificial organs, innovative oncology, and gene therapy were announced within the framework of the forum.
The program of the forum will include a meeting of the BRICS working group on nuclear medicine. An exhibition of innovative developments and solutions in the field of genetic and biotechnologies and neurotechnologies will also be opened. Programs using artificial intelligence and projects in the field of regenerative medicine and biosecurity are presented.

Rector of the institute Sh. According to Teshayev, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and other influential officials will participate in the event, which will be held tomorrow, February 14.