BukhSMI Press Service

On June 10 of this year, the second initiative of the “five important initiatives” was held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute


On June 10 of this year, the second initiative of the “five important initiatives” was held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute

On June 10, 2017, in the academic Lyceum of Bukhara State Medical Institute, in cooperation with the Faculty of Dentistry of Bukhara State Medical Institute and the academic Lyceum of Bukhara State Medical Institute, in order to widely promote sports among young people and to make use of their free time, a sports competition “table tennis” was held among the boys. Rector of the Institute Sh.J.Teshayev, as well as vice-rector for Youth Affairs and spiritual and educational affairs Z.S.Bakhranova dean of the Faculty of Dentistry N.N.Habibova handed over valuable gifts, certificates of honor and medals.