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The delegation of Yamagata University of Japan met with the heads of higher education institutions in Bukhara

Yaponiyaning Yamagata universiteti delegatsiyasi Buxorodagi oliy ta'lim muassasalari rahbarlari bilan uchrashdi

The delegation of Yamagata University of Japan met with the heads of higher education institutions in Bukhara

These days, representatives of Kunchikar countries are visiting our country. Today Yamagata University Professor Tadashi Onodera, Plat Yonezawa Corporation Technical Director Shinji Omata, Yamagata University Entrepreneur Training and Research Center Coordinator Yuichi Saito visited Bukhara State University.

Before the visit, the guests looked at the exhibition organized by all HEIs in the region. At the exhibition, the representatives of the Bukhara State Medical Institute also gave brief information about their practical equipment and the surgical operations performed there.

Also, the guests had a dialogue with Shuhrat Teshayev, rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, and discussed the issue of establishing bilateral cooperation in several fields in the future.

For information: Japan is considered an important and close partner for Uzbekistan in all respects. Founded in 1949, Yamagata University in Japan is currently considered a national, comprehensive university in Japan. Located in a mountainous region with natural beauty including lakes, rivers, and rice fields, the institution has four (Kojirakawa, Iida, Yonezawa, Tsuruoka) campuses spread across Yamagata Prefecture. Among local students, young people from 33 countries of the world study. At the undergraduate level, 12 departments operate in 6 faculties, and at the master’s level, graduate students study in 6 schools.