The institute hosted a graduation ceremony for master’s graduates.
05.07.2024 2024-07-06 10:22
BukhSMI Press Service Cultural and educational activities Cultural and educational events Photogallery
The institute hosted a graduation ceremony for master’s graduates.
The institute hosted a graduation ceremony for master’s graduates.
A graduation ceremony took place at the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina. The event began with a congratulatory word from the rector of the institute, Sh.J. Teshaev, addressed to the masters. The students, sitting in a circle, expressed their trust to the masters and the sincere wishes of the rector of the institute and were greeted by their parents with a standing ovation.
The event also featured musical programs to share the joy of the festival. It is worth noting that 72 graduate students in 18 specialties completed their studies.