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The rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute participates in the prestigious forum of Russia


The rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute participates in the prestigious forum of Russia

On June 24-25, the fourth Russian-Uzbek educational forum on the topic “Educational space of the future: new competencies, innovations, technologies” will be held in the city of Vladivostok, Russian Federation.

The forum is attended by about 150 representatives of the Administrations of the Presidents of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, ministries of education, higher and vocational educational institutions, information technology, culture and cultural heritage, and youth organizations.

Shukhrat Teshaev, rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, who took part in this forum, made a speech. Also, within the framework of the forum, heads of prestigious universities and research institutes of the Russian Federation will cooperate with this institute, which is the number one medical university in the country, to organize joint educational programs and launch internships. and academic mobility projects agreed to eat.