BukhSMI Press Service

Today, April 15, is celebrated in many countries of the world as “Ecological Knowledge Day”!

Bugun, 15-aprel dunyoning ko'plab mamlakatlarida “Ekologik bilimlar kuni” sifatida nishonlanmoqda!

Today, April 15, is celebrated in many countries of the world as “Ecological Knowledge Day”!

This day corresponds to 1992, when at the UN conference held in Rio de Janeiro, it was emphasized that ecological education of the population of the countries of the world is of great importance in the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development of humanity.

In Uzbekistan, as well as in many countries of the world, ecological education is defined as one of the priority directions. For this purpose, the Central Asian University of Environment and Climate Change (“Green University”) has been established in our country, and a number of activities are being carried out to improve environmental culture among the population, especially the young generation.

It should be noted that “Ecological Knowledge Day” is of great importance not only for those engaged in environmental education, but also for all residents of our country. The formation of ecological culture is the guarantee of protecting the health of future generations!