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“You are still holy, holy woman”

Sen baribir muqaddassan muqaddas ayol 5

“You are still holy, holy woman”

At the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on March 8, the contest “Miss Bsmi-2024” was held among female students. The participants competed among themselves on these 4 conditions.

1) Introduction
2) My innovation project
3) Fruit display plate
4) Blitz questions

➖Rakhmatullayeva Nargiza 1st place
➖Rayimova Rayhona 2nd place
➖Namozova Zarnigor 3rd place

Ne’matova Malika – “The most agile girl“, Mutalimova Zulfizar – “The most knowledgeable girl” and Abdullayeva Charos – “The most graceful girl” were awarded. The students who won the prize were awarded diplomas and souvenirs by the administration of the institute.