Department of Dermatovenerology and Pediatric Dermatovenerology

Department of Dermatovenerology and Pediatric Dermatovenerology

Rakhmatov Olim Bobomurodovich


Staff of the department

unnamed (1)
Yakhshiyeva Malokhat Farmonovna
unnamed (2)
Makhmudov Farkhod Akhmedovich
unnamed (4)
Latipov Ikhtiyor Ikromovich
unnamed (3)
Rustamov Mirabbos Karimqulovich
Ozodov Jasur Hamza o`g`li
Xushvaqtova Madina Farkhodovna
unnamed (6)
Sharopova Gulnoza Samadova
Bakhshilloyeva Rushana Ermatova
unnamed (8)
Yusupov Dilshod Amonovich

History of the department

With the establishment in 1990 of the Bukhara State Medical Institute in February 1991, the Department of Dermatovenerology was created on the basis of the Bukhara Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary. Erkin Gasanovich Makhmudov was appointed head of the department. From 1995 to 2003, the head of the department was A.M. Ishankulov.

The work of the first assistants Kh.O. Akhadov, R.T.Artikov, Sh.E. Makhmudov, F.A. Abdullaev, A.N.

In 1989-1990, the head of the Bukhara regional health department A.B. Yorkulov and responsible worker of the Bukhara regional party committee on social issues of the region B.R. Muazzamov analyzed the level of provision of medical care in the regions. After careful analysis, the first secretary of the regional party committee, D.S.

In 2004, the department was transformed into a course of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education due to the reduction in hours. under the name of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Phthisiology and Dermatovenereology until 2018. During this period, the head of the department was Professor Abdurashid Rakhimovich Oblokulov. In the 2018-2019 academic year, together with the course of phthisiology, it was transformed into the Department of Phthisiology, Pulmonology and Dermatovenereology.

From the 2020-2021 academic year, the Department of Phthisiology, Pulmonology and Dermatovenereology was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor I.Kh. Usmanov.

Today Usmanov I.Kh. is the dean of the faculty of curative pedagogy and training of nurses of the highest category of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.

The staff of the department, together with the staff of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Tuberculosis and Pulmonology and medical institutes of the republic, constantly exchange scientific and practical experience.

In 2016, the department opened a magistracy. There are currently 4 masters and 8 clinical residents.

Over the past period, more than 10,000 students have been trained at the Department of Dermatovenereology, including more than 200 specialists in clinical residency and internship. These doctors work in all regions of the country and abroad, except for the Bukhara region.

Teachers of the department: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor O.B. Rakhmatov, Ph.D. I.B. Shukurov, M.F. Yakhshieva, I.I. Latipov, F.A. Makhmudov, M.K. Rustamov, Yu.Kh. Ozodov, M.F. Khushvaktov.

The assistants of the department carry out not only scientific and educational processes, but also medical work. The assistants are attached to the departments of the center as consultants and are actively involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, as well as in the conduct of surgical operations.

The main scientific directions of the department are diseases of the skin and genitals, cosmetology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and clinical course, as well as the development of new methods of treatment, preparation of modern scientific proposals. To solve these problems, constant scientific research is carried out, scientific articles on more than seventy topics, hundreds of dissertations have been published and patents for inventions have been issued. Assistants of the Department of Dermatovenereology carry out not only the scientific and educational process, but also medical and practical work.

The assistants of the department are attached to the departments of the center as consultants who are actively involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and in the conduct of surgical operations. In addition, they organize lectures, monitoring and master classes on various topics to provide medical and practical assistance to districts and cities of the region. In the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, the department employees, along with active treatment in the red zones, organize special training courses for practicing doctors and provide practical and pedagogical assistance.

With its scientific and practical pedagogical activities, the department works a lot to strengthen the health of our people, train qualified doctors, and make a significant contribution to the development of our country. In August 2021, the Department of Dermatovenereology and Pediatric Dermatovenereology was reorganized at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.

During the year, special courses were organized with the students to study the works of the President, the works were studied, regular work was carried out to study the decrees and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including measures for the further development of the higher education system. The decision was widely publicized and studied among all employees.

Goals, objectives, activities and directions of the department:

The purpose of the department is to provide students with knowledge of dermatovenerology, improve their knowledge and skills about the role of dermatovenereology in solving medical problems.

With the establishment in 1990 of the Bukhara State Medical Institute in February 1991, the Department of Dermatovenerology was created on the basis of the Bukhara Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary. Erkin Gasanovich Makhmudov was appointed head of the department. From 1995 to 2003, the head of the department was A.M. Ishankulov. The work of the first assistants Kh.O. Akhadov, R.T.Artikov, Sh.E. Makhmudov, F.A. Abdullaev, A.N. In 1989-1990, the head of the Bukhara regional health department A.B. Yorkulov and responsible worker of the Bukhara regional party committee on social issues of the region B.R. Muazzamov analyzed the level of provision of medical care in the regions. After careful analysis, the first secretary of the regional party committee, D.S

                                                                                      Academic plan:

Based on the approved normative documents, the department develops new educational and methodological complexes and work programs, their introduction into the educational process, the organization of training, clinical studies, types of control, independent work.

                                                                                     Long-term plans:

– Increasing the scientific potential of the department;

– Further expansion of educational and scientific cooperation with foreign countries

– Enrichment of the material and technical base of the department with new modern equipment and educational laboratory equipment

– According to the curriculum of the department, the department has a separate laboratory, physiotherapy room, rooms equipped with modern equipment for treatment.

All classes at the department are conducted on an ongoing basis using modern interactive pedagogical methods, based on the individual abilities and knowledge of each student. For this, such interactive methods as “Brainstorming”, “Round Table”, “Wheel”, “Aquarium”, “Handle in the Middle of the Table”, “Blitz-survey” are highly effective.

The employees of the department are constantly improving their qualifications according to the plan. The department has established contacts with the Tashkent State Research Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology, the Turkmen State Medical Institute, the Caucasus International University, the Kazakhstan University and foreign universities.

Published scientific works:

1.RAKHMATOV O.B. Indications for immediate allergy in viral hepatitis in combination with giardiasis. issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of important infectious diseases and tuberculosis. TASHKENT 1997, pp. 97-99.

2.Rakhmatov O.B. Cytolytic changes in the liver and the cholestatic component in patients with viral hepatitis in combination with giardiasis. issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of important infectious diseases and tuberculosis. TASHKENT 1997, pp. 99-101.

3.Rakhmatov O.B. Bed-allergic indicators in hospitals with viral hepatitis B in combination with giardiasis. issues of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of acute infectious diseases and tuberculosis TASHKENT. 1997, S. 103-105

4.RAKHMATOV OB The value of concomitant lambiosis in the chronicity of viral hepatitis V. theses of reports of the republican scientific-practical conference. TASHKENT. NOVEMBER 1997 G.S. 26-29

5.Rakhmatov O.B. BABAKHODZHAEV S.N., Delayed type hypersensitivity in hospitals with viral hepatitis B in combination with giardiasis. MAGAZINE “ISTEDOD” 1998 No. 2 P. 18-20

6.Rakhmatov O.B. Clinical features of viral hepatitis C in pregnant women with concomitant giardiasis. actual problems of extragenital diseases. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. 1999 Y. BUKHORO 41-42- p ..

7.Rakhmatov O.B. Clinical features of the course of viral hepatitis B with giardiasis. modern problems of viral hepatitis. materials of the scientific conference. 1999 MAY.

8.Rakhmatov O.B. S. N. Babajodzhaev The essence of the transition to the chronic form of Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery with helminthic diseases. secondary immunodeficiency and its correction. TASHKENT 2001 “INFECTION, IMMUNITY AND PHARMACOLOGY” p. 32-32.

9.Rakhmatov O.B. Indications for a rapidly reactive type of allergy in combination with Vg “v” giardiasis. Problems of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Republican scientific and practical conference. BUKHORO 2001

10.Rakhmatov O.B. Clinical manifestations of acute migraine dysentery in helminthiasis. achievements and problems in the study of infectious diseases. ANDIJON 2003 84-87 BET.

11.Rakhmatov O.B. Development and elimination of secondary candidal stomatitis in Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery with parasitosis. “Actual problems of medicine” is a collection of scientific works of professors and teachers of the Institute. BUKHORO 2004 134-137 BET.

12.Rakhmatov O.B. Flexner’s dysentery is a slowly developing allergy associated with worms. actual problems of infectious diseases. TASHKENT 2002 JANUARY 15.

13.Rakhmatov O.B. S. N. Babakkhodzhaev Journal “Infection, Immunity and Pharmacology” No. 1-2. 2003 Y.S. 91-92

14.Rakhmatov O.B. , Development of secondary candidiasis and indications for allergic reactions in Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery with parasitosis. Journal “Infection, Immunity and Pharmacology” No. 1 2008 187-189 PAGES

15.Rakhmatov O.B. BABAKHODZHAEV S.N., Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery with parasitosis in the development of secondary candidiasis and an indication of allergic reactions. Journal “Infection, Immunity and Pharmacology” No. 2 2009 136-138 PAGES

16.RAKHMATOV OB, KHUSHVAKTOVA. M., Improvement of early diagnosis and treatment of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Magazine “NEW DAY IN MEDICINE” 2019 # 2, pp. 273-275

17.Raksmatov O.B. Early diagnosis and diagnosis of etiotropic and immunocorrective methods of treatment of early nodular and ulcerative stages of leishmaniasis. international scientific journal city of nur-sultan (astana), kazakhstan. “Global Science and Innovation 2020: CENTRAL ASIA” No. 4 (3). JUNE-JULY 2020 MEDICAL SCIENCES SERIES PAGES 78-81

18.RAKHMATOV OB, KHUSHVAKTOVA. M., The effectiveness of improving epidemiological, clinical and laboratory diagnostics and treatment for early diagnosis of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis in the pre-traumatic period. The contribution of Abu Ali ibn Sina to the development of pharmacy and topical issues of modern pharmaceutics // Materials of the scientific-practical conference. TASHKENT 2018. Pages 163-165

19.RAKHMATOV OB, HUSHVAKTOVA. M., Early diagnosis and correction of the principles of treatment of a patient with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Journal “Biology and Integrative Medicine” 2018 YEAR No. 11, 5-15 PAGES.

20.Rakhmatov O.B. , OZODOV Zh., Patients registered with a diagnosis of gonorrhea in the Bukhara region and age-sex according to the clinical course of the disease. MAGAZINE “NEW DAY IN MEDICINE” 2020 No. 1, PAGE. 340-343

21.OZODOV Yu.Kh. Rakhmatov O.B. Analysis of the effectiveness of drugs used in the treatment of gonorrhea in the Bukhara region, depending on the clinical course. MAGAZINE “NEW DAY IN MEDICINE” 2020 No. 4 (32), PAGES 259-264

22.Rakhmatov O.B., Khayitova N.D. To assess the effectiveness of zinc for the prevention and identification of a hereditary predisposition to dementia in adolescents. Journal “New Day in Medicine” 2020 No. 4 (32), PAGES 129-133

23.RAKHMATOV OLIM BOBOMURODOVICH, HUSHVAKTOVA MADINA FARKHODOVNA. (2021). Improvement of the principles of treatment of patients with zoonotic leishmaniasis with the immunomodulator Gepon and methylene blue using the Alt Vostok apparatus. American Journal of Medical Science and Pharmaceutical Research, 3 (01), 147-151.

24.PAKIRDINOV A.B., RAKHMATOV O.B., ALIEV L.M. To study the effect on the amount of immunoglobulins-a, m and g when using dysderm cream in combination with low-intensity laser therapy in patients with polymorphic-dermal angiitis of the skin. ((study of the effect on the amount of immunoglobulins, as well as the use of dysderm creams in combination with low-intensity laser therapy in patients with polymorphic-dermal angiitis of the skin), (PAKIRDINOV A.B., TIKHBI Yu.G.A., Rakhmatov Yu.B.

25.Intravenous laser irradiation of blood in the complex treatment of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis MAKSMUDOV FARKHOD A., RAKHMATOV OLIM B., LATIPOV IKHTIYOR I., RUSTAMOV MIRABBOS K., SHARAPOVA GULNOZA S. (JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDIA), (2021) (2021) PAGES 108-111

26.Improvement of the principles of treatment of patients with zoonotic leishmaniasis with the immunomodulator Gepon and methylene blue using the Alt-Vostok apparatus. OLIM BOBOMURODOVICH RAKHMATOV JOURNAL OF THE KHUNAN UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCES) VOL. 48. p. 9. SEPTEMBER 2021

27.M. F. Khushvaktova, O.B. Rakhmatov Assessment of changes in the skin and mucous membranes during exacerbation and remission in patients with covid-19. Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Sciences. 288-291 pp.

28.RAKHMATOV OLIM BOBOMURODOVICH1, KHAYTOVA NIGORA, The effectiveness of the simultaneous use of zinc with retin-a in the treatment of acne, EURASIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH

29.Rakhmatov O.B., Yusupov D.A. Age and gender segregation of patients with atopic dermatitis in the Bukhara region // Scientific journal. scientific progress 1718-1728 pp.

Achievements of the department

Rakhmatov O.B. defended his dissertation on the topic “Clinical and allergic features of viral hepatitis B in combination with giardiasis” on February 23, 1999.

  Rakhmatov O.B. Dissertation of Doctor of Medical Sciences (MD) “Improvement of new methods of treatment taking into account the clinical and immunological features of cutaneous leishmaniasis” Ph.D. They carry out scientific work under the direction of A. R. Oblokulov.

Rakhmatov O.B. On December 13-18, 2021, he visited the South Kazakhstan University. M. Auezov within the framework of academic mobility.

In January-February 2019, he received a certificate of advanced training at the Tashkent Medical Academy for 2 months.

Makhmudov F.A. on the topic “Improving the effectiveness of treatment taking into account the immunopathogenetic aspects of cutaneous leishmaniasis” under the leadership of Khaitov K.N., Latipov I.I. conducts scientific research (PhD) on the topic “Clinical and immunological aspects of the pathogenesis of vitiligo and complex therapy.” under the leadership of B.S. Azizov

Pictures from the life of the department

Gold Medal of Friendship, presented by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyayev.

Hair transplant performed by Makhmudov Farkhod Akhmedovich

An excerpt from the work of O.B. Rakhmatova with foreign students.

Latypov I.I. Melanocyte transplantation process

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