Department of General Hygiene

Department of General Hygiene

Kasimov Khayriddin Olimovich

Head of the department

1975-1983 – Junior Researcher, Research Institute of Tajikistan
1983-1984 – Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Tajikistan
1984-1985 – Sanitary Doctor, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Bukhara Region.
1985-1985 – Sanitary Doctor, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Bukhara Region.
1985-1989 – Head of Department, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Bukhara Region.
1989-2001 – Deputy Chief Magistrate, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Bukhara Region.
2001-2008 – Chief State Sanitary Doctor, Bukhara Region.
2008-2008 – Organization, Management and Healthcare, Bukhara State Medical Institute.
Acting Associate Professor, Department of General Hygiene
2008-2010 – Vice-Rector for Financial and Economic Affairs of the Bukhara State Medical Institute
2010-2011 – Head of the Bukhara City Improvement Department
2011-2013 – Landscaping, improvement and maintenance of the Bukhara City Cultural Center.
head of department
2013-2016 – Head of the Department of the Cultural Center of the Bukhara City Development Department
2016-2018 – State Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Bukhara Region, Occupational Hygiene
sanitary doctor of the department
2018– 2019 – Bukhara State Medical Institute, Department of Healthcare Management and Hygiene.
2019-ch.k.-Head of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Associate Professor of the Bukhara State Medical Institute

Retraining and advanced training of teaching staff of TTA in May 2024 on the basis of the online network center

Hygiene, medical ecology, life safety, nutrilogy, ecology. Hygiene, military hygiene.

Staff of the department

Jumaeva Aziza Askarovna
Associate professor
Manasova Izumgul Serdarovna
senior lecturer
Ortiqov Azim Akhrorovich
Baboyeva Nigora Muhiddinovna
Mukhammedova Zarifa Ravazonovna
Ibragimov Kamol Isroil o'g'li
Samadova Khadichabegim Samandarovnava
Ibotova Makhfuza Oybek qizi
Umurov Shamsiddin Sattorovich
Murodov Behruz Kamolovich
Bafoyev Aziz Husen ogli
Berdiyev Umid Azimovich
Bahodirova Dilshoda Bakhrillo kizi

History of the department

Historical information about the department General hygiene department was established in 1991-1992 academic year. The head of the department, Ph.D. U.K. Khasanov. appointed and assistants I.S. Manasova, A.A. Jumayeva, M.R. Mirzoyeva, F.U. Faizullayeva. acted.

In the 2005 academic year, the department was merged with the department of public health and new subjects such as Marketing of Medical Services, Valeology, Epidemiology of Non-infectious Diseases were introduced, and teaching processes were conducted based on new model and working programs in these subjects. Associate professor Kh.N. Qayumov, associate professor O. Kh. Khasanov, senior teachers Salomova H. J., Kabilova G. A., Sharipova N. S., Atayeva M. A., teachers A. A. Jumayeva, Z. J. Jumayeva, D. B. Rajabova, Kh. Kh. Shirinova worked in the department.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, associate professor Kh. N. Qayumov, associate professor O’. Kh. Khasanov, senior teachers Salomova H. J., Kabilova G. A., Sharipova N. S., I. S. Manasova, teachers A. A. Jumayeva, Z. J. Jumayeva, D. B. Rajabova, Kh. Kh. Shirinova at the department , Yuldashova Sh.T. and Mavlyanova S.Sh were active. From January 2018, the head of the department, Ph.D. Atoyeva M.A. carried out its activities.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, new subjects were introduced in the department for students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Medical Prevention and Hygiene and Medical Ecology, and for students of the Department of Medical Biology, and lesson processes were conducted on the basis of new model and working programs for these subjects. Today, the department has a professor Ph.D. Nuraliyev N.A., Ph.D., head of the department Atoyeva M.A. , associate professor K.O. Kasimov, senior teachers Manasova I.S. , teachers: Salomova H.J., Kabilova G.A., A.A. Jumayeva, Z.J. Jumayeva, D.B. Rajabova, Yuldashova Sh.T. , Vokhidov U.G. and external representatives of the Ph.D. Tokhtayev A.A. vat.f.n. Baratova M.S. were active. On September 9, 2019, the department became independent.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, the department was divided into two. In the Department of General Hygiene, H.O. Kasimov was appointed the head of the department. The teachers are Manasova I.S, Jumayeva A.A., Jumayeva Z.J, Nurova Z.Kh., Mirzoyev O.M. completed the academic year. In the 2020-2021 academic year, Artykov.A.A, Nabiyeva.S.S, Yadgarova.Sh.S, Muhammedova.Z.R, Zakirov.V.Z. and internal deputies Kosimov I.Kh., Ismailova M.Z. were active. In the 2021-2022 academic year, Olimova D.V., Sharipova G.I. were hired at the beginning of the academic year and Jumayeva Z.J. terminated the employment contract. From 24.12.2021 Ibrokhimov K.I. was hired as an internal deputy, on 17.01.2022 Hakimov T.B. was hired as an internal deputy. On 01.02.2022 Okhunjonova M.Z. 1.0 was recruited to the main staff. From 06.05.2022 Mirzoyev O.M. terminated the employment contract. 01.06.2022 Ismailov F.F. 1.0 was hired with the main staff for the contribution.

Spiritual and educational works

Educational work with students

During the academic year, the department carried out educational activities aimed at making students and young people polite and educated, developing their consciousness, and forming humane values.

In practical training, lecture classes, to start them on the right path, to educate them in an ideological way, to cultivate patriotic feelings, to explain citizenship, i.e. student duties, to know their rights, ethics, aesthetics Interviews were conducted regularly during classes in order to educate him in spirit and become a spiritually mature person. The news of the week in our country, abroad, and also in the institute, the decisions and decrees of our president were announced.

Methodical manuals created to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, recommendations and brochures

 It is known that in the training of a mature doctor, the teacher’s appearance, behavior, communication, and deontological skills play an important role. In this place, it is very important to form a philosophical worldview in students, to educate students in the spirit of mutual respect and attention. These are the essence of educational and spiritual work. In this place, it is the need of the hour to study and promote the works, decrees and decisions of our president Sh.M. Mirziyoyev. Discussions on these topics were conducted not only during lectures and practical classes, but also after classes, among students, in particular, in the student accommodation, by the department’s staff during the year. In particular, a corner of spirituality and enlightenment was established in the department, where the symbols of our independent Uzbekistan (flag, coat of arms, anthem, etc.) were formalized. Employees of the department actively participated in the holidays “30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “Navroz”, “May 9 Day of Remembrance and Appreciation”.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, special attention was paid to the educational, cultural and educational work carried out by all employees of the department.

A corner of spirituality and enlightenment was established in our department, where the works of the President, articles on the Constitution, recommendations, brochures and various newspapers were expressed, and the employees and students of the department regularly used it.

On the results of the implementation of tasks in the state programs of 2022 “The Year of Honoring Human Values ​​and Active Neighborhoods”.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed naming 2022 as the “Year of glorifying human dignity and active neighborhood”. The head of state mentioned this during his Address to the Oliy Majlis.

In his annual address to the Oliy Majlis, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said, “Of course, it is very difficult to name the year 2022… We have prepared a lot for it. Honoring human dignity is the legal right and freedom of every person living in our country it means ensuring the interests of the people,” said the president. He emphasized that the neighborhood, which is the basis of society, plays a decisive role in this matter, and if the neighborhood is peaceful, the country will be peaceful.

“If the neighborhood is prosperous, the country will be prosperous. Therefore, from now on, effective work in every neighborhood will become the main criterion of our activity,” added Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

“In general, a decisive role in the development of any society is played by the healthy and well-rounded development of the young generation, on which the future of this society depends. Therefore, we consider our enthusiastic, enterprising, comprehensively developed young people with modern knowledge and skills to be our support in matters of expanding our reforms and further increasing their efficiency,” said the head of state.

He emphasized the need to create an environment and conditions for the education of new Khorezm, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Ulugbek, Navoi and Babur in order to form the foundations of a new renaissance in the country.

“Our most important task should be to create competent young people to set great goals and achieve them. Only then will our children become a real force that will fulfill the long-standing dreams of our people,” said the president.

“Especially, seeing the eyes of our young men and women burning with enthusiasm and their desire for knowledge at the recently held Youth Forum gave me great strength. And I am once again convinced that they are brave and determined young people, as Ibn Sina said,” said the president.

“I am sure that we will build a new Uzbekistan together with such educated young people with powerful creative potential,” said the head of state.

Professors and teachers of our department have done a lot of work to fulfill the tasks set in the state program. In order to raise the morale of young people and meaningfully organize their free time, he also carried out propaganda work in Gijduvan district on the implementation of 5 important initiatives.

Department assistant MIRZOEV O.M. Working with students in the direction of developing the skills of professional culture, professional ethics and the formation of an active citizenship position in students , ongoing clarification interview

Results of seminars and conferences held in the fields of spirituality and enlightenment

In the direction of spirituality and enlightenment, various seminars and conferences were organized in our department. My Uzbek language is my soul” devoted to the November 18 Medical Workers’ Day on the topics of “My profession is my pride”, “Our flag is our pride”, “Prevention of AIDS and various sexually transmitted diseases”, and “Our Constitution” dedicated to the Constitution Day on December 7 – the factor of our development” on January 22nd dedicated to “January 14th Defender of the Fatherland Day” on the theme “The motherland is one, the homeland is one”; on February 15th a roundtable discussion dedicated to the birthday of Alisher Navoi, the sultan of the ghazal estate, on March 6th International Women – Department staff actively participated in events dedicated to the day of girls “There is a woman, the world is bright”, events dedicated to May 9 Remembrance and Appreciation Day, sumak election held in the student residence. bit. Also, it’s the first Friday of every month we participated in the meetings regularly held in the spiritual department.

Activities carried out in the “Student Residence”

During the academic year, the staff of the department prepared a plan for spiritual and educational work, and based on this plan, each teacher held events and parties on various topics in the “Student Residence”.

The head of the department and professors met with the students living in the student residence, on September 24, 2021, “The teacher is as great as your father”, on January 11, 2021, “Raising the spirituality of young people and organizing their free time meaningfully.” 5 important initiatives”, on January 14, 2021, “The book is my happiness”, and on April 7, 2022, they held roundtable discussions on the topics “Legal education prevents crime”.

Employees of the general hygiene and ecology department took an active part in sumalak and halim tables organized for Navroz holiday in March, in the parade held on February 14 Defender of the Fatherland Day, May 9 Remembrance and Appreciation Day. Also, every Friday, the staff of the department met with the students living in the dormitory and monitored their living conditions, the cleanliness and arrangement of their rooms.

Results of actions against crime and delinquency among young people

In order to prevent crime and delinquency among young people, the staff of the department, head of the department, associate professor Jumayeva A.A. led by the students, round talks were held on the topics “Terrorism, religious extremism is a threat to the future of young people”, “Warning is the demand of the times”, “The fight against drug addiction and AIDS”. In addition, according to the purpose, the staff of our department were on duty at the student residence once a month and supervised the students.

There were no media releases.

Activities and their results to meaningfully spend free time of students

In order to attract students to science in order to spend their free time productively, various educational literature and discs of our department were handed over to the library of the institute. The department also has training manuals and educational multimedia on all subjects.

In order to spend the free time of the students productively, the “Young Biologists” club was organized in the department, and during the academic year, additional trainings were conducted with the students. Also, in order to interest students in reading, a “Feast of Books” was organized in our institute. Assistants of the department and their coaching groups took an active part in it.

Propaganda in an educational institution

Employees of our department conducted professional orientation based on the order issued by the institute. Each employee went to designated districts of Bukhara region and invited school and high school graduates to study at Bukhara State Medical Institute. Department assistant Mirzoyev O.M. A lecture was given to the students of the Technical College of Public Health named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, Zarafshan city, Navoi region.

Physical education and sports activities

Professors and teachers of the Department of “Histology, Cytology and Embryology” by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh. directed to physical training of young people and creation of necessary conditions for them to show their abilities in the field of sports. The head of the department, Associate Professor Kasimov H.O. was appointed in charge and organized sports training with students at TTJ. He explained to every student that playing sports is very necessary for health, as well as the burden of life without sports.

Scientific research works

The department is in close contact with the “general hygiene and radiation hygiene” departments of TMA, SamMI, TashPMI, AnMI, and the teachers of the department at Kazakhstan National University named after Al Farabi and Kazakhstan Medical University named after Asfediyarov are Manasova I.S. After lectures and practical trainings, they exchanged experiences.

In November 2023, the associate professor of the academic mobility department, A. A. Jumayeva, gave a lecture and practical training at the “Turkistan National University” of the Republic of Kazakhstan and shared experience.

Defended dissertations

In the 2021-2022 academic year, the assistant of the department JumayevaA.A. “Toxicological-hygienic classification of Seller’s insecticide”, in the 2023-2024 academic year, assistants of the department Artikov A.A., “Hygienic principles of improving the working conditions of workers of poultry farms and factories”, Manasova I.S., “Hygienic assessment of the working conditions of workers in flour production enterprises and their production of health measures”, Ibrohimov K.I. They defended their doctorate (PhD) dissertations on the topic “Evaluation of the labor process and production of measures for the improvement of employees working in modern animal husbandry complexes”.

Today, the department’s doctoral student Samadova X.S., assistants U.A. Berdiyev, Sh.S. Umurov, and Z.R. Muhammedova are conducting scientific research on the current problems of hygiene.

Work done in the department on creation of new textbooks and manuals. Development of new means of education and control, visual aids.

In 2022: 2 textbooks, 4 study guides, 3 monographs were prepared and published by the department staff.

In 2023, 5 textbooks, 5 study guides, 4 monographs, 6 EHM programs were prepared by professors and teachers of the department. In 2024, 1 textbook, 1 study guide, and 4 monographs were prepared. and published.


– 2023: 90 national and 65 international articles have been published, as well as 1 article in Scopus journal.
– 2024 (current): 76 national and 65 international articles have been published, as well as 2 articles in Scopus.

Visitors are in the simulation center of the institute's new building

Scientific-practical conference

– In 2023, an international scientific and practical conference was held on current issues of hygiene and ecology.
– In 2024, a republican scientific and practical conference on the same topic was held.

Award process for conference guests and speakers

Academic mobility

The delegation of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina visited the Faculty of Medicine and Health of the National University of Kazakhstan named after Al-Farabi ( During the visit, a meeting of the representatives of the two higher educational institutions was held, where the issues of expanding cooperation and creating a joint educational program were discussed.