Department of Otorhinolaryngology
16.12.2021 2024-10-28 11:17Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Nurov Ubaidullo Ibodullayevich
Head of the department
Staff of the department

t.f.n., professor

t.f.n., professor

PhD, dotsent







History of the department
In 1993-1995, the department was headed by Akram Ibragimovich Muminov, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, academician of the International Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.

In 1990, on the basis of a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the former Soviet Union, a decision was announced to establish a medical institute in Bukhara, the birthplace of our great-grandfather Abu Ali ibn Sina. A. I. Muminov was entrusted with the responsible task of managing the institute and he was appointed rector of the Institute. Bukhara State Medical Institute in a short period of time under the leadership of A.I.Muminov has become one of the prominent higher educational institutions of our republic. In August 1993, under the leadership of Akram Ibrogimovich Muminov, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, academician of the International Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology began its work. Akram Ibragimovich Muminov was appointed head of the department. The department was established in 1993 as part of the clinical base of the Bukhara Regional Hospital (now the Bukhara Regional Multidisciplinary Medical Center). Akram Ibragimovich Mominov graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1960 and was accepted as a clinical coordinator at the Department of ENT Diseases of the Samarkand Medical Institute. In 1962-1965, he became a postgraduate student at the Moscow Medical Pedagogical Institute. In 1965 he successfully defended his PhD thesis. In 1965-1970 he worked as an assistant and associate professor of the Department of ENT Diseases of the Samarkand Medical Institute, and in 1970-1975 as an associate professor and professor of the Department of ENT Diseases of the Tashkent State Medical Institute. In 1972 A. I. Mominov successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1975-1990 he worked as the head of the Department of ENT diseases of the first medical and sanitary-hygienic faculties of the Tashkent State Medical Institute, established on his initiative. During these years, A.I.Muminov worked as dean of internship and industrial practice, dean of the first medical faculty, vice-rector for Academic Affairs of the Tashkent State Medical Institute. In 1990, in connection with the establishment of the Medical Institute in Bukhara, he was appointed rector of this institute and head of the Department of ENT Diseases. A.I.Muminov was appointed rector of the Samarkand State Medical Institute from 1995 to 2000. In 1995-2001, he was the head of the Department of ENT Diseases of the Medical and Pedagogical Faculty of SamMI. From 2001 until the last days of his life he worked as a consulting professor at the Department of ENT Diseases of the II Tashkent State Medical Institute. A. I. Muminov is the author of more than 350 scientific articles and 5 monographs. In 1996, he created a textbook of otorhinolaryngology in Uzbek for students of the medical institute. Under his leadership, 7 doctoral and 30 candidate dissertations were defended. On the initiative of A.I.Muminov, the first “Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Center” was established in the republic in 1980. In addition to scientific, pedagogical, medical and administrative work, A. I. Muminov carried out multifaceted public work. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals “Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology”, “Medical Journal of Uzbekistan”, “Russian Rhinology”, a member of the board of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a member of the Commission on Otorhinolaryngology. In 1980, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
In 1995-2012 and 2014-2018, the department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Vakhidov Nuriddin Hikmatovich.

1995-2012 and 2014-2018 Bukhara State Medical Institute “ENT, Dentistry and Oncology” was appointed head of the department, associate Professor Vohidov Nuriddin Hikmatovich. In 1975 he graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Samarkand Medical Institute. In 1975-1976, he completed an internship at the Bukhara Regional Children’s Hospital. In 1977-1989 he worked as an ENT doctor at the Bukhara Regional Children’s Hospital, and in 1989 as the head of the ENT department at the Bukhara Regional Children’s Hospital. In 1995 he defended his dissertation, in 1997 he received the title of associate professor. In 1995-1998 he worked in the management of the IIB hospital. 2003-2009. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pedagogy, 2009-2011 Dean of the Medical Faculty of Bukhara State Medical Institute in 2012-2014, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy and Higher Nursing, Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry and Ophthalmology in 2014-2018. He is the author of more than 80 scientific articles, 16 methodological manuals. Vohidov Nuriddin Hikmatovich “Otorhinolaryngology (2019)” and “Pediatric otorhinolaryngology (2019)” textbook in Russian and Uzbek, “Functional anatomy and methods of research of the larynx, larynx, nose, ear”, “Diseases of the upper respiratory tract”, “Acute laryngotracheitis in children”, “Diseases of the larynx and trachea in children children (2019)”, “Clinical otorhinolaryngology (2020)”, “Upper respiratory tract diseases in children (2019)” textbooks have been published.
From 2012 to 2014, from 2019 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Nurov Ubaydullo Ibodullayevich.

In 2012-2014, the head of the department was appointed Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor, associate Professor Nurov Ubaydullo Ibodullayevich. Since in 2014 he was appointed dean of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy and Higher Nursing, in 2014-2019 the department was headed by Associate Professor N.H.Vohidov. From 2019 to the present, the department is headed by Associate Professor Yu.I. Nurov. In 1980 he entered the Central Asian Pediatric Medical Institute, and in 1986 he graduated from this institute with honors. In 1993, he entered graduate school, graduated ahead of schedule and defended his PhD thesis. In 1996, Nurov worked as an assistant of the ENT department, in 1997 as a senior assistant of the department. In 2002, he was appointed associate professor of the department. 2004-2009 He worked as the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. In 2012-2014 he worked as the head of the Department of “Otorhinolaryngology”, in 2014-2019 as the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pedagogy. He has published 96 scientific articles, 12 methodological manuals, 4 textbooks and publications, such as “The work of an ENT nurse in the surgical department”, “Diseases of the larynx and trachea in children”, “Clinical otorhinolaryngology”, “Otorhinolaryngology”. , is the author of textbooks. He made 7 rationalization proposals and received a patent for 3 scientific works.
In 2006, the Department of “Otorhinolaryngology” functioned jointly with the Department of Ophthalmology. In 2014-2016, by order of the rector, the department functioned as “ENT, Dentistry and Oncology”, and in 2016-2018 as “ENT, oncology and Ophthalmology”. From 2019 to the present, he has been the Department of “Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology” and continues his activities.
In 1993, based on the decision of the scientific Council of the Institute, the course “Eye diseases” was organized. The department is located on the basis of the Bukhara Regional Eye Hospital. Gulzhamol Rustamovna Odilova has been teaching ophthalmology since 2006. In 2010 Odilova G.R. defended her PhD thesis and in 2011 received the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences. Gulzhamol Rustamovna Odilova is a senior lecturer in ophthalmology, Candidate of medical Sciences, author of more than 25 teaching aids, published more than 45 articles in foreign and republican journals.
The department conducts practical and clinical classes in otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology for students of the specialties “Treatment”, “Medical Pedagogy”, “Medical Biology”, “Medical prevention”, “Dentistry” and “Pediatrics”.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Associate Professor Odilova Gulzhamol Rustamovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor in 2010 defended his thesis “Improving the treatment of eye burns” (14.00.08.- ophthalmology).He is engaged in ophthalmological areas of medicine.
Educational activity: conducts lectures and seminars on ophthalmology for undergraduate and graduate students, and also directs the activities of the department.
Scientific activity: currently working on a doctoral dissertation on the topic ”comparative morphometric characteristics of light-conducting parts of the eye and changes in ocular DNA in children with diabetes mellitus”. Author of more than 60 scientific articles and 2 monographs. Supervises 1 independent researcher, 3 masters.
Medical work: a doctor of the highest category. Consultant.
Data: higher education in the specialty “Medical business” graduated in 1991, qualification: doctor (UV-i No.078241), clinical residency in the specialty “Ophthalmology” (1999) (No. 00116).
Telefon: +998905134484
Boboeva Rano Rakhimovna is an assistant of the department, responsible for scientific work. Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD), in 2022 defended her dissertation on “Experimental substantiation of the choleretic activity of Rutan” (14.00.17. – Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology, 14.00.16 -normal and pathological physiology). He is engaged in the ophthalmological field of medicine.
Educational activity: conducts lectures and practical classes in ophthalmology. Author of more than 12 manuals, 1 textbook.
Scientific activity: more than 30 scientific articles.
Medical work: a doctor of the first category. Consultant .
Data: higher education in the specialty “Medical care” (2007) qualification: general practitioner (286105), clinical residency in the specialty “Ophthalmology” (2009) (No. 0144). Total work experience: 12 years. Teaching experience: 12 years.
E-mail: –
Telefon: +998936263553
Juraeva Gulrukh Bafoevna – assistant of the department. Engaged in the field of ophthalmology medicine.
Educational activity: conducts seminars on ophthalmology for undergraduate students simultaneously with scientific activities.
Scientific activity: currently working on a scientific study on the topic “Clinical and laboratory aspects of early diagnosis of damage to the organs of vision in chronic kidney disease”. Author of more than 10 scientific articles.
Medical activity: doctor of the 2nd category.Ophthalmologist.
Data: higher education in the specialty “Medical business” (2004) qualification: general practitioner (279219), clinical residency in the specialty “Ophthalmology” (2011) (no. AA 000085). Total work experience: 17 years. Teaching experience: 1 year.
Telefon: +998914031779
Khuddieva Nargiza Yuldashevna-assistant of the department. He is engaged in the ophthalmological field of medicine.
Educational activity: conducts seminars on ophthalmology for undergraduate students simultaneously with scientific activities.
Scientific activity: currently working on a scientific study on the topic “Features of clinical, instrumental and immunological changes in the conjunctiva of viral etiology”. Author of more than 10 scientific articles.
Medical activity: doctor of the 2nd category.Ophthalmologist.
Data: higher education in the specialty “Medical business ” (2008) qualification: general practitioner (289895), clinical residency in the specialty “Ophthalmology” (2013) (no. AA 005564). Total work experience: 12 years. Teaching experience: 2 years.
Telefon: +998912404949
Murodullaeva Nargiza Oripovna– department assistant. Engaged in the ophthalmological field of medicine.
Educational activities:conducts seminars on ophthalmology for undergraduate students simultaneously with scientific activities.
Scientific activity:is currently working on a scientific study on the topic “Контакт линзалардан фойдаланганда шох парда эпителийсининг морфометрик кўрсатгичлари ва кўриш функциясининг бузилиши.”
Author of more than 10 scientific articles.
Medical activity:doctor of the 2nd category. Ophthalmologist.
Data: higher education in the specialty “Medicine” (2016) qualification: general practitioner (No. 869881), MD in the specialty “Ophthalmology” (2019) (No. 103260). Total work experience: 5 years. Teaching experience: 1 year. E-mail:
Phone: +998912494200
Ramazonova Shohibonu Shoyim qizi – department assistant. Engaged in the ophthalmological field of medicine.
Educational activities: conducts seminars on ophthalmology for undergraduate students simultaneously with scientific activities.
Scientific activity:is currently working on a scientific study on the topic “Ambliopiyani davolash usullarini takomillashtirish”
Author of more than 10 scientific articles.
Medical activity: Ophthalmologist.
Data: higher education in the specialty “Medicine” (2020) qualification: general practitioner (00001826), master’s degree in the specialty “Ophthalmology” (2023) Total work experience: 3 years. Teaching experience: 1 year. E-mail:
Teлефон: +998914120004
Achievements of the department
Scientific direction of the department: “Development of causes and therapeutic measures of diseases of the ear, throat and upper respiratory tract in a rapidly changing climate” and “Development of causes and therapeutic measures of eye diseases in a rapidly changing climate”. “. 1 doctoral and 8 candidate dissertations have been defended at the department.
Radzhabov R.R. and Narzullaev N.U. among the teachers of the department, they improved their qualifications in distance learning at Krasnoyarsk Medical University. N.H.Vohidov, R.R.Radzhabov, U.I.Nurov, N.Yu. In 2013, Narzullaev improved his qualifications and received a certificate in the field of off-site bicycle therapy conducted in the region. In 2019, the senior lecturer of the department Radzhabov R.R. He was on academic mobility at the Department of ENT Diseases of the Tajik State Medical University, lectured students, conducted practical classes, and also examined patients and participated in surgical interventions and shared his experience. In 2020, the senior lecturer of the department, R.R. Radzhabov, held a lecture and practical classes on otorhinolaryngology with 4th-year students of the Karaganda State Medical University.
In 2012, associate Professor of the department N.H.Vakhidov was awarded the “Excellent Health Worker” badge, and in 2020, associate Professor of the Department H.N.Nurddinov was awarded the “Kindness” badge.
Circles “Young otorhinolaryngologists” and “Young ophthalmologists” were organized at the department, members of the circle participated in TMJ with thematic lectures, 20 students took prizes. A member of the circle “Young otorhinolaryngologists” Kasimov U.R. was awarded a diploma of the first degree and a badge at the scientific conference “The best young scientists-2020”, held in Kazakhstan on 28.09.2020 under the leadership of Narzullaev N.U. Sh.Sh.Yakheev became the winner in the nomination “Scientific problem solving” at the International Olympiad “Samarkand-2020” under the leadership of F.S.Ikramova.
Clubs of "Young otolaryngologists and ophthalmologists"
Achievements of the department's clubs "Young otolaryngologists" and "Young ophthalmologists"
From the life of the department
Department achievements
The publication of the department includes the development of scientific and practical works on diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract and therapeutic measures, as well as “Climatic eye diseases” and therapeutic works. The department has defended 1 doctoral and 8 candidate dissertations on this topic.
R.R. Radjabov and N.U. Narzullaev from among the teachers of the department underwent advanced training in distance education at the Krasnoyarsk Medical University. N.Kh. Vohidov, R.R. Radjabov, U.I. Nurov, N.U. In 2013, Narzullaev improved his qualifications and received a certificate for mobile bicycle treatment work carried out in the region. In 2019, senior lecturer of the department R.R. Radjabov was on academic mobility at the Department of ENT Diseases of the Tajik State Medical University, gave lectures to students, conducted practical classes, and also examined patients and participated in surgical interventions and shared his experience. In 2020, senior lecturer of the department R.R. Radzhabov gave a lecture and practical classes on otolaryngology to 4th-year students of the Karaganda State Medical University.
In 2012, associate professor of the department N.Kh. Vakhidov was awarded the “Excellent Healthcare Worker” badge, and assistant of the department H.N. Nurddinov was awarded the “Kindness-Generosity” badge in 2020.
The department organized the “Young Otolaryngologists” and “Young Ophthalmologists” circles, members of the circle participated in the TID with relevant lectures, 20 students won prizes. Member of the “Young Otolaryngologists” circle U.R. Kasimov was awarded a 1st degree diploma and a badge at the scientific conference “Best Young Scientists-2020”, held in Kazakhstan on September 28, 2020 under the leadership of N.U. Narzullaev. Sh.Sh. Yakhyoev won in the nomination “Scientific Problem Solving” at the International Olympiad “Samarkand-2020” under the supervision of F.S.
The department staff, along with their academic work, conduct scientific research. For example, R.R. Boboeva “Experimental Study of the Choleretic Activity of Rutan”, G.B. Dzhoraeva “Clinical and Laboratory Study of Patients with Visual Impairments with Renal Insufficiency”, G.R. Odilova “Craniomorphometric Characteristics of the Light-Refractive Parts of the Eyes and Elements”. of the Eyeball in Children with Diabetes”, Nuriddinov Kh.N. “Improving the Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation of Chronic Polyposis Rhinosinusitis”, Ikramov F.S. “Immunological Aspects of Purulent Otitis Media in Children”. The department staff have also published many scientific articles and abstracts in domestic and foreign journals, created teaching aids, monographs and electronic textbooks. In addition, the department has made more than 10 rationalization proposals, received 5 patents, created 6 EUM programs.
Within the framework of economic cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Uzbekistan, based on the project of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences Thomas Overlak was in the Bukhara region from March 29 to April 14, 2019 to improve the quality of medical care. In order to improve the skills of otolaryngologists, he lectured on the topic of “Ear diseases” to students, masters and clinical managers of the ophthalmology department, together with them he examined patients and performed surgical operations.
Currently, 6 masters and 10 clinical assistants are studying at the Department of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology.
The department has organized clubs “Young otolaryngologists” and “Young ophthalmologists”, and classes are regularly held by the staff of the department. Members of the circle participated in conferences and national competitions and won prizes.