History of the department
12.05.2022 2022-05-12 20:39History of the department
The Department was founded, that is, it was separated from the Department of Pediatrics on September 2, 2020, according to the order of the acting rector of the Institute G. Zharylkasynova.
On September 9, 2020, according to the order of the acting rector of the Bukhara state medical Institute G. Zharylkasynova, Ph. D. Shakhnoza Tolibovna Mukhamedova was appointed head of the Department. Mukhamedova Shakhnoza Talibovna was born in Bukhara region, by specialty pediatrician-neonatologist. In 2003, she entered the Tashkent pediatric medical Institute at the faculty of Pediatrics, and in 2010 she successfully graduated from the Institute, receiving a diploma with honors. In 2013, she graduated from the Tashkent pediatric medical Institute with a master’s degree in Neonatology.
In 2014-2017, she was an assistant at the Department of children’s diseases of the Bukhara state medical Institute, and from 2018 to January 2020, she was a basic doctoral student at the Department. Since September 9, 2020goda is the head of the Department of propaedeutics of children’s diseases of the Bukhara state medical Institute. On January 29, 2020, sh. T. Mukhamedova defended her PhD thesis on “Features of cytokine dynamics in newborns with systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
The scientific direction of the Department is: to Study the immuno-allergic mechanisms of perinatal pathologies of newborns, to study the defects of the cardiovascular system in children, helminthiasis, immuno-endocrine and genetic aspects of gastrointestinal pathologies in children, and also to develop diagnostic algorithms, modern methods of treatment and prevention based on the data obtained.
In 2015, I.Q.Sadulloeva took 2nd place at the regional stage of the Bukhara scientific and practical conference of young scientists “XXI century-the century of the intellectual generation”, and at the Republican stage became the winner of the nomination “Etirof ethylgan eng yahshi maruza”. In 2016, at this competition, she took 1st place at the Republican stage.
In 2018, sh. T. Mukhamedova became the winner of the Republican stage of the contest “O’zbekiston ayollaring 100 TA eng yahshi innovation loyihasi” and took the 1st place of honor.
In 2018, sh. T. Mukhamedova became the winner of the Republican stage of the contest “O’zbekiston ayollaring 100 ta eng yahshi innovation loyihasi” and took the 1st place of honor.
In 2020, under the guidance of sh. T. Mukhamedova, a student of group 533 of the faculty of Pediatrics, medical biology and medical prevention, sh. U. Hikmatova took 1st place at the Republican Olympiad on the subject of Pediatrics.
Research applicants of the Department N. K. To’raeva conducts research on the topic “Prognostic criteria for the severity of glomerulonephritis associated virus in children” and M. S. Shodieva on the topic “Immuno-genetic indicators of gastroduodenal pathologies associated with Helicobacter pylori”. In 2019, associate Professor of the Department A. S. Shamsutdinov visited the St. Petersburg state pediatric medical Institute of the Russian Federation under the academic mobility program and conducted 16 – hour practical classes on “Rheumatic fever, pneumonia and urinary tract infections in children”.