Department of retraining and advanced training of family doctors

Department of retraining and advanced training of family doctors

Tilloeva Shakhlo Shavkatovna

Head of the department

Department staff

Asrorov Akmal Aminjonovich
Senior Lecturer
Adizova Dilnavoz Rizokulovna
Djuraeva Nozima Orifovna
Sultonova Nigora Azamovna
Ergashova Munira Altiboevna
Rakhmatova Nargiza Kudratovna

The Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Family Physicians currently conducts lectures, practical and seminar sessions in the general training and thematic training courses for the training and retraining of medical workers working in the primary care of Bukhara, Navoi region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Training processes of health care system employees of Navoi region

Training processes of health care system employees in the Republic of Karakalpakstan

The process of giving a lecture to the audience by M. Abdurakhmanov, professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases and Resuscitation of the Bukhara State Medical Institute at the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Family Physicians.

The innovative development of PhD Dilnavoz Adizova, associate professor of the department, was financed by the Ministry of Innovative Development.

D.R. Adizova at the "Innoweek-2022" exhibition of innovative ideas

On October 16, 2021, an international conference on “SOVID-19: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” was held in cooperation with the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Family Doctors and the Medical Academy of Ukraine. A number of scientists and senior specialists from Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the Commonwealth of Nations countries participated in the conference with their lectures.


Adizova D.R. Features and approaches to the course of treatment of patients with chronic heart failure
Mavlyanov I.R., Yuldashova R.U., Jarilkosinova G.J. Iron deficiency anemia and Helicobacter pylori: ways to improve the effectiveness of ferrotherapy, taking into account the presence of helicobacter pylori and drug transporter genes
Mavlyanov I.R., Jarilkosinova G.J., Yuldashova R.U. Iron deficiency anemia: epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics and pharmacogenomics (on the example of arid zones of Uzbekistan)
Sultonova Nigora Azamovna Prognosis and diagnosis of placental insufficiency during early pregnancy in women with a history of reproductive losses
Asrorov A.A. Clinical and immunogenetic diagnostic criteria of chronic tonsillitis in children
Tillaeva Sh.Sh. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension
Tillaeva Sh.Sh. The course of rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly

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