Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
16.12.2021 2025-02-11 15:38Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
2000-2005 – Assistant of the department of therapeutic dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
2005-2007 – Bukhara State Medical Institute clinical director of therapeutic dentistry specialty.
2007-2014 – Assistant of the department of therapeutic dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
2014-2015 – Senior teacher of the department of therapeutic dentistry of the Bukhara branch of the Tashkent State Dental Institute.
2015-2016 – Acting dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Bukhara Branch of the Tashkent State Dental Institute.
2017-2018 – Senior teacher of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. (Deputy dean of the Faculty of Dentistry on a temporary basis).
2018-2019 – Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
2021 – y. – h.v. – Head of the department of therapeutic dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
2022 – Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute DSc Associate Professor Diploma No. 007098 30.09.2022
KGMU University of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the Academic Mobility Program in 2018
November 2022- BIMM
2023 St. Petersburg University
2020-2021- 1-c-Preclinical restorative dentistry (lecture and practice),
2-c-Clinical restorative dentistry (practice),
3-c-Clinical endodontics (lecture and practice),
4-c-Periodontology (practice),
5-c-Treatment of SOPR (practice)
2021-2022-1-c-Preclinical restorative dentistry (lecture and practice),
2-c-Clinical restorative dentistry (practice),
3-c-Clinical endodontics (lecture and practice),
4-c-Periodontology (practice),
5-c-Treatment of SOPR (practice)
2022-2023-1-c-Preclinical restorative dentistry (lecture),
4-c-Periodontology (practice),
5-c-Periodontology (lecture), 5-c-SOPR disease (practice)
In 2011, 14.00.21- he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “The condition of the oral cavity of workers and people living in the region of the oil refining industry” on the specialty of stomatology. In 2018, he advanced his qualification at the KGMU University of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the Academic Mobility Program.
In 2022, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Clinical-functional and immunomorphological changes in the oral cavity when using metal-ceramic and zirconium prostheses” in the specialty of 14.00.21- Stomatology, 14.00.36-Allergology and immunology.
Author of 2 monographs, 7 educational manuals, 58 scientific articles and theses, 2 patents, 2 EHM programs, 5 educational methodological manuals.
At the same time, he is supervising 2 researchers.
- Rajabov O.A. The State of Immune Homeostasis of the Mucosa in Prosthics with Metaloceramic and Zirconic Dental Prosthesis. //Central Asian journal of medical and natural sciences. – Spain – 2021. – P.-367-377.
- Otabek Rajabov, Zaynitdin Kamalov, Husnitdin Irsaliev, Fatima Irsalieva. Comparative Assessment of the Cytokine Profile in Dynamics in Patients with Orthopedic Constructions from Different Construction Materials. //Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Romania-2021. – Vol. 25. – P. – 3197-3202. – (Scopus)
- Rajabov O.A. Diagnostic analyzes of clinical functional changes in the oral cavity when metal-ceramic and zircon prostheses are used. //Problemy biology and medicine scientific journal and theoretical and practical problems of biology and medicine – Samarkand. – 2021. – No. 4 (129) S. – 54 – 57 (14.00.00; No. 19)
- Rajabov O.A. “Comparative assessment of cytokine profile and dynamics of patients with metal-ceramic and zircon dental prostheses” //Problemy biology and medicine Scientific journal of theoretical and practical problems in biology and medicine” – Samarkand – 2021. – No. 5 (130). S. – 104-108 (14.00.00; #19)
Irsalieva Kh.I., Irsalieva F.Kh., Rajabov O.A. “Immunnyy barer polosti rta pri defectakh zubnykh ryadov i posle protezirovaniya metallokeramicheskimi prostezami” //Stomatologiya. Tashkent, 2021.- No. 4(85). – C.-57-62 (14.00.00; #12)
- Rajabov O.A. “Vliyanie zubnykh protezov na deyatelnost rotovoy polosti i desnu”. //A new day in medicine. – Bukhara, 2022.- No. 5 (43)- S. – 218-223. (14.00.00; #22)
- Rajabov.O.A. “Results of Clinical and Hygienic Studies of Fixed Dentures in the Oral Cavity” // Middle European Scientific Bulletin. Volume 24 Issue 2694 – 9970. Czech Republic – P. – 117-121
- Rajabov O.A., Asrorov Sh. A. Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Defects of Dentition and Hard Tissues of Teeth and with Inframmatory Periodontal Diseases //Central asian journal of medical and natural sciences. – Spain – 2022. – P. – 229-234.
- Rajabov O.A., Khodjayeva Sh.Sh. Comparative assessment of structural and functional changes in periodontal tissues during prosthetics with metal-ceramic and zirconium dentures //ScienceAsia 48 2022.-P.-969-981(Scopus)
- Khodjayeva Sh.Sh., Rajabov O.A. Immunological Studies In Group Of Patients With Metal-Ceramic Prosthetics Before And After // International journal of Health Systems and Medical Sciences Volume 1 No 4 Oct-2022.-P.-130-135. (Scope)
- Rajabov O.A. Clinical and Immunological Evaluation of Orthopedic Treatment of Patients with Inflammatory Periodontal Diseases of Various Orthopedic Constructions. // International journal of Health Systems and Medical Sciences Vol. 2/No 2/ February-2023 ISSN: 2833-7433.-P.-21-24
- Rajabov O.A., Bekmuradova G. Parameters of Humoral of the Oral Cavity in Patients Before the Start of Orthopedic Treatment // Central asian journal of medical and natural sciences. – Spain – 2023.Vol.04 Issue:02 ISSN: 2660-4159 P.-28-32.
- Rajabov O.A. Structural and functional changes in periodontal tissues during trostnetics winh metal-ceramic and zirconium dentures Valeology: International journal of Medical Anthropology and Dioethics Voy ume 01 ISSUE 01, 2023
- Rajabov O.A. The Optimal Tour of Prosthesis Based on a Comparative Assessment of the Impact of Cermtt and Zircon Prostheses Vol. 2 Issue: 5/
May-2023 ISSN: 2720-6866.-P.-189-195
- Kazakova N.N., Rajabov O.A. Pathogenetic treatment and prevention of destructive inflammation in women’s oral cavity tissues due to osteoporosis during the period of menopause // journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 10(2s) P.-3941-3948
- Rajabov O.A. Analytical results of immunological studies before and after treatment in the group of patients with metal-ceramic prosthesis.// journal of oral medicine and craniofacial research impact factor: 4.917 VOL. 4 issue 2. 2023 ISSN: 2181-0966 B.-64-66
Staff of the department
History of the department
On August 25, 1993, on the basis of order 15 paragraph 4/78, by the rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Professor A.I. Muminov organized the Faculty of Dentistry. Associate Professor Yu.Kh. Yunusov was appointed head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry. In 1994, due to the increase in the number of students at the Faculty of Dentistry, 3 departments were created. The rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Professor A.I. Muminov, on the basis of order No. 15 of 25.08.1993 No. 4/78, associate professor Yunusov Yu.Kh. was appointed head of the department of therapeutic dentistry.
Yu.Kh. Yunusov was one of the first to take an active part in organizing the activities of the Faculty of Dentistry: equipping departments and creating clinical bases for the quality of the educational process. With the ability to conduct a deep and unique analysis of teaching, research and organizational work during his career, Yu.Kh. Yunusov has earned the respect of many. Associate Professor Yu.Kh. Yunusov has published over 70 scientific and professional works. His students made a great contribution to the field of medicine in the Republic of Uzbekistan and other countries.
Medical and scientific-pedagogical activity of the devoted scientist Yu.Kh. Yunusova was deservedly appreciated by our government. Yu.Kh. Yunusov was awarded the “Excellence in Medicine” badge on November 12, 1980 in Tashkent and the “Labor Veteran” badge on November 8, 1988 in Tashkent. Yu.Kh. Yunusov regularly spoke at international conferences of dentists: in Kazakhstan, Bulgaria (1964), Moscow (2000), Leningrad (2000), South Korea (2012). Since 1993, he received several honorary degrees and certificates for active participation in the creation of the dental faculty of the Bukhara Medical Institute and active participation in the development of educational and research work. In 1992, the opening of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Institute was a very significant event.
At the same time, a dedicated dental center was established to meet this requirement. A certain part of the population was attached to this center for treatment. The students of the Faculty of Dentistry were equipped with 20 dental chairs made in Israel in order to develop manual skills.
Equipping the dental center of the institute, the supply of dental materials, the introduction of new technologies, in a word, the constant improvement of the educational process was the main merit of Yu.Kh. Yunusov. Currently, the dental center has a special phantom hall, where students can receive patients from start to finish, show the process in detail, directly use existing dental simulators and other devices made of special materials. A preliminary propaedeutic course is conducted for students and after that, students practice practical skills. As a result of the efforts of Yu.Kh. Yunusov in order to carry out medical and preventive work in the field of dentistry at the level of modern requirements in cooperation with the Center of South Korea, lectures, master classes and student exchanges were held in Uzbekistan. There is an award of scholarships, a visit by the leadership of the institute to prestigious universities in Seoul and Busan, South Korea, and the signing of agreements on joint work. In 1993 the assistants of the department were Nurov N., Mirzaev M., Nazarov O., Rakhimov F., Ergashov I., Khodzhanazarov. In 1994, due to the increase in the number of students, the Department of Orthopedics and Surgical Dentistry was separated. The departments are located in the Regional Clinical Dental Clinic, the Dental Center and the Children’s Dental Clinic.
Department of Therapeutic Dentistry Employees
Currently, the head of the department is Rajabov Otabek Asrorovich. He was born in 1975 in Gijduvan district of Bukhara city. Rajabov Otabek Asrorovich graduated from Bukhara State Medical Institute in 1999. From 2005 to 2007, he studied at the clinical residency. In 2000-2004, he worked as an assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, and in 2015-2016, he worked as a dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. In 2011, 14.00.21- he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “The state of the oral cavity of workers and people living in the region of the oil refining industry” on the specialty of stomatology. In 2018, he advanced his qualification at the KGMU University of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the Academic Mobility Program. 14.00.21 in 2022 – Dentistry; 14.00.36 – Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc) in the field of Allergology and Immunology defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Clinical-functional and immunomorphological changes in the oral cavity when using metal-ceramic and zirconium prostheses.” Author of 2 monographs, 5 educational manuals, 49 scientific articles and theses, 1 patent, 2 EHM programs, 6 educational methodological manuals.
At the same time, he is supervising 2 masters.
Highly qualified teachers work in the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.N. Habibova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor N.N. Kazakova, Associate Professor, PhD Norova M.B, Associate Professor, PhD Saidova N.A., Associate Professor, PhD Atayeva M.A., Associate Professor, PhD Samadova SH.I ., Associate Professor, PhD Mukhsinova L.A., Associate Professor, PhD Taylakova D.I., teachers Hamroyeva D.Sh,. Kurbanova N.I., Pulatova R.S., Navruzova L.H., Hojiyev Kh.H., Sobirov Sh.S., Khodjayeva Sh.Sh. ., Sadiyeva D. Sh. .
Work with students

Sanitation of the oral cavity of students of the 123rd group
To show the students of the 123rd group how to carry out the stages of sharpening
Carrying out the restoration process with the 5th year students
Academic mobile. Training of Kazakhstan State University students at the Stom Center
Visit of Kazakh students to the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of Bukhara State Medical Institute on academic mobility
Students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Academy of Mobility
Participation and achievements of students of the Faculty of Dentistry in the event of cheers and wits
Exchange of experience of the staff of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry at St. Petersburg State University in connection with the academic mobility program
Main publications
- Eronov Y.K., Rajabov O.A. Paradont kasalliklari. O,quv qo, llanma. — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2019
- Navruzova L.Kh. , Rajabov O.A. Parodontologia O,quv qo, llanma. — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2020
- Atayeva M.A. Paradont kasalliklarini davolash va profilaktikasi O,quv qo, llanma.- Bukhoro. Durdona. 2020
- Irsaliev Kh.I., Navruzova L.Kh Parodont patologiyalari O,quv qo, llanma. — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2022
- Saidova N.A., Kurbonova N.I. Gingivitis.Clnic.Diagnostics.Treatment O,quv qo, llanma -Bukhara. Durdona. 2021
- Kazakova N.N., Khamroeva D.Sh. Physiotherapy in curatione morborum dentalium O,quv qo, llanma. -Bukhara. Durdona. 2021
- Ataeva M.A., Kazakova N.N., Samadova Sh.I.Stomatologik kasalliklar profilaktikasi. O,quv qo, llanma . — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2020
- Khabibova N.N., Shirinova H.Kh., Zhabbarova F.U. Morbi virales mucosae oris. Doceo. -Bukhara. Durdona. 2020
- Atoeva M.A. Ogiz bushligi shillik kavati kasalliklari. O,quv qo, llanma. — Bukhoro. Durdona 2021
- Kazakova N.N., Khamroeva D.Sh. Physiotherapy in curatione morborum dentalium. Doceo. -Bukhara. Durdona. 2021
- Ataeva M.A., Kazakova N.N., Samadova Sh.I. Stomatologik kasalliklar profilaktikasi. . — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2020 Rajabov O.A. Materiae polymericae in dentist reficiendo. Doceo. -Bukhara. Durdona. 2019
Khabibova N.N., Kazakova N.N., Shirinova H.Kh., Saidova N.A.Klinik restavrasion stomatologiya. Darslik. — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2020
Ataeva M.A., Kazakova N.N., Samadova Sh.I. Stomatologik kasalliklar profilaktikasi. . — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2020
Khabibova N.N., Tailakova D.I., Samadova Sh.I. Tizimli hypoplasia. Ikkilamchi profilaktika va zamonaviy davolash usullari. . — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2022
Khabibova N.N., Navruzova L.Kh. Tish kattiq tuqimasining nokariasis kasalliklari. Darslik. — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2022
Khabibova N.N., Navrzova L.Kh. Periodontitlar, etiopatogenezi davolash usullari. O,quv qo, llanma.. — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2018
Inoyatov A.Sh., Rajbov O.A. , Eronov Y.K Stomatologiyada tibbiy malakaviy amaliyot. O,quv qo, llanma. — Bukhoro. Durdona. 2018
Atoeva M.A., Khabibova N.N., Khozhiev Kh.Kh. Pulpitlar. O,quv qo, llanma.. — Bukhoro. Durdon. 2019
Khabibova N.N., Navruzova L.Kh., Shirinova H.Kh. Endodontics clinic. O,quv qo, llanma.. — Bukhoro. Durdon. 2019
Khabibova N.N., Tailakova D.I., Khamroeva D.Sh., Samadova Sh.I., Pulpitis, irrigationis solutiones in endodonticis. Doceo. -Bukhara. Durdon. 2019
Ataeva M.A., Kazakova N.N., Samadova Sh.I. Dentist casalliklar prophylaxis O,quv qo, llanma.. — Bukhoro. Durdon. 2020
Khabibova N.N., Tailakova D.I., Vakhidova M.A., Systema tenaces. Doceo. -Bukhara. Durdon. 2020
Kazakova N.N., Khamroeva D.Sh. Physiotherapy in curatione morborum dentalium. Educational
Scientific direction of the department