Department of Neurology

Department of Neurology

Khojieva Dilbar Tajievna

Head of department

Staff of the department

Urinov Muso Boltaevich
Sanоyeva Matluba Jakhonkulovna
associate professor
Akhrorova Shakhlo Botirovna
Associate professor
Rakhmatova Sanobar Nizamovna
Associate professor
Rakhmatova Dilbar Ismatilloevna
Associate professor
Gaffarova Visola Furkatovna
Associate professor
Salomova Nilufar Kakhorovna
Associate professor
Tulaev Mirzokhid Jalolovich
Davronova Khilola Zavkiddinovna
Khayriyeva Mukhsina Farhodovna
Kudratova Shakhodat Ramazanovna
Ochilova Dilshoda Dilnoza
Bafayeva Zarina Bakhtiyorovna
Navrozova Zarina Shodmonovna
Sadulayeva Kunduz Abdullayevna
Bozorov Oktam Naimovich
Bozorov Shaxob Ismatovich
Toxtayev Ilkhom Torakulovich
Akhmedova Dilafruz Bakhadirovna

History of the department

Yakhubov Rakhmin Ashurovich (1993 – 1999 y.y.)

Urinov Muso Boltayevich (1999-2013 y.y.)

Khodjiyeva Dilbar Tadjiyevna (2013 yildan p.d)

The department was founded on August 26, 1993 by order of the rector of the institute No. 171 and renamed into “Neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics.” According to the head of the department, Ph.D. Yakubov.

The Department of Neurology was organized on August 26, 1993 as part of the Department of Neurology of the Regional Clinical Hospital. From 1999 to 2013 – head of the department, Ph.D. was M.B. Orinov. Since 2013, the head of the department is D.T. Khodzhaeva.

    In 2018. assistant of the department Akhrorova Sh.B. She defended her doctoral dissertation in the field of medicine “Idiopathic neuropathy of the facial nerve from the point of view of gender dimorphism.” In 2020, associate professor of the department Urinov M.B. defended his doctoral dissertation on “The course of prosopalgic and prosoplegic pathology in men and women.”

     In 2020, a specialized council was established at the Bukhara State Medical Institute to award the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of medical sciences. Doctor of Medical Sciences Khodzhieva D.T. was appointed as the chairman of the Academic Council. At the dissertation council, organized on October 13, 2020, Nargiza Mansurova defended her first dissertation on the topic “Comparative clinical and pathobiochemical aspects of Parkinson’s disease in the Uzbek and Japanese languages” in the specialty “Neurology”.

       The department conducts research in several areas: diseases of the peripheral nervous system, cerebrovascular diseases, hereditary diseases of the nervous system.

        In addition, republican and international scientific conferences on topical issues of neurology are held annually under the guidance of the head of the department. In addition, students trained by the teachers of the department take part in republican and international Olympiads in science and take pride of place.

       The Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery Research (Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery Research ISSN 2181-0982 DOI 10.26739 / 2181-0982) was established by the head of the department and the rector of the institute in cooperation with the Bukhara State Medical Institute and Research from the Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery is included in the US system, where each article is assigned a doi number. It will also be included directly in the electronic database of scientific articles of the Russian Federation

On November 19-23, 2018, Professor of the Department of Neurology of the Shymkent Medical Academy Tuksanbaeva Gulfariza Usenbaevna visited the Bukhara Medical Institute. During her visit, the professor gave lectures to students, undergraduates and residents of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry. He shared his scientific and practical experience with professors of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry.

     On November 17, 2018, Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Stavropol Medical University, Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Karpov, Head of the Department of Neurology of the Bukhara Medical Institute, Candidate of Medical Sciences Hodzhieva Dilbar Tadjievna. The professor told about his experience and work, his achievements to the staff of the department and students studying at the department. He shared his scientific and practical experience with professors of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry. In cooperation with the staff of the department, the idea of ​​writing textbooks on neurology was expressed, and in a short time the textbook “Neurological symptoms” was published in Russian, English and Uzbek languages. On September 21, 2018, the III Congress of neurologists of Turkic-speaking countries was held in Bukhara. The organizers of the congress were the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, the Bukhara State Medical Institute, the Public Association of Neurologists of Uzbekistan. The conference was attended by a team of professors and neurologists from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia. In addition, republican and international scientific conferences on topical issues of neurology are held annually under the guidance of the head of the department. In addition, students trained by the teachers of the department take part in republican and international Olympiads in science and take pride of place.

Department of Neurology. The staff of the department with prof. B.G. With Gafurov. 2012.

Teachers of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2015.

Educational and methodical work

Currently, the department is called the Department of Neurology. The department employs 15 professors-teachers. The department teaches the subject of neurology, medical genetics and molecular genetics for students of the 4th year, 3 courses and 5th courses of the medical, medical-pedagogical, medical-biological faculties. Together with undergraduate students, the department prepares clinical residents and masters in the specialty of neurology.

The department is taught by 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 9 assistants. On the basis of the curriculum, the department conducts classes on nervous diseases, medical genetics, molecular genetics. Lectures are conducted by qualified specialists. Practical and clinical training is carried out in the Department of Neurology on the basis of a multidisciplinary medical center of Bukhara region.

At the department, all professors and teachers are actively working with students in the field of neurology. The department has drawn up a work plan with talented students, on the basis of the plan, each teacher regularly participates with students in Olympiads and conferences of the republic and abroad and takes pride of place.

Certificates of active students at Olympiads

Third Congress of Neurologists of Turkic-Speaking Countries

On 21 st September, 2018, Bukhara hosted the Third Congress of Turkish States Neurologists. The congress was organized by the Tashkent State  Pediatric Medical Institute, the Bukhara State Medical Institute and the Association of Neurologists of Uzbekistan. In the  conference  participated  professors and neurologists from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia.

The department was visited by Professor of the Department of Neurology of the Shymkent Medical Academy Tuksanbayeva Gulfariza Usenbayevna.

Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of stavropol Medical University, Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Karpov met with professors of the Department of Neurology.

On 17 th November in 2018 Karpov Sergey Mikhailovich, Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Professor at the Stavropol Medical University, met with the Head of the Department of Neurology, Professor Khodjaeva Dilbar Tadzhievna. The professor Karpov Sergey Mikhailovich talked with students of the department about their experience, achievements in the field of neurology. He exchanged scientific and practical experience with colleagues of Bukhara. Then , the professor proposed to collaborate and publish neuroscience textbooks with the staff of the department.

Professor of the Stavropol TU Karpov S.M. with the staff of the Department of Neurology (2018)

“Innovations in Clinical Neurology”

On March 14-17, 2019, the Head of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Professor Khodjieva Dilbar Tadzhiyevna took part in the scientific-practical conference of the school of neurologists of Sankt Petersburg and the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation on the topic “Innovations in Clinical Neurology”. During her visit, D.T. Khodzhieva delivered lectures on the topic “Organizational aspects of improving the medical rehabilitation of patients with acute cerebral circulatory disorders” and conducted master classes. She also exchanged her scientific and practical experience with neurologists of the Russian Federation.

Medical and educational activities of the department

Carrying out treatment and preventive measures among the population during the pandemic

Branch of the Department of Neurology of BSMI in the 37th family polyclinic of Ramitan district

Employees of the department conduct seminars among the population of the Ramitan district on the topic “Diabetes mellitus and its complications, prevention and treatment”

“Neurosomatic Problems”

On 16 th November in 2022, staff and students of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute took part in an online conference called “Neurosomatic Problems”. The conference was organized by Dagistan State Medical University. In The conference participated Dagistan professors with their lectures about problem of neurology and psychiatry. Students of the Bukhara State Medical Institute  and staff of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry were very active about questions in the conference.

Published literature's


"Neurology of adults and children" National Medical University of Kazakhstan named after NAO S.D.ASFENDIYaROVA May 20-25, 2024.
Uzbekistan - Turkey Medical Forum August 16-17, 2023
Successes, achievements, prospects of the 90th anniversary of the Department of Neurology of SAMVEU
October 7-8, 2024, VI ​​International Congress on Multiple Sclerosis of the Turkic World