Department of Surgical Dentistry

Department of Surgical Dentistry

Rakhimov Zakir Kayumovich

doctor of Medical Sciences, associate professor

Head of the Department

Staff of the department

Shodiev Muhammad Shodmonovich
Kamalova Mekhriniso Kilichevna
Yadgarova Gulnora Sadritdinovna
Yadgarova Gulnara Sadriddinovna
Associate Professor
Safarova Mashxura Suleymanovna
Safarova Mashkhura Suleymanovna
Razzakov Qiyomiddin razzakovich
Razzakov Kiyom Razzakovich
Xamitova Firuza Artikovna
Khamitova Firuza Artikovna
Pulatova Shahzoda Karimovna
Kambarova Shakhnoza Alikhuseynovna
Mirzaeva Firuza Avazovna
Mirzaeva Firuza Avazovna
Makhmudov Jakhongir Komilovich
Khaydarova Nargiza Mukhiddinovna

History of the department

Activities of Surgical Dentistry Departament of Bukhara State Medical Institute had begun in 1991 as a composition of Otorhinolaryngology in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Regional Clinical Hospital. The department of Otorhinolaryngology was headed by professor A.I. Muminov, MD. In 1992, the dental faculty was opened at the institute, after that the department began to work independently, highly skillful maxillofacial surgeon M.Sh.Shadiyev(1992-2008) was appointed as the head of the departament. Department employees had learnt from him not only speciality, but also his attitute to patients.

From 2008 to 2013, the department was headed by Ph.D. Associate Professor A.Sh. Inoyatov, who defended his thesis on improving surgical methods of treating abscesses and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region in 2006  In 2016 A.Sh. Inoyatov defended his doctoral dissertation on the prevention of the development of congenital crevices of the upper lip and palate. A.Sh. Inoyatov has very high organizational abilities; he is a competent specialist in the field of his activities. he defended his scientific dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences S.G. In 2019. Currently, under the supervision of A.Sh. Inoyatov, 2 candidates and 2 masters’ dissertations are being prepared for defense.

Kamalova Mehriniso Kilichevna studied at the Bukhara State Medical Institute from 2004 to 2009, in 2009-2011 she completed a clinical residency in the specialty “Pediatric Dentistry” at the Bukhara State Medical Institute. From 2011 to 2013, she worked as a dentist in the dental clinic of the Kazan district. 2013-2019 – Pediatric dentist of the Bukhara Regional Pediatric Dental Clinic.

On April 10, 2019, at the Academic Council DS.28.12.2017.Tib.59.01 granting academic degrees at the Tashkent State Dental Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 14.00.21 – Dentistry on the topic: “Features of complex treatment of chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis in children by means of magnetic infrared laser radiation”. 2019 Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. From December 2019 to February 2021 – Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. 2021 – Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. On July 29, 2021, at the Academic Council of DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01, which grants academic degrees at the Bukhara State Medical Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc) in the specialty 14.00.21 – Dentistry on the topic: “Optimization of prevention and treatment of caries teeth in preschool children based on a comprehensive medical-social and clinical-economic analysis”.

She has published more than 120 scientific papers on scientific activities, of which more than 70 articles have been published in scientific journals, including 17 in republican and 56 in foreign journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the publication of basic scientific results. 11 articles in international collections, 49 abstracts in collections of international and republican conferences and congresses. There are 5 methodological recommendations implemented in the practice of medical and preventive institutions. 2 monographs, 2 textbooks, 2 textbook, 3 teaching aids and 5 certificates of electronic computing programs have been published.

Kamalova Mehriniso Kilichevna is currently the supervisor of 9 residents of the magistracy in the areas of “Surgical Dentistry” and “Maxillofacial surgery”, actively engaged in scientific research with them. She has trained 7 clinical residents and 2 gifted students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Under her leadership, she defended 1 candidate of medical sciences. Kamalova M.K. as a member of the jury participated in the I and II international student online Olympiads “From the teachings of Abu Ali ibn Sino to the third Renaissance” on the subject of surgical dentistry, held in Bukhara on December 25, 2020 and January 21, 2022, respectively. Objectively assessed the knowledge and practical skills of students.

Kamalova M.K. concluded a business agreement jointly with the private dental clinic Dental House LLC “Bukhara trade business”. The main purpose of the agreement “Assessment of the results of prevention and treatment of dental caries in preschool children for various districts of the Bukhara region” is to assess the hygienic condition of the oral cavity and identify caries of temporary teeth in children at early stages. Kamalova M.K. on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan UP No. 6198 dated April 1, 2021 “On improving the public administration system for the development of scientific and innovative activities” participates in the implementation of a commercial project – “Development of a support corset “SASH” for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation”. In 2022, as a responsible representative of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, MD Kamalova M.K. signed an agreement with the Smile Train charity organization located in the United States and funding free surgical interventions for low-income families with children with congenital cleft upper lip and palate at the world level.

Since 2020, on the basis of the order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.111/1 dated February 11, 2021, he is a member of the dental interdepartmental scientific seminar at the Bukhara State Medical Institute, numbered DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01. In order to fulfill the distribution of scientific and educational institutions quotas for 2022 on the adoption of the system of training scientific personnel at the expense of budgetary funds, based on the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 08-09/13003 dated September 27, 2021, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 304 “On measures to improve postgraduate education” dated May 22, 2017 goda Kamalova M.K. Based on the order of the Bukhara State Medical Institute No. 656/1 dated September 27, 2021, he is a member of the commission for interviewing applicants for independent application (PhD and DSc) of the Institute.

As a high assessment of making a significant contribution to improving the intellectual potential of the Institute and the development of cooperation, Kamalova Mehriniso Kilichevna was awarded the badge “Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino” on the basis of the decision of the Scientific Council No. 2 of September 28, 2021 of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. Kamalova Mehriniso Kilichevna, 2022, was awarded the Medal for the Development of Invention by the Decision of the Presidium of the Russian Natural Science on February 9 (Protocol No. 995). The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the International Association of Scientists, Teachers and Specialists, in accordance with the decision of the RAE Awards Commission dated May 13, 2022 No. 0353, Kamalova Mehriniso Kilichevna was awarded the honorary title of “Founder of the scientific direction”

      Currently, the department is headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Z.K. Rakhimov,  he successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “some aspects of the pathogenesis of purulent-inflammatory complications in lower jaw fractures and ways of bone regeneration”. Z. K. Rakhimov is actively engaged in a wide range of scientific, educational and social activities. Starting from December 2019, according to the order of the rector of Bukhmi A. sh. Inoyatov, he is the Dean of the faculty of dentistry. Under his leadership, 3 master’s theses were defended. Currently, he is the scientific supervisor of two independent applicants of the Department, under his supervision, 2 candidate and 3 master’s theses are being prepared for defense.

The department trains students of the III-year course of the Faculty of Dentistry on the subject “Oral Surgery”, IV-course students on the subject “Traumatology of Maxillofacial Surgery”, “Dental Implantology”, “Oral Surgery”, V-course on the subject “Maxillofacial surgery ”and“ Aesthetic facial surgery ”, as well as V-year students of the medical and medical-pedagogical faculties in the subject“   Dentistry ”. The department has 4 classrooms, one lecture hall, three televisions, two EPSON-EB-X72 computers and two printers. For each subject, on the basis of an exemplary program, educational and methodological complexes have been published in Uzbek, Russian and English. The educational process for students is carried out using modern pedagogical technologies.

Rakhimov Zakir Qayumovich, t.f.d., associate professor
Professor Kamalova Mekhriniso Kilichevna

Achievements of the department

About 100 scientific articles and abstracts were published in medical journals of Uzbekistan on the part of the department staff, 39 scientific articles and abstracts were published in medical journals of the CIS, 15 methodological developments were published

Grants of the department

          In the 2014 – 2015 academic year, Sharopov S.G. took the honorable 1st place in the republican competition “The most active young doctor”.

 In the 2014-2015 academic year, the assistants of the department prepared 18 students to participate in the conference of the scientific society of students, of whom 6 took pride of place.

In the 2015 – 2016 academic year in the competition “The best teacher – applicant” by the assistants of the department Kambarova Sh.A. and Pulatova Sh.K. honorary I and III places were taken, respectively.

In the 2015 – 2016 academic year, the master of the department Atavullaev M.J. took ÍÍ place at a conference in the Republic of Uzbekistan held on the topic: “Measures of implementation into practice of the achievements of modern dental implantology.” 

In 2016, the assistant of the department Khamitova F.A. from the senat was awarded the breast badge “To the 25th anniversary of independence of Uzbekistan.” 

      In the 2017-2018 academic year, assistant of the department Khamitova F.A. took the honorable 2nd place in the competition “The best teacher”.        

In December 2018, the master of the department Chirgaliev M.J. took the honorable 2nd place in the Innovative Technologies competition.

In 2020, the head of the department is Kamalova M.K. won the Republican review competition “Stars of Science” in the nomination “Owner of the most innovative idea”, organized by the Committee of Uzbekistan “Scientist” and held among young women – scientists.

Scientific direction of the department

               Improvement of measures for the treatment and rehabilitation of congenital deformities and defects of the maxillofacial region, their early diagnosis and prevention;

Development of modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of post-traumatic deformities of the nasomaxillary complex. One of the topical areas is the organization of surgical care on an outpatient basis, as well as the improvement of the methodological and constructive aspects of dental implantology and tooth replantation.

         Preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics using modern surgical methods. Application of modern methods of treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands.

Treatment of patients with injuries of the maxillofacial area using methods of compression and distraction osteosynthesis.        Elimination of postoperative defects in patients with burns, benign and malignant tumors using explants, implants, exo- and endoprostheses.       Treatment of patients with extensive hemangiomas of the maxillofacial area using combined methods.       Filling bone cavities with osteoplastic biocomposite materials formed after cystectomy for odontogenic cysts of the jaws.        Application of modern methods of treatment of periodontal diseases

The following monographs have been published

  1. “Purulent – inflammatory complications of fractures of the lower jaw” Rakhimov ZK; 2. “Herpetic diseases of the oral mucosa in children” Kamalova M.K. 3. “Morphometric characteristics of the head and dentition in children who were artificially and naturally fed” Yadgarova GS, Kambarova Sh.A. Methodical developments for students have been prepared: Tooth replantation; Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region; Tooth extraction operation; Sterilization of dental instruments; Periodontal disease; Methods of local anesthesia in the maxillofacial area.

 The teaching staff of the Department is constantly working to improve their skills and practical experience in order to improve the educational process

Practical process of maxillofacial surgery with Jordanian students Kambarova Sh.A. in their heads.

Welding process with students of the Kursk joint faculty. Practice at the department of surgical dentistry.

The process of working with patients and protection of medical history in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of students of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Group photo with Indian students. Successfully graduated from Dentistry.

Kambarova Sh.A. s visit to the South Ural State Medical University and discussion process with university professors.

The visit of South Ural Medical University professors to the Department of Surgical Dentistry is based on the academic mobility program. Piotrovich. A.V. and Nurieva N

Visit of DSc Kamalova of the Department of Surgical Dentistry to the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the academic mobility program.

“Facial and reconstructive surgery” and “Diagnostics, prevention and comprehensive”

Bukhara State Medical Institute Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry, Associate Professor Rakhimov Z.K. and assistant of the department Kambarova Sh.A., professor, DSc Kamalova M.K. from September 25, 2024 to October 19, 2024 at St. Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg, RF, underwent a short-term internship on the topic of “Facial and reconstructive surgery” and “Diagnostics, prevention and comprehensive.

Professors and teachers of the Bukhars State Medical Institute were introduced to the work plan by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Director of the Medical Institute Andryusha S.V. and compiled a list of prestigious hospitals.


The internship began at the Alexandrov Multidisciplinary Medical Center and lasted 5 days. A number of new modern types of surgery were studied with Elena Leonidovna, head of the department of maxillofacial surgery and ENT center.

Mainly: reconstruction of the forehead bone using the bicranial method, cleaning of the forehead cavity, installation of transconjunctival plates, osteosynthesis of mandibular fractures with miniplates, nasal septoplasty, restoration of forehead fractures with titanium plates.

The short-term internship continued in the department of maxillofacial surgery of the multidisciplinary medical center No. 2 and lasted 5 days.  The head of the center for facial and jaw surgery, Mikhail Mikhailovich Soloviev, gave lectures on methods for restoring deformities of the lower jaw based on many new digital technologies and presented the methods used in practice.

The delegation of the Bukhara State Medical Institute took part in surgical operations such as endoscopic treatment of enophthalmos of the eye through the nasal septum, removal of a giant polymorphic adenoma, plastic reconstructive surgery of the jaws, restoration of a defect in the nasal folds after uranoplasty, facelift surgery, removal of a tumor in the cavity of the upper jaw. resection of a tumor of the salivary gland in front of the ear, thrombosis of a fistula wound, operations were carried out jointly with the head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry, Associate Professor Z.K. Rakhimov.

10/11/2024 Professor Rakhimov Z.K., Professor Kamalova M.K. and assistant of the department Kambarova Sh.A. met with Professor V.L. Gordeeva at the Department of Dentistry of St. Petersburg State University, participated in the manipulation of patient reception and treatment methods for patients with the oral mucosa based on modern technologies, discussion of current problems of early diagnosis and prevention of tumor diseases.

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