Department biochemestry
22.12.2021 2024-10-11 13:48Department biochemestry
Staff of the department
History of the department
The department was founded in 1991 and was headed by Rakhmatov N.A.
Our Department has its own history. The Department of medical chemistry was established and started its activity in 1991 as two departments. It is the Department of “Biological chemistry” , which was headed by C.b.N. Rakhmatov N. A. and the Department “General and Bioorganic chemistry” headed by Ph.d Amonav is M. R. during this period, the organization of the Department and the learning process actively participated by the faculty : associate hayrullaev C. K., Dzhuraev, Yu., Nazarov I. I., assistants Mavlonov H. N., Sodikov’s S. S., Shukurov I. B., Mirzametov B. S., Amon C. H. I. Batorova A., Djuraev S. B., Kholikov, R. F. Laboratory Assistants: Safarova R., Nuriddinova X., Umurov F.
In 1993, the two departments were merged and renamed the Department of “Biological and Bioorganic chemistry”, which was headed by doctor of biological Sciences, Professor N. A. Rakhmatov, Author of more than 200 articles.
From 1995 to 2002, the Department was headed by associate Professor M. R. Amonov. during this time, in the course of scientific research, he prepared more than 300 scientific articles, scientific manuals and theses.
Under the guidance of the scientific supervisor, prof. O. M. Yeriev, In 2005 M. R. Amonov defended his doctoral dissertation on specialty 02.00.16 – Chemistry and technology of composite materials. Dissertation topic “Water-soluble polymer compositions based on local raw materials for use in the production of cotton fiber and their production technology” He successfully defended his dissertation at the specialized Council of the Republican center for Science and development.
In 2002-2014, the Department was headed by associate Professor I. I. Nazarov. in 1991, he defended his thesis on “Radical polymerization and copolymerization of benzoxazolylmethylmethacrylate and properties of polymers based on it”. Specialty 02.00.06.- chemistry of high-molecular compounds. In 2002, he received the title of associate Professor. I. I. Nazarov has published more than 80 articles in Russian and foreign journals , 100 abstracts ,1 electronic textbook, 1 textbook and 20 textbooks during his scientific and pedagogical activity.
In 2004, assistant Shukurov I. B. defended his thesis on “glutathione Metabolism, processes of its peroxidation and detoxification in acute pancreatitis” and received the degree of candidate of biological Sciences.
From March 2005 to may 2015, the Department was renamed and was called the Department of “Bio-organic, bio-organic and biological chemistry”.
In 2009, senior lecturer Amonova Kh. I. defended her dissertation on “Development of technology for producing economical polymer compositions based on starch and sericin” and received the degree of candidate of technical Sciences.
From 2014 to 2015, the Department was Headed by Professor Yoriev O. M. he is the author of more than 300 scientific articles, more than 20 patents and inventions. Yoriev O. M. was recognized as the best scientific supervisor of 2002 by the Assistant Foundation of the Republic. Under his scientific supervision, 25 candidates and doctors of chemical and technical Sciences were trained. Polymer scientist, initiated the formation of the Bukhara school of scientists.
Since may 2015, the Department was renamed the Department of “Medical and biological chemistry”. From January 2016 to September 2017, the Department was headed by associate Professor I. B. Shukurov. In September 2017, the Department became the Department of “Medical chemistry”.
From September to October 2017, the head of the Department was G. A. Ikhtiyarova, from October 2017 to October 2018, the Department was headed by associate Professor I. I. Nazarov.
From November 2018 to September 2020, the Department is headed By Ph. D. Niyazov L. N. the Department has been successfully cooperating with Volgograd state medical University, Chuvash state University, South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov for the past 3 years; about 10 cooperation agreements have been signed with Istanbul Jerrahpashsha University and other universities. The teaching staff of the Department of “Medical chemistry” has prepared 1 textbook, 4 manuals, 3 monographs, more than 10 electronic textbooks and programs. Assistants of the Department organized lectures, master classes and seminars in universities of Russia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
Since September 2020, the Department has been divided into two departments: “Medical chemistry” and “Biochemistry”. The first is headed by Ph. D. L. N. Niyazov, and the Department of biochemistry, PhD – M. M. Amonova.
Today, the Department of biochemistry employs 7 specialists. Of these, 2 associate professors, 5 assistants. The teaching staff constantly improves their intellectual level and conducts scientific research and research. The Department conducts classes in biological chemistry for the first and second stages of training, students of medical , medical-pedagogical, medical – preventive,pediatric, dental, medical – biological faculties and higher nursing.
The Department has a lecture hall, rooms for practical classes, separate rooms for laboratory work in biochemistry. They are equipped with equipment, as well as chemical reagents necessary for laboratory work.
The aim of the department
The classrooms are equipped with TVs and computer equipment, which allows you to apply new technological developments at the lectures. Lectures are updated by Assistants from year to year, taking into account the modern development of technology and science, which brings us closer to the maximum understanding of the physiological development and pathological processes of the body, the biochemical foundations, which, in turn, increases the interest of medical students.
Practical classes are conducted using modern interactive teaching methods, which ensures active participation of students in training. The latest “Case-stage”, “Brainstorming”, “Beehive” and other technological training methods are mainly used.
During practical classes with students in groups, special attention is paid to the active participation of students in the classroom, free access to the Internet to get new information when discussing issues.
Employees of the Department constantly update their knowledge using Internet resources and modern scientific literature , and every 3 years they improve their teaching potential and qualifications in specialized training centers.

Main publications
Research work of the Department of Biochemistry

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