Department of Public Health and Health Management
16.12.2021 2024-04-06 9:49Department of Public Health and Health Management
Staff of the department

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor









History of the department
The department “Organization of health care and social hygiene” was created by order of the Bukhara State Medical Institute dated October 30, 1990 No. 4§7. The head of the department was appointed candidate of medical sciences G. Abdullayeva, assistants Kayumov Kh.N., Mukhtorov M.
On January 1, 1992, the head of the department was appointed candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kurbanov R.Sh. Assistants of the department Kayumov Kh.N., Badalov Kh.B., Smaylova L.F. and Toirov M.K. In the 1995 – 2002 academic year, the head of the department was Ph.D. Kurbonov R.Sh. and under his leadership worked assistants Badalov Kh.B., Salomova Kh.Zh., Smaylova L.F., Kenzhaeva Kh.P., Ablyazov R.F., Atoyeva M.A., Kobylova G.A. In the 2002-2003 academic year, the department introduced new disciplines, such as marketing of medical services, valeology, epidemiology of non-infectious diseases, and taught these disciplines on the basis of new standard and work programs
Associate professor Khasanov U.Kh., senior teachers Salomova Kh.Zh., Kobilova G.A., Ataeva M.A., Manasova I.S., teachers A.A. Dzhumaeva, Z. Zh. Dzhumaeva, N. Sharipova, D.B. Radjabova.
In the 2004-2008 academic year, the department was headed by Associate Professor R.Sh. Kurbanov. Associate Professor K.X. Khasanov. Senior teachers Salomova Kh.Yu., Kobilova G.A., Manasova I.S., teachers A.A. Dzhumaeva, Z.J. Dzhumaeva, N. Sharipova, D.B. Radjabov’s activities were carried out.
In the 2008-2012 academic year, the department was headed by associate professor Khasanov U.Kh., senior teachers Salomova Kh.Zh., Kobilova G.A., Manasova I.S., teachers A.A. Dzhumaeva, Z. Zh. Dzhumaeva, N. Sharipova, D.B. Radjabov’s activities were carried out.
In the 2012-2014 academic year, the department was headed by associate professor Kayumov Kh.N., senior teachers Salomova Kh.Zh., Kobilova G.A., Sharipova N.S., teachers Sh.T. Yuldashova, D.B. Radjabova were active in teaching.
In 2017-2019, the head of the department was Candidate of Medical Sciences. Atoyeva M.A. Since September 2, 2019, the department was separated from the department “Public health, healthcare management and general hygiene” and was renamed to the department “Public health, healthcare management”, where the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Atoyeva M.A. continued its activities. 2019 to 2021 the department was headed by Ph.D. Baratova M.S. Teachers of the department Salomova Kh.Zh., Radzhabova D.B., Vohidov U.G., Fayziev Kh.B., Yuldashova Sh.T., Dzhumamuratova B.S., Murodova M.M., Gafarov Sh.U., Shodiev B.V. and internal part-timers: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ataeva M.A., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Nasullaev A.A., doctoral student Kobilova G.A. conducted teaching activities.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Baratova M.S., in 1997 she defended her scientific work “Analysis of the effect of nifedipine on hemodynamics and its combination with vitamin” E “on the state of lipid peroxidation and on some indicators of lipid metabolism in patients in the early stages of hypertensive disease “at the Tashkent State Medical Institute.
Purpose of the department
Students of the I-VI-courses of the medical, pediatric, medical-preventive, dental, medical and pedagogical faculties and the faculty of higher nursing study at the department on the subject “History of medicine”, “Public health”, II-course on the subject “Valeology “, III-course in the subject” Management in nursing “, IV-course in” Public health and health management “, V-course in the subject” Marketing in dentistry ” medical and pedagogical faculties on the subject “Public health and health management”. For each subject, on the basis of an exemplary program, educational and methodological complexes have been published in Uzbek, Russian and English. The educational process for students is carried out using modern pedagogical technologies.
Scientific direction of the department
Improvement of measures for the organization of disease prevention among the population.
Organization and conduct of classes on public health and health care, medical statistics, psychological aspects of management with residents and undergraduates of the 1st and 2nd year of study of all specialties.
Development and preparation for publication of curricula and programs, teaching and methodological aids.
One of the topical areas is the organization of a healthy lifestyle on an outpatient basis, as well as the improvement of methodological and constructive aspects.
Implementation of various forms of cooperation with Russian and foreign medical and educational institutions, organizations and firms.
Raising high moral qualities and ethical character in medical workers: honesty, unselfishness, patriotism, humanism and love for their profession.
Organization of experience exchange in the field of professional education of teachers, academic mobility and consulting activities.
The department closely cooperates with the Tashkent Medical Academy, Samarkand Medical Institute, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Andijan Medical Institute, as well as with foreign universities such as Dagestan Medical University, Abu Ali Ibn Sino Medical Institute in Dushanbe – Tajikistan, Almaty State University in Kazakhstan. To date, the department is actively cooperating on academic mobility with the Ryazan State Medical University named after Pavlov, and also collaborates in joint educational programs (SOPs) for training residents’ doctors with the Moscow National Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine.
Over the past 3 years, the staff of the department has published a number of textbooks, monographs, etc., including: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ataeva M.A. – co-author of the textbooks “Management in nursing”, Umarov S.Kh., Atayeva M.A., Baratova M.S. – “Ultrasonic technology and modern ultrasonic technology”, G.A. Kobylova in collaboration with the National Guide to COVID-19, Atoyeva M.A. (monographs): “Sanitary protection of water sources of water supply” in cooperation with the Kursk National Medical Institute and “Restrictive measures during an epidemic: a historical excursion and problems of the present time.”
Mehriban Subidinovna Baratova participated in an international conference in Russia in 2018, received the Socrates Medal and Honored Worker of Science and Education, Professor N.A. Nuraliyev and Ph.D. Ataeyva M.A. received the Hippocrates Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 2019, a team of students named after “Avicenna” of the Bukhara Medical Institute, headed by Atoyeva M.A. took 2nd place at the III All-Russian International Olympiad in Dagestan and were awarded a diploma. In 2020, the head of the department, Baratova M.S. with a team of students “Avicenna” were awarded a diploma in the category “International Leader”.
The staff of the department received a patent “Forecast of atrial fibrillation and development of the left atrium in patients with severe arterial hypertension with normal and unintentional diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle”, 3 computer programs. More than 100 articles in the journals of the local Higher Attestation Commission of the department employees and dissertations, about 40 articles have been published in foreign scientific journals. The staff of the department annually takes an active part in public relations on television and radio on topical topics of medicine. In the cities and districts of the region, lectures and talks on promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population were held, videos were shown, and this work continues.
The staff of the department conducts research in the following areas:
1) Epidemiology: Atoeva M.A. – The current epidemic situation in typhoid fever and new approaches to specific prevention
2) Hygienic: Kobilova G.A. – “Hygienic assessment of the state of labor and the development of preventive measures for workers in the field of agricultural production in the context of production modernization.”
3) Hygiene: Salomova H.J. – “Toxicological and hygienic assessment of the insecticide Zaragen and the development of regulatory documents.”
4) Morphology: Fayziyev Kh.B. – “Changes in the morphometric parameters of the spleen in traumatic brain injury.”
5) Psychiatry – Narcology: Soshnikov S.S. – The role of the alcohol factor in the formation of population health losses as a result of traffic accidents (on the example of Moscow).
6) Dentistry: Rajabova D.B. – Development of complex treatment of periodontal diseases in combination with cardiovascular diseases.
7) Dentistry: Vokhidov U.G. – “Improving the treatment and prevention of fluorosis in school-age children.”
8) Epidemiology: Khayitov A.Kh. – the epidemiological significance of acute respiratory infections during a pandemic (by the example of the Bukhara region).
9) Education and upbringing: Yuldashova Sh.T. – “Integrative-theoretical possibilities of teaching students of higher medical and medical institutions.
10) Immunoprevention: Zhumamuratova B.S. – Immunoprevention for Covid-19.
11) Cardiology: Mukhamedova M. M. Cytokine diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome in patients with a history of coronavirus infection
12) Morphology: Zakirova N.R. – Aspects of morphometric parameters in pathology and correction of the spleen in experimental chemotherapy
Scientific research publications
№ | Full name | Publication title | Publication year |
1. | Atoyeva Mashhura Abrorovna | Management in nursing | 2018 |
Epidemiology | 2022 | ||
1. | Salomova Hanifa Jahonovna | History of medicine (in Uzbek) | 2022 |
2. | Yuldashova Shaxlo Toyirovna | Public health (in Uzbek) | 2022 |
1. | Atoyeva Mashhura Abrorovna | Sanitary protection of surface sources of water supply for the population in Uzbekistan on the example of the Chirchik and Akhangaran rivers | 2019 |
Restrictive measures during epidemics: Historical digression and current problems | 2020 | ||
Epidemic and pandemic. Restrictive and preventive measures during epidemics (uzb). | 2022 | ||
2. | Baratova Mexriban Subidinovna | Ultrasound diagnosis of coronovirus infection in cardiovascular diseases and their pharmacotherapy (eng.) | 2022 |
3. | Salomova Hanifa Jahonovna | Toxicological and hygienic assessment of the insecticide Zaragen (in Uzbek) | 2022 |
4. | Qobilova Gulshan Abdirashidovna | Preventive measures to protect the health of silk-winding workers in the context of production modernization | 2022 |
Computer programs | |||
1. | Yuldashova Shaxlo Toyirovna | Integrative-theoretical opportunities for teaching students of higher medical and medical institutions | 2022 |
Academic mobility
Al-Farabi KazNU and Abu Ali Ibn Sino State Medical Institute
As part of the international academic mobility program, on the basis of a cooperation agreement between our higher educational institutions, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University received associate professors of the Department of Public Health and Health Management, Candidates of Medical Sciences of the Bukhara State Medical Institute Ataeva M.A., Baratova M.S. . and associate professors of the department of faculty and hospital therapy of BSMI Ismatov M.N. and Abdullaev U.K. in the period from October 11 to October 25, 2021.
From the first day of arrival at the University, all specialists, together with the staff of the Department of Clinical Medicine and the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-Based Medicine, got acquainted with the team, conducted a tour of the University, where they showed the museum, got acquainted with the university library, electronic library, visited the conference halls, educational and administrative hulls, etc.
In the following days, according to the approved thematic plan, all teachers conducted lectures and practical classes, as well as attended classes of teachers of the relevant departments of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Lectures were held online. Practical classes were conducted using active learning methods (AMO) – (CBL, TBL, PBL). Active teaching methods are those methods that encourage active mental and practical activity in the process of mastering educational material. They suggest that students immerse themselves in controlled communication, get involved in real events. At the same time, conditions are created in which students are forced to operate with concepts of different scales, to be involved in solving the problem of information at different levels. Active methods help to create an educational environment in which understanding of the problem can be achieved.
Proper use by the teacher of a variety of active pedagogical methods makes it possible to make the learning process not only interesting for students, but also effective. The level of cognitive activity increases, the acquired knowledge is flexible, critical thinking develops and the ability to make creative non-standard decisions is formed.
The features of active learning are: forced activation of thinking, when the student is forced to be active regardless of his desire, when the activity of the students coincides with the activity of the teacher, as well as an increased degree of motivation, emotionality, and creativity. A distinctive feature is the fact that the teacher constantly interacts with students through direct and feedback, purposefully influencing the predominant development of professional, intellectual, behavioral skills and abilities in a short time.
Practical classes on CBL and TBL according to the curriculum in internal medicine and epidemiology were held on the following topics: “Acute viral infections”, “Tonsillitis and sinusitis. Candidiasis”, “Community-acquired pneumonia. Complications of pneumonia. Suppurative diseases of the lungs. Sepsis. DIC syndrome. Hospital-acquired pneumonia and pneumonia in immunocompromised individuals”, “Bronchial asthma. COPD”, “Anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock, Quincke’s edema” and “Lyell’s syndrome and other severe allergic reactions”, “Vaccines. Types of Vaccines”, “Particularly Dangerous Infectious Diseases”, “Influenza and Acute Respiratory Diseases”, “Coronavirus Infections and Covid-19”, “Covid-19 Complicated by Cardiovascular Diseases”, etc. center on dummies, in order to strengthen practical skills. The teachers of both universities were satisfied with the completed program of academic mobility, considered issues of further activities in the educational, methodological, scientific areas, development of projects, creation of joint educational publications and scientific articles.
Thus, the visit of teachers as part of external academic mobility for our alma mater is a unique experience and an excellent investment in our future. Such an exchange helps us gain experience of cooperation in an international academic environment, develop intercultural communication and teamwork skills, improve our foreign language skills, as well as get acquainted with the educational systems of other countries and open up new career prospects.
For reference: According to the results of an independent assessment conducted by the reputable international rating agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was highly rated and became the first and only university in the Central Asian region that received “5 stars” of excellence in the international rating. QS Stars Rating System.
The audit conducted by the British company QS evaluates universities in four key groups, which include 12 subgroups, consisting of more than 50 indicators that reflect a wide range of university activities and its compliance with high international standards. For each subgroup, the university participating in the audit is awarded from one to five stars, from which the overall rating score is subsequently derived. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment by the British company QS, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University received high scores and was awarded the maximum rating of “5 stars” in a number of indicators: teaching, employability, research, internationalization, services, arts and culture, innovation, modern languages.
The assignment of the sign of superiority QS “5 stars” means that KazNU named after. Al-Farabi has a high international reputation and demonstrates leadership positions in the global scientific and educational space. Excellence Stars demonstrate the strengths of the university, highlighting the strengths of the university, provide guidance to partners, international experts in the field of education, and both foreign and domestic applicants when choosing a university for admission.
The QS ranking is headed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in second and third place are Stanford and Harvard Universities, respectively (all US universities). The top ten universities in the world are almost entirely American and British higher education institutions.
EXTERNAL ACADEMIC MOBILITY: South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov and Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino
As part of the program of international academic mobility between higher educational institutions, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University received BSMI employees in the person of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Oblokulova A.R. – Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, Associate Professors, Ph.D. Rakhmatova O.B. – Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Pediatric Dermatovenereology, Baratov M.S. – Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Management, Ataev M.A. – Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Management of the Belarusian State Medical Institute for the period from June 20 to June 27, 2022.
South Kazakhstan State University. M. Auezov is one of the brightest universities. Currently, more than 1,500 teachers are engaged in teaching activities at the university, of which 4 are academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 123 doctors of science, 600 candidates of science. The best scientists and specialists with practical experience, leading scientists from countries near and far abroad, including the USA, Germany, Spain, Belgium, and Russia, are involved in the educational process. The material and technical base of the university consists of ten educational buildings of a modern type, two sports complexes, six student dormitories. About 20 thousand students study at the university in 83 specialties.
The teaching staff of the Department of Biotechnology for the 2021-2022 academic year is 26 employees. Graduated teaching staff – 65%. The educational program 6B05120 “Biotechnology” is aimed at achieving learning outcomes through the organization of the educational process using the principles of the Bologna process, accessibility, and inclusiveness. OP 6B05120 “Biotechnology” was accredited by Independent International Agencies ASIIN (Germany) in 2014.
At the Department of Biotechnology for laboratory classes, there are modern laboratories “Biochemistry”, “Plant and Animal Physiology”, “Microbiology and Virology”, “Biotechnology of Microorganisms”, “Food Biotechnology”, which are equipped with modern equipment: MC 300 type microscopes, BIOTECH bioreactor – 5B, freeze dryer, Sonopuls 4050 ultrasonic homogenizer, Armed 80-2 centrifuge, Vka-75 sterilizer (autoclave), as well as automated control of the equipment operation (thermostat, autoclave and freeze dryer) using an automatic parameter control panel with access to a monoblock. All educational laboratories comply with current sanitary standards and fire safety requirements.
The learning outcomes of the program are achieved through the following learning activities:
– classroom classes: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes – are conducted taking into account innovative teaching technologies, the use of the latest achievements of science, technology and information systems;
– extracurricular activities: independent work of the student, including under the guidance of a teacher, individual consultations;
– conducting professional practices, performing term papers and theses (projects).
The university has taken measures to maintain academic honesty and academic freedom, to protect against any kind of intolerance and discrimination against students. After the completion of the theoretical course, a mandatory internship in the workplace is provided. The organization of professional practice in SKU is carried out on the basis of the QMS SKU PR “Organization and conduct of students’ professional practice”.
The learning outcomes of the program are achieved through the following learning activities:
– classroom classes: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes – are conducting taking into account innovative teaching technologies, the use of the latest achievements of science, technology and information systems;
– extracurricular activities: independent work of the student, including under the guidance of a teacher, individual consultations;
– conducting professional practices, performing term papers and theses (projects).
The university has taken measures to maintain academic honesty and academic freedom, to protect against any kind of intolerance and discrimination against students. After the completion of the theoretical course, a mandatory internship in the workplace is provided. The organization of professional practice in SKU is carried out on the basis of the QMS SKU PR “Organization and conduct of students’ professional practice”.
In the following days, according to the approved thematic plan, all teachers conducted lectures and practical classes, as well as attended classes of teachers of the relevant departments of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov.
EduEnvi project team SKU im. M. Auezova shared the methodological and instrumental competencies that they acquired during training seminars in European partner universities, and showed how to work with a new format of knowledge, how to apply new learning technologies; how video lectures were recorded; and how e-learning tools are used in the learning process (Canva, Logo, Prezi, Google Form, Google Classroom, Zoom, WebEx meeting, Kahoot, Socrative and others).
Thus, the visit of teachers as part of external academic mobility for our alma mater is a unique experience and an excellent investment in our future. Such an exchange helps us gain experience of cooperation in an international academic environment, develop intercultural communication and teamwork skills, as well as get acquainted with the educational systems of other countries and open up new career prospects.
Photo Gallery
Research work of the Department WHO participation of the faculty of the department in international conferences
Photos from sports training
Yuldashova Sh.T. and students of 151 groups go in for sports
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