By order of the rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Professor A.Sh. Inoyatov, on September 2, 2019, on the basis of the family polyclinic No. 9 of the city of Bukhara, the department was separated from the department of “Traditional Medicine, Sports Medicine and professional Diseases”. The head of the department was appointed chief scientist Pulatov Sadriddin Sayfullaevich.
Currently, the head of the Department of Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical Education is Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Saidova Mukhabbat Mukhidinovna. Saidova Mukhabbat Mukhidinovna was born in 1973 in the city of Bukhara. In 1998 she graduated from the Bukhara State Medical Institute with a degree in General Medicine. In 2000 she graduated from clinical residency in the specialty “Internal Medicine”. 2018-2020 studied doctoral studies at the Bukhara State Medical Institute. In 2020 she defended her thesis on the topic “Predicting the development of cardiovascular pathology in patients with rheumatoid arthritis” and received a Ph.D. in medical sciences. (supervisor of the doctor of medicine, professor Kamilova U.K., doctor of medicine Yusupaliev B.K.) 2000-2014 worked as an assistant at the department “YUNESKO, oriental medicine and physiotherapy, exercise therapy and medical control” of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. 2014-2017 worked as an assistant at the department “Traditional medicine, occupational diseases, physiotherapy, physical culture and sports, medical supervision and exercise therapy”, 2017-2018 assistant at the department “Traditional medicine, phthisiology and physical culture”, 2017-2020 doctoral student in the direction “Internal diseases” of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, 2020-2021 senior lecturer of the Department of “Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical Culture” of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. Since December 2021, she has been appointed head of the Department of Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical Education.
1. Kazakov S.R. “Sports games and methods of teaching them (Badminton)” (study guide)
2. Pulatov S.S., Saidova M.M., Khamroeva Yu.S., Mustafaeva Sh.A., Umarov F.Kh.- “Rehabilitation in dentistry” (textbook)
3. Shokirov K.F. “Physical education of students in a medical university” (textbook)
4. Khidoyatov Sh.Sh. “Physical culture and sports” (textbook)
5. Kazakov S.R. “Sports games and methods of teaching them (Badminton)” (textbook)
6. Khidoyatov Sh.Sh. “Physical culture and sport” (textbook)
7. Pulatov S.S., Saidova M.M., Khamroeva Yu.S., Mustafaeva Sh.A., Umarov F.Kh. “Medical rehabilitation” (textbook)
8. Zakirova F.B. “Physical culture and sports (gymnastics)” (textbook)
9. Shokirov K.F., Zakirova F.B. “The effectiveness of gymnastics for the development of physical qualities in students” (textbook).
Information and communication technology programs
1. Pulatov S.S., Saidova M.M., Khamroeva Yu.S., Mustafaeva Sh.A. – Modified SCORE program for determining the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Saidova MM – Program for determining the risk of infertility in women.
3. Zakirova F.B., Shokirov K.F., Kazakov S.R., Khabibov B.D., Khidoyatov Sh.Sh. – Electronic scale for assessing the physical indicators of adolescents.
4. Saidova MM, Khamroeva Yu.S. – a program for determining the risk of damage to the cardiovascular system in patients with systemic scleroderma. 5. Rakhmatova M.R., Mavlonov Z.I., Mustafaeva Sh.A. – Characteristics Characteristics of the physical indicators of young football players, as well as their relationship with the playing role.
The staff of the department develop curricula, textbooks on the topics of practical classes, develop new forms of control of students’ knowledge.
The department implements an educational program for the preparation of masters in the specialty of neurorehabilitation. Clinical residents will be trained in sports medicine and neurorehabilitation.
The scientific work of students is encouraged at the department. Students participate in research, hold regular meetings of the student scientific circle, participate in various student conferences, and also participate in republican Olympiads and take pride of place.
The staff of the department is actively involved in the treatment, diagnosis and consultation of patients.
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