Department of Traditional Medicine and Occupational Diseases
17.12.2021 2024-10-25 17:10Department of Traditional Medicine and Occupational Diseases
Staff of the Department
History of the department
In pursuance of the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov “On the establishment of the International Fund of Abu Ali ibn Sino” and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the study of the rich heritage of Ibn Sina” On the recommendation of the Sino International Foundation, Bukhara, the land of great scholars, will host a study of Uzbek national folk medicine, especially the great heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sino, as well as a wide range of educational, methodological and scientific work. In order to further develop, the Department of Traditional Medicine of UNESCO was established on August 30, 1999 within the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino International UNESCO “Oriental Medicine” Department of Physiotherapy, Physical Culture and Sports was established on the basis of the existing course “Folk Medicine” on the basis of the order of the rector of the institute № 62/1 paragraph 1 dated 1.07.99 lib, the head of the course was associate professor X.N.Qayumov. The department began its work in the 1999-2000 academic year. The first head of the department was Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor N.P. Shonazarov, Ph.D. Associate Professor Nurboev F.E., since November 2013, Ph.D. Babadjanova Z.X., since February 24, 2016 t.f.n. Associate Professor Nurboev F.E., August 26, 2016 Abdulkhakov I.U., August 25, 2017, Ph.D. Associate Professor Nurboev F.E., since January 2018, Ph.D. Associate Professor X.N. Kayumov is still in charge. The department has classrooms in the physiotherapy and X-ray departments of the Bukhara Regional Multidisciplinary Hospital.
In 1999, the department had 3 clinical residents, 1 in 2000, 3 in 2001, 4 in 2003, 3 in 2005, 3 in 2007, 2 in the 2008-2009 academic year, 4 in the 2009-2010 academic year, 2010-2011. 3 in the academic year, 7 in the 2014-2015 academic year, 9 in the 2015-2016 academic year, 3 in the 2016-2017 academic year, 7 in the 2017-2018 academic year, a total of 40 clinical residents were admitted during these years. successful graduates in rheumatology, cardiology, therapy and other narrow specialties. To date, 2 masters of sports medicine have graduated and hired as teachers at the department. In 2020, another master’s degree in sports medicine was accepted.
The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Ministry of Health, the Cabinet of Secondary and Higher Medical Education and the Republic of Uzbekistan The work was carried out through documents approved by the Deputy Minister of Health. There were standard curricula in all the subjects taught in the course 5th year of treatment at the department, folk medicine for medical pedagogy students, occupational diseases, 6th year of treatment in 2014, allergology for medical pedagogy students, rehabilitation sciences in 2013, prepared and approved on the basis of the standard program, calendar-thematic for 2018-2019 academic year plans and working programs for 4th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry Allergology, 2018, 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Pedagogy, Dentistry, Nursing 3rd year students of the Faculty of OXI Ibn Sina Department of Education June 2018 It was considered at the meeting and approved by the interdepartmental methodical council. Currently, the department is called “Folk medicine and occupational diseases.”
Goals, objectives and activities of the department:
Educational, educational and therapeutic work of students and clinical residents of the department is carried out in the Bukhara regional Multidisciplinary Center and other medical and preventive institutions of the region.
Currently, our department, in cooperation with the Korean state, conducts scientific and medical work. From the moment of its foundation to the present, the teachers of the department have participated in more than 50 international conferences and received many certificates.
In recent years, attention to folk medicine has been growing in our republic. A striking example of this is the resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 12, 2018 No. PP-3968 “On measures to regulate the sphere of folk medicine of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and dated April 10, 2020 No. PP-4668 “On additional measures for the development of folk medicine in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, which define tasks in the field of development of National folk medicine medicine. In order to ensure the fulfillment of the assigned tasks, the Center for Integrative and Folk Medicine has been opened at the Department of Folk Medicine and Occupational Diseases of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. This clinic is part of the Department of Folk Medicine and Occupational Diseases, where the teaching staff of the department carries out therapeutic and preventive work.
On October 21, 2020, the opening ceremony of the clinic of “Integrative and Traditional Medicine” took place, which was attended by Mirali Khamroev, Deputy Governor of the Bukhara region, Shukhrat Teshaev, rector of the Institute, professors, teachers and students.
Subjects taught at the department:
1. The teachings of Ibn Sino – for 3rd year students of the medical and medical pedagogical faculty;
2. Folk medicine – for 5th year students of the medical and medical-pedagogical, dental faculty;
3. Subject Clinical allergology – for students of the 6th year of the medical and medical pedagogical faculty;
4. occupational diseases – for 5th year students of the medical and medical-pedagogical, pediatric faculty;
5. Sharq tabobatida patologik sindromlar-3-4 kurs Xalq tabobati
6. Reflexotherapy science 3-4 Folk medicine Faculty students
7. Students of the Faculty of Kinesiology, Osteopathy 4-Folk Medicine
8. Naturopathy 4th year Folk Medicine-Faculty students
9. Integration of Modern Medicine and Folk Medicine 4th Course Folk Medicine Faculty students
In order to exchange experience and conclude an agreement between the department and the CHong YOn clinic, Associate Professor of the department H.N. Kayumov visited the CHong YOn Clinic in the Republic of Korea in 2018. Jabbarova M.B. and Kodirova S.S. in 2018 were on summer practice at the Tajik State Medical University in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. In 2019, H.N. Kayumov and F.E. Nurboev took part in an international conference at the Tajik State Medical University.
Head of the department Sh . Kodirova successfully defended her scientific work in 2020, associate professors of the department Kayumov H. N. and Dzhumaev B.Z. successfully defended their scientific works in 1999 and 2020.
At the department today, the teaching staff has created more than 8 titles of educational literature, 6 monographs and more than 100 methodological manuals. To date, more than 500 scientific articles have been published, many of which have been published in Russian journals and medical journals of Uzbekistan. Today there are more than 20 electronic certificates obtained in scientific papers.
"Folk medicine: history, achievements, prospects" international scientific-practical conference and international Olympiad was held
In order to expand cooperation aimed at further developing the scientific potential of masters and doctoral students, researchers and students, the Tashkent Medical Academy, together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, will organize "Folk medicine: history, achievements, perspectives" international scientific-practical conference and international Olympiad was held. This conference was attended by guests from Russia, South Korea, Moldova, Turkey, Kazakhstan and other countries. Professors and teachers from the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after "Abu Ali ibn Sina" actively participated with their lectures.
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