Department of Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Infectious Diseases
17.12.2021 2024-10-23 12:57Department of Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Infectious Diseases
45 years of work experience, 36 years of teaching experience
2023- April 1 of the year
Epidemiology, military epidemiology, infectious diseases and childhood infectious diseases
More than 300 scientific articles, 4 textbooks, 6 training manuals, 3 monographs
Staff of the department
History of the department
The Department of Infectious Diseases was created on the basis of the Bukhara Regional Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital on the basis of the order of the rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Professor A.I. Muminov dated January 4, 1993 №1 / 03.
The head of the department was appointed candidate of medical sciences Oblokulov A.R. Together with him, the assistants of G.A. Arashova, F.F. Radjabov, clinical residents S.S. Khamdamov and I.A. Botirov. Since 1997 – assistant of the department S.G. Khudoidodova, since 1999 – assistant of the department O.B. Rakhmatov, since 2003 – assistant of the department A.A. Tukhtaev. In 2006, the assistant of the department M.R. Mirzaeva defended her dissertation. From April 1, 2005 to August 2013, the department was called: “Infectious Diseases, Phthisiology and Dermatovenereology”, and now the department is called “Infectious Diseases, Children’s Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology”.
From August 2019 to 06 January 2021 M.R. Mirzoeva carried out her activities as the acting head of this department.
Achievements of the department:
The department staff prepared textbooks: “Yuqumli kasalliklarda hamshiralik ishi” (2007, 2014), “Yuqumli kasalliklarda hamshiralik ishi” (2018), “Nursing in infectious diseases” (2018), “Infectious diseases” (2020), “Parasitology”(2021), “Yuqumli kasalliklar va epidemiologiya” (2021), textbook: “Skin and venereal diseases” (2016), “Bacteriosis” (2016, 2021), “Viral infections” (2018), “Rickettsioses” (2021), the monograph “Viral hepatitis” (2009,2015), more than 400 scientific articles and more than 50 educational and methodological recommendations and educational and methodological developments have been published.
During the work of the department, 1 employee defended his doctoral dissertation and 8 employees defended their candidate dissertations.
The medical activity of the teaching staff of the department is carried out on the basis of the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital. More than 100 clinical residents and masters have been trained at the department within the framework of the health care system.
Teaching staff
№ | Full name | Job title |
1. | Khudoydodova Sayyora Gafurjanovna | Candidate of Medical Sciences |
2. | Arashova Gulnora Amirkulovna | senior teacher |
3. | Elmurodova Aziza Azamatovna | senior teacher |
4. | Farmonova Makhtob Alimovna | assistant |
5. | Mukhtorova Shahida Abdullaevna | assistant |
6. | Sanokulova Sitora Avazovna | assistant |
7. | Ergashov Maksud Muzaffarovich | assistant |
8. | Djalilova Aziza Sadulloevna | assistant |
9. | Aslanova Marjona Ramazonvna | assistant |
10 | Khodieva Dora Isokovna | assistant |
11 | Muhammadieva Musharraf Ibrokhimovna | assistant |
12 | Abdullaeva Mukhriddin Ziyodullaevich | assistant |
The Department of Infectious Diseases was created on the basis of the Bukhara Regional Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital on the basis of the order of the rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Professor A.I. Muminov dated January 4, 1993 №1 / 03. The head of the department was appointed candidate of medical sciences Oblokulov A.R. Together with him, the assistants of G.A. Arashova, F.F. Radjabov, clinical residents S.S. Khamdamov and I.A. Botirov. Since 1997 – assistant of the department S.G. Khudoidodova, since 1999 – assistant of the department O.B. Rakhmatov, since 2003 – assistant of the department A.A. Tukhtaev. In 2006, the assistant of the department M.R. Mirzaeva defended her dissertation. From April 1, 2005 to August 2013, the department was called: “Infectious Diseases, Phthisiology and Dermatovenereology”, and now the department is called “Infectious Diseases, Children’s Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology”. From August 2019 to 06 January 2021 M.R. Mirzoeva carried out her activities as the acting head of this department.
Learning activities
Practical lessons and the educational process at the department are enriched with practical skills, teaching materials and visual aids. Students of the department undergo industrial practice on the basis of the Bukhara Regional Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital.
Subjects taught at the department
Ø Infectious diseases;
Ø Infectious diseases in children;
Ø Nursing for infectious diseases
Ø Military epidemiology;
Ø Epidemiology;
Ø Clinical Epidemiology;
The department teaches students in the following areas:
- 5510100 – General Medicine;
- 5510200 –Pediatric business;
- 5111000 –Professional education;
- 5510400 – Dentistry;
- 5510700 –Higher nursing;
- 5510900 – Biomedical Affairs;
- 5510300 – Medical and preventive work;
- 5510300 – Ethnoscience
The department trains master’s students in infectious diseases (general), residency in infectious diseases and childhood infectious diseases. Our lecturers-associate professors, attached to them, will teach, and improve their qualifications. Residents and residents of the magistracy, in addition to training, remain on duty at the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital after classes.
Master’s residents, residents and undergraduate students study various methods of laboratory research in a laboratory located based on the Bukhara Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital.
According to the state educational standard of higher education, the science of infectious diseases and epidemiology, taught in the educational areas “Pedagogy” and “Health”, through new scientific knowledge and methods related to the study of human activities, public health protection, the fight against infectious diseases, which, unlike other somatic diseases caused by exposure to microbes can spread from the patient to the surrounding healthy people. Comprehensively studies the etiology, epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of infectious diseases provides a basis for substantiating the symptoms.
Goals and objectives of the subject
– Mastering the basic theoretical knowledge of infectious diseases.
– Mastering basic practical skills in infectious diseases.
– Mastering the basic principles used in teaching students in the subject of infectious diseases.
Requirements for the qualifications of students in the subject
-Principles of etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, clinical picture and laboratory diagnosis of the most common infectious diseases.
– Fundamentals of treatment and prevention of infectious diseases (general, individual, special).
– Collection of patient complaints, epidemiological and clinical history.
-Clinical examination of the patient in all organs and systems.
– Identification of basic data and clinical examination of patients with the allocation of symptoms for the formation of the primary diagnosis.
– Analysis of the results of laboratory examination of the patient.
– Formulation of a clinical diagnosis.
– Determination of treatment tactics.
Academic mobility
The department has a well-established academic mobility among the teaching staff. The head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.R. Oblokulov in this area lectured and held master classes in 2018 at the Medical University of Bashkortostan, in 2019 at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, in 2019 at the National University of Kazakhstan named after I. Al-Farabi, in 2021 at the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Mirzoeva M.R. held academic mobility at the Medical University of Bashkortostan in 2019 according to the plan, gave lectures and conducted practical exercises.
Scientific work
In recent years, the staff of the department has published more than 200 scientific articles in journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic, including more than 60 articles in highly indexed foreign journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science lists. Such journals include The American Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Achievements of Science and Education (Russia), a number of journals published in Bulgaria and Sweden, etc.
The number of published teaching aids is more than 200, at the department in recent years, more than 10 teaching aids, textbooks and related literature have been published together with scientists of the Russian Federation. Including professor Oblokulov A.R., Avdeeva M.G. and Blyazhnya L.P. co-authored a joint textbook “Infectious Diseases”. At the same time, the faculty of the department has created a joint grant with the Russian Federation, Bashkortostan, scientific research is being carried out. The faculty of the department compiled and published a national guideline on Covid-19 and textbooks “bacteriosis”, “rickettsioses”.
Scientific direction of the department
- Study of the impact of environmental, infectious and parasitic diseases on the health of the population.
- The introduction of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention in the study of the impact of environmental, infectious and parasitic diseases on the health of the population.
On the basis of the scientific direction, the teaching staff of the department conducts scientific research on the basis of the Uzbek Research Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Tashkent Medical Academy and the Bukhara Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital, including jointly with hospital doctors and the teaching staff of the Department for scientific topics approved by the scientific council.
In April 2019, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Bukhara Medical Institute, the Tashkent Medical Academy and the Eurasian Society for Infectious Diseases, organized and held at a high level an international scientific and practical conference “Modern technologies for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases”. In addition, the faculty of the department holds conferences “COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment” (Switzerland), Clinical CI, Prevention and control of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) (Switzerland), VI Congress of Euro-Asian Community on Infectious Diseases, International Forum “Days of Virology – 2020”, Language and society in the XXI century polycultural space: problems and prospects for Solutions, international educational online conference – 2020 took part in republican and international conferences, scientific workshops, congresses, seminars and trainings organized by WHO. In addition, the staff of the department made presentations at conferences in the Republic of Tajikistan and in such cities of Uzbekistan as Urgench, Khiva, Tashkent, Nukus, Andijan.
The department maintains scientific, practical and academic ties with the Turkish University of Medical Knowledge, the Bashkir State Medical Institute of the Russian Federation and the Ryazan State Medical University, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professor of the Turkish University of Medical Knowledge Khurem Budur, rector of the Dagestan Medical Institute, teacher of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.I. Isabekova and professor of the Bashkir State Medical Institute M. Hasanova, Professor of the Ryazan State Medical University of the Russian Federation K.A. Ageeva held seminars and master classes based on academic exchange. In 2021, the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Bukhara Medical Institute A.R. Oblokulov held seminars and master classes on academic exchange at South Kazakhstan University named after M. Avezova.
The department has applied scientific works: “the use of rectal drainage for cleansing the intestinal cavity”, “the use of a drug of a wide anthelmintic spectrum against helminths”, “clinical and biological assessment of the antioxidant system in Brucellosis infection”.
Programs for influencing objects of intellectual property of the department; “Viral infections “for the electronic textbook 02/14/2020 VGU00397,
“Use of electronic residual platform for differential diagnosis of brucellosis” No. 3607 dated 06.24.2020
“Algorithm for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children born to women infected with HIV” DGU2019 0644 05/15/2019
Clinical and biochemical assessment of the antioxidant system in brucellosis infection DGU 2021 0997 05.05.2021
Program for studying COVID-19 in the Republic of Uzbekistan DGU DGU 2021 2979 11.10.2021
Algorithm for the treatment of infectious mononucleosis in children DGU 2021 0493 DGU 2021 0493
Algorithm for the treatment of infectious hymenolepiasis in children of DGU 2021 0494 22.02.2021
Successes of young scientists and students
Training manuals
Spiritual and educational work
The Department of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology conducts spiritual and educational work in accordance with the plan approved by the Department of Spirituality of the Institute. During the academic year, the faculty of the department regularly conducts a series of educational events with student groups in order to increase the political, legal awareness and culture of our youth. Students of the Faculty of General Medicine, Curative Pedagogy, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Medical Prevention, Traditional Medicine and Medical Biology will be informed in detail about the high attention that President Mirziyoyev pays to the younger generation, about the positive processes taking place in the life of modern youth. The staff of the department inform students in detail about the works and speeches of the President. As you know, the Head of our state put forward 5 important initiatives to organize work in the social, spiritual and educational spheres on the basis of the new system. With this in mind, outreach work is carried out among students to promote the active participation of young people.
On the basis of the principle “New Uzbekistan – a new worldview” put forward by the President, work is underway to illuminate the essence of the 1st and 2nd Renaissance and explain the emergence of the 3rd Renaissance
It will be taught that revival and ascension depend on every citizen, and for this we must start development and transformation from ourselves, so that the question: “What will be my contribution to the ascension?” has become a motto for everyone.
Organizational work
Organizational work carried out in the department is performed at the highest level. Employees of the department hold conferences, seminars, master classes. Every year they participate in conferences held in the country and abroad. Professor-teaching staff of the department in cooperation with the World Health Organization in Uzbekistan were actively involved in projects such as “Improving diagnosis of invasive bacterial meningitis”, “Modern methods of diagnosis of infectious diseases with diarrheal syndrome”.
Currently, employees of the department conduct research work in different directions, including “Actual problems of parasitology”, “New technologies in the study of viral infections”.
On April 8-9, 2019 in the city of Bukhara held an international scientific-practical conference on the theme: “Modern technologies of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases” together with the Eurasian Association of Infectious Diseases, October 28, 2020 online scientific-practical conference on the theme: “Coronavirus infection COVID-19: problems and solutions”, 22-23 October 2021 in Ufa, Bashkortostan, at high level held a joint international online scientific-practical conference on “Infectious diseases as interdisciplinary
On November 11, 2021 in Ufa, Bashkortostan, was organized jointly with the Bashkortostan State Medical University an International online Olympiad on infectious diseases, in which medical students from CIS countries participated.
Treatment and counseling work
Employees of the department provide practical consultations to patients in the departments of infectious diseases of the city and districts of Bukhara and Navoi region. In addition, the department staff is attached to the departments of Bukhara regional infectious diseases hospital, which always provide the necessary practical assistance in a timely manner and consults serious patients on the sanitary aviation.
During practical sessions, they supervise thematic patients with students. Professor and associate professors of the department participate in councils held in hospital departments. They also consult patients who are admitted to the emergency room.
Nosology | Head | Professor-teachers
| |
1. | Boxed children’s department of acute diarrhea and parasitology | Husenova Zilola Zoirovna | Mukhtorova Sh.A.
2. | ORI of boxing | Abdullaev Tashpolat Usmonovich | Abdullaev M.Z |
3. | Department of Chronic Viral Hepatitis | Niyazov Gulom Eshmurodovich | Farmonova M.A |
4. | Adult departments of CVH and liver cirrhosis | Oblokulov Abdusattor Rashidovich | Jalilova A.S.
5. | Acute viral hepatitis | Artykova Maksad Makhmudovna | Aslonova M.R.
6. | ARI and diagnosis | Gulamova Makhbuba Toshpolatovna | Elmurodova A.A. |
7. | Department of box measles and airborne infection | Nuritdinova Nodira Olimovna | Khudoydova S.G. |
8. | Department of ARI | Khadiev Isak Nasimovich | Sanokulova S.A. Khodieva D.I.
9. | Box of the department of acute diarrhea and HIV/AIDS | Khamroeva Oydin Atoevna | Arashova G.A.
10. | Reanimation department | Radjabov Anvar Khamroevich | Oblokulov A.R. |

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