Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology

Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology

Bakhronov Jurat Jurakhulovich

Head of the department

in detail

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Staff of the department

Davronov Rakhmon Davronovich
Davronova Shakhnoza Rakhmonovna
Oripova Nargiza Akhtamovna
Azimova Sabohat Bahodurovna
Akhmatova Gulrukh
Khaymanova Kamila Imamovna

History of the Department

The department was established by the first rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Professor AIMuminov on the basis of the order No. 4/7 dated October 30, 1990. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor RD Davronov, who had previously worked at the Department of Histology II Tashkent State Medical University, was appointed head of the department.

  The department began its work on September 2, 1991-1992 academic year in the following structure (Figure 1):

       – R.D.Davronov – head of the department

       – J.A. Porsoyev – assistant, responsible for academic affairs

       – RH Hamdamov – assistant, responsible for economic affairs

       – RY Ergashev – assistant, responsible for spiritual and educational work

       – AA Tukhtaev – assistant, responsible for scientific affairs

       – NN Khabibullayeva – senior laboratory assistant

       – N.Ochilova – laboratory assistant

The first structure of the department of histology (1991-1992 academic year)

During the past period at the Department of Histology worked the following professors – teachers and technical staff: BA Khidoyatov – Head of the Department, Professor; from assistants: R.Kh.Khamdamov, A.A.Tukhtaev, Sh.Sidikova, M.J.Khamroyeva, H.T.Rajabov, N.E.Tukhsanova, Z.J.Jumayeva, J.G.Kenjayeva, M.Safarova, O.I.Jabborova, K.Sh.Jumayev; From laboratory assistants: M.Khidoyatova, M.Kh.Bakhronova, N.I.Khabibullayeva

Professors and teachers of the department carry out research work on the following issues:

1) To study the effect of various antigens and adverse environmental factors on the structure and function of members of the immune system;

2) To study the effect of natural and artificial nutritional factors on the morphology of members of the endocrine system (in the experimental case);

3) To study the effect of cases of toxic hepatitis and chronic enterocolitis on the lactation process and the formation of members of the immune system in the next generation.

In order to optimize the educational process, from April 22, 2005 the departments of histology and medical biology continued their activities in a unified manner. During these years, the heads of the department were appointed Associate Professor RD Davronov (2005-2013) and Professor BA Hidoyatov (2013-2016).

It is known that Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor BA Khidoyatov has been working as a Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Bukhara State Medical Institute for almost 20 years since 1996. He has lectured and practiced human anatomy and histology at a high methodological level. During the work of Professor BA Hidoyatov as the head of the department under his scientific guidance was trained 1 master (BS Shokirov), one of whom is currently working as an assistant at the department.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B.A. Khidoyatov

New educational technologies (educational multimedia, Internet messages, distance learning, etc.) and interactive methods (“Round table”, “Brainstorming”, “Pen on the table” in the teaching of histology, cytology and embryology at the department ”,“ Tour the Gallery ”and so on.

In the past, the staff of the department has prepared 9 textbooks, 3 monographs, more than 200 multimedia, 30 textbooks and more than 100 scientific articles.

 The IX Congress of the International Association of Morphologists and the IV Congress of the Association of Morphologists of Uzbekistan were held on May 14-17, 2008 at the Bukhara State Medical Institute with the active participation of the staff of the department.

One of the main activities of the department is spiritual-educational work. This activity is carried out with the population of districts of Bukhara region, in academic groups, in student dormitories. The topics of the event are wide and include the decrees of the President, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders of ministries and khokimiyats, the activities of the “teacher-student” system and the current issues of the day.

Omsk Medical University of the Russian Federation (Head of the Department of Histology, Professor BBSemchenko), Karaganda Medical University of Kazakhstan (Associate Professor BBBritko), Osh Medical University of Kyrgyzstan (Head of the Department of Histology, Professor STShatmanov) , In collaboration with the University of Health Sciences of the Republic of Turkey (Professor of Histology and EmbryologySapmaz Tansel) conducts teaching and research.

During the past period, the staff of the department defended 1 candidate’s dissertation (OI Jabbarova “Ecological, biological and economic significance of beetles of the Bukhara oasis”, 2011)

The following prestigious educational and scientific works have been created by the members of the department:

1) RD Davronov, OI Jabbarova, JA Porsoyev “Atlas of micro-photograms from histology”, textbook, Bukhara, 2014.

2) B.A.Xidoyatov, R.D.Davronov, J.A.Porsoyev, O.I.Jabborova

“Test questions on histology, cytology and embryology”, textbook, Bukhara, 2015.

3) J.A.Porsoyev “Morphological features of adrenal glands

at natural and artificial resuscitation in the early postnatal ontogeny ”monograph, Bukhara, 2016.

4) BB Khasanov “Explanatory dictionary of pathophysiological terms”, textbook, Bukhara, 2018.

 5) RD Davronov, OI Jabborova, JA Porsoyev, BS Shokirov, NI Khudoikulova “Morphology of the blood system” textbook, Bukhara, 2019.

 6) R.D.Davronov “Morpho-functional features of adaptive changes of central and peripheral organs of the immune system in antigenic action”, monograph, Bukhara, 2020.

7) R.D.Davronov, B.B. Khasanov, B.S. Shokirov, Davronova Sh, Khalimova Y – Digestive system textbook, Bukhara, 2021

From the 2019-2020 academic year, the status of the department was changed and began to operate as a separate department under the name of Histology, Cytology and Embryology. The current structure of the department is as follows (Figure 5): RD Davronov – Head of the Department, Associate Professor; BB Khasanov – Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Responsible for Research; Sh.R.Davronova – assistant, responsible for academic affairs; BS Shokirov – assistant, responsible for information technology; SB Azimova – assistant, responsible for spiritual and educational work; assistants – N.A. Oripova, G.R.Akhmatova, Khalimova Yu, Khasanova M, laboratory assistant M.Murodova.

Department structure

The department pays special attention to teaching and pedagogical work with gifted students. Additional topics and lecture notes, tests are created for gifted students. They are actively involved in the scientific circle of students at the Department of Histology, Cytology, Embryology. There is a scientific circle “Young Histologist” at the department. Tugarak meetings are held twice a month.

Tikhonov Bladislav Sergeevich, a student of 211 groups, took the 1st place in the International Olympiad before the 3rd Renaissance among students of Bukhara State Medical Institute in 2020

Spiritual and educational affairs

Spiritual, educational and moral work of the department was carried out in accordance with the plan approved by the institute. Spirituality classes are held at the department every Thursday. All employees of the department under the leadership of Associate Professor Davronov RD take an active part in the spirituality hour. Every Thursday at 8.30 am, the department gives lectures to students and pays full attention to the questions asked. At the same time, all employees of the department, including associate professor Shokirov B.S. and ass. Azimova S.B. are actively involved.  Inculcating the idea of ​​national independence in the hearts and minds of students: the formation of the spiritual image of future doctors, the development of such qualities as loyalty to the Fatherland and the President, carried out not only outside the classroom, but also at the beginning of each practical and lecture classes 5-10 minutes of ethical educational work. At the same time, special attention was paid to the formation of the spiritual image of future doctors in the process of teaching all disciplines of the department for 2nd and 3rd year students.

According to the state program “Strategy of actions on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021” at the department this program is fully studied, its content and essence are communicated to employees, students. An action plan for the implementation of the State Program has been developed, posters have been set up.

Each coach conducts interviews with students in his or her group, and provides advice to students who are married, have young children, have recently had a child, are pregnant, or are married to a young student. The student girls were screened and monitored.


Work done in the dormitory: The coaches of the department visited the dormitory according to their plans and got acquainted with the conditions of the students living there. During the visit, ethical and ethical discussions were held among the students in the dormitory. The head of the department, associate professor Davronov, assistants of the department Shokirov BS, Oripova NA, Azimova SB, Khasanov BB regularly visited the dormitory. During their visits, they were interested in the mood of the students and the conditions created for them and gave the necessary recommendations to the dormitory commandant.

Fighting delinquency and crime with students, working with rented students. Each coach regularly visits the student’s living conditions throughout the year. During the visit, the teacher talked to the host about the behavior of the students, not to burn strangers in the house, as well as the constant kindness to the students. The power supply of the houses, the supply of natural gas, the condition of the gas stoves in the kitchen were thoroughly inspected, and reports, protocols, and pictures were submitted to the spiritual department of the institute. The talks focused on drug abuse, religious extremism, bigotry, and AIDS. Students took part in the events organized by the staff of spirituality and enlightenment of the institute

Educational and methodical work

          New educational technologies in the teaching of histology, cytology and embryology at the department include educational multimedia, Internet messages, distance learning, etc.) and interactive methods (“Round table”, “Brainstorming”, “Pen on the table” , Tour around the gallery, etc.). Over the past period, the staff of the department has prepared 8 textbooks, 3 monographs, more than 200 multimedia, 30 teaching aids, more than 30 methodological complexes, guidelines and more than 100 scientific articles. .

       In addition to Uzbek and Russian, English is also taught in the department of histology, cytology and embryology. Textbooks and multimedia are used in English.

 The head of the department, associate professor RD Davronov gave lectures and master classes on academic mobility on December 6-11, 2021 at the University of South Kazakhstan named after M. Auezov under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Several textbooks and monographs have been published during the 2019-2020 academic year:

  1. R.D.Davronov, J.A.Porsoev, B.S.Shokirov, O.I.Jabborova, N.I.Khudoukulova. Blood System Morphology Textbook. Buxoro 2019 y.
  2. B.B.Hasanov. “Test set” Textbook. Bukhara 2020 y.
  3. R.D.Davronov, B.B.Hasanov, B.S.Shokirov, Sh.R.Davronova, Y.S.Xalimova. “Morphology of the digestive system.” Textbook. Durdona Publishing House Bukhara – 2021
  4. R.D.Davronov. «Morpho – functional features of adaptive changes in central and peripheral organs of the immune system in antigenic action» Monograph Bukhara – 2020

Scientific research

Currently, the department has 10 employees. 2 candidates of medical sciences, including 2 Ph.D., associate professors, 8 assistants do not have academic degrees.

The scientific potential of the department is 20%.

All employees of the department are engaged in research work. At the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology for the last 5 years published 133 scientific papers (92 journal articles and 41 scientific theses). Of the 92 magazine articles published, 64 were published in foreign editions (5 in Scopus), 28 in national editions. Out of 41 published theses, 29 were published in foreign editions and 12 in republican editions.

The staff of the department published 3 textbooks and 1 monograph.

         In 2020, the number of results of scientific research implemented by the staff of the department is 6. Assistant of the department BS Shokirov in the framework of cooperation in the secondary school No 50 in Shafirkan district of Bukhara region conducted master classes in Biology, Biology (Human Health).

Assistant of the department BS Shokirov during a master class at the secondary school No 50 in Shafirkan district of Bukhara region

The main scientific directions of the department

“Functional morphology of the mammary glands and their relationship to postnatal development in chronic hepatitis” (BB Khasanov)”Influence of maternal toxic hepatitis on the structural and functional formation of the thymus of the generation during the first postnatal ontogeny” (Azimova S.B.)“Morphological changes in postnatal ontogenesis in the case of dysbacteriosis of the small intestinal immune system (experimental). (B.S.Shokirov).Prospective value of cytokines in IPV-related cervical diseases in women of childbearing age. ”(GR Akhmatova)Currently, the assistant of the department Sh.R.Davronova is conducting research for the degree of PhD on “Morphofunctional changes in the thymus under the influence of adverse environmental factors.” Assistant of the department BS Shokrov approved the topic “Morphological changes in the postnatal ontogenesis of the small intestinal immune system in the case of dysbacteriosis (experimental)” and research work is underway.

PhD , assistant of the department Sh.R.Davronova in the process of scientific work

In the areas of sports initiative, a game of chess and checkers was organized with the staff of the department.

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