Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2

Tuksanova Dilbar Ismatovna

Head of the department

Staff of the department

Negmatullaeva Mastura Nurullaevna
Khamdamova Mukhayekhan Tukhtasinovna
Ashurova Nigora Gafurovna
Khotamova Matlyuba Tilavovna
Rakhmatullaeva Makhfuza Mubinovna
Akhmedov Farkhod Kahramonovich
Zaripova Dilnoza Yashinovna
Rakhmokulova Nargiza Gafurovna
Boltaeva Malika Miralievna
Khosimova Dilnoza Sayatovna

History of the department

  2-Department of obstetrics and gynecology was established in 1994 on the basis of a specialized maternity hospital. In 1994-1995, S.F. Fayziev was the leader. In 1996-1997, candidate of medical sciences A.A. Ibragimov headed the department. From September 1997 to August 2002, it was headed by G. T. Rustamova, Ph.D. From May 2003 to August 2006, Ph.D. associate professor M.T. Khotamova was the leader. From September 2006 to 2013, the department was run by Ph.D. prof. Amonov I.I. they managed. From 2013 to September 2019, the department was headed by Ph.D. , Associate Professor Ikhtiyarov G.A. they managed. From September 2019, the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ph.D., Professor Negmatullaeva M.N. From January 2020 until today, the chair was held by Tuksanova D.I. they will not lead. Today, the department has 3 doctor of science professors, 6 candidates of science, 5 of them associate professors, 3 assistants and 1 assistant trainee. Today, 2 people – Ph.D. and Ph.D. students are conducting scientific research. The staff of the department organizes work activities based on the requirements of the higher education system and the post-diploma level of education, and conducts academic, methodological, educational and scientific work. During the work of the department, 2 doctor’s and 8 candidate’s scientific theses were protected. Today, the work plan of the department PK-2909 05.07.2017 “On measures to further develop the higher education system” decision. Decree No. PF-5763 of June 11, 2019 on “Management reform measures in the field of higher and post-secondary special education”. The concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 was drawn up on October 8, 2019.

Purpose, tasks and activities of the department:

The goal of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is to give students knowledge and prepare them for medical practice. To do this, it is necessary to teach the student the skills to solve modern problems of medicine and the secrets of healing. The main task of the department is to implement the concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan, published on 10/08/2019 “Development of higher education until 2030”, in addition to PP for No. 2909 on 07/05/2017 and PP for No. 5763 of 07/11/2019 “Guidance and reforms in the field of higher and secondary education “.

To help students acquire practical skills in obstetrics and gynecology, mastering knowledge in the aspect of world requirements and form knowledgeable and highly qualified doctors in the field of obstetrics and gynecology services.

                                                                           Academic plan:

Development of scientific and methodological manuals and educational and work plans based on approved regulatory documents. Introduce them into the learning process, classes (laboratory and practical), on the organization of independent work.

                                                   Scientific directions of the department:

The scientific direction of the department is “Protection of women’s reproductive health, early diagnosis and treatment of obstetric pathologies.”

To date, the following research work is being carried out: Akhmedov F.K. “Modern aspects of clinical and laboratory markers in the prediction and early diagnosis of preeclampsia”

  Nurkhanova N.O. “Modern aspects of forecasting and optimizing the management of women with endometrial hyperplasia in the perimenopausal period”. 


– Increasing the scientific potential of the department;

– Improving the quality of education through further expansion of educational, scientific and technical cooperation with foreign countries

– Updates and enrichment of the material and technical base of the department with modern equipment and teaching and laboratory equipment.

                                                                       Scientific works

  1.  Особенности почечного кровотока и динамика концентрации мочевой кислоты у женщин при беременности, осложненной преэклампсией . Ахмедов Ф.К., Негматуллаева М.Н., Аваков В.Е. Клиническая нефрология №1. Москва. 2018.-с. 38-40
  2. Состояние системы кровообращения и кардиогемодинамики у беременных женщин с легкой преэклампсией. Ахмедов Ф.К, Негматуллаева М.Н., Аваков В.Е. Курбанова З.Ш. Фарматека-Москва ,2018.№6- С.31-35.
  3. Возможные этиологические аспекты невынашивания беременности Шодиев Б.В. Ашурова Н.Г. Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная медицина: традиции и инновации» (Казахстан, г. Туркестан,) March 16-17, 2018.
  4. Изменение функции левого желудочка у беременных с преэклампсией Ахмедова Ф.К., Курбанова З.Ш. Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная медицина: традиции и инновации» (Казахстан, г. Туркестан, 16-17 марта 2018 г.). с. 144-147
  5. Преэклампсия: современный взгляд на проблему. Ахмедова Ф.К., Курбанова З.Ш. Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная медицина: традиции и инновации» (Казахстан, г. Туркестан, 16-17марта 2018 г.). с. 144-147
  6. Оценка качества женщин после массивного акушерского кровотечении Ахмедова Ф.К., Каримова Н.Н. Проблема и биологии медицины 2018г. Россия.
  7. Akhmedov F.K. Peculiarities of cardiac hemodynamic in pregnant women with mild preeclampsia// Europen Science Review. – Austria, Vienna. 2015. -№4-5 -. С56-58. (14.00.00 № 19).
  8. Akhmedov F.K. Features of renal function and some indicators of homeostasis in women with mild preeclampsia// Europen Science Review. Austria, Vienna, 2015. – №4-5. С58-60. (14.00.00 № 19)
  9. АхмедовФ. К., В.Е. Аваков., М.Н. Негматуллаева. Функциональный  состояние почек при беременности, осложненной преэклампсией// Клиническая нефрология- Москва. 2017. №1. -с. 23-26.(14.00.00 № 67)
  10. Состояния системы кровообращения и кардиогемодинамики у беременных тяжелой преэклампсией Ахмедов Ф.К., Негматуллаева М.Н., оңтүстік қазақстан медицина академиясы, хабаршы №1 (85), 2019 ж., том i
  11. Современные аспекты лечения дисбиотических состояний влагалища и цервикального канала у беременных Негматуллаева М.Н., Азимов Ф.Р., Усмонова Н.Ю. Актуальные проблемы теоретической и клинической медицины №1 (23), 2019
  12. Преэклампсия муаммосига замонавий қарашлар//тиббиётда янги кун Ахмедов Ф.К. Негматуллаева М.Н. Курбанова З.Ш.        тиббиётда янги кун. 1(21)- 2018.
  13. Взаимосвязь показателей гемостаза и системы кровообращения у женщин при физиологической беременности. Негматуллаева М.Н. Хамидова Н.Р. тиббиётда янги кун.1(21) – 2018
  14. Микроэлементозы, как причинный фактор в структуре репродуктивных потерь Шодиев Б.В. Мухидова Г.А. Тиббиетда янги кун. 3(23)2018.
  15. Современные аспекты лечения дисбиотических состояний влагалища и цервикального канала у беременных Негматуллаева М.Н тиббиётда янги кун1 (25)- Тошкент2019
  16. Аспекты ведения родов при дородовом излитии околоплодных вод Хотамова М.Т. тиббиётда янги кун 1 (25)- Тошкент,2019
  17. Peculiarities of immune hormonal indicators of the post Ferrin period ХотамоваМ.Ттиббиётда янги кун 1 (25)- Тошкент2019
  18. Лактобактерии влагалища их виды свойства и роль в вагинальном биотопе Рахматуллаева М.М. Доктор ахборотномаси  2019.
  19. Ахмедов Ф. К. Особенности почечного кровотока у женщин при беременности, осложненной преэклампсией// Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья. – Ташкент. 2015. – №2. – С. 27-29. (14.00.00. №14).
  20. Ахмедов Ф. К. Изучение роли почечного кровотока и концентрации мочевой кислоты в крови и моче в диагностике преэклампсии// Теоретическая и клиническая медицина. – Ташкент, 2015. – №3. – С. 63-66. (14.00.00. №3).
  21. Ахмедов Ф.К. Особенности кардиогемодинамики и почечного кровотока у беременных с тяжелой формой преэклампсией// Назарий ва клиник тиббиёт- Ташкент. 2015. – №3. – С. 66-70. (14.00.00. №3).
  22. Ахмедов Ф.К. Функциональное состояние почек и некоторые показатели гомеостаза у женщин с преэклампсией тяжелой степени// Терапевтический вестник Узбекистана – Ташкент, 2015. – №3. – С. 89-93. (14.00.00. №7).
  1. Ахмедов Ф. К., В.Е. Аваков., М.Н. Негматуллаева. Оғир преэклампсия  билан асоратланга ҳомиладор аёлларда кардиогемодинамика ва юрак геомерияси ҳолати// Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья- Ташкент.2017. – №3-4(I) – С. 27-29. (14.00.00. №14).
  2. Ахмедов Ф.К., В.Е. Аваков., М.Н. Негматуллаева. Особенности почечного кровотока и динамика концентрации мочевой кислоты у женщин при беременности, осложненной преэклампсией// Клиническая нефрология- Москва, 2018. – №1. – С. 38-40.(14.00.00 № 67)
  3.  Ахмедов Ф.К., З.Ш. Курбонова. Мочевая кислота- маркер развития преэклапсия// Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья – Ташкент, 2017. – №3-4(II) – С. 27-29. (14.00.00. №14).
  4. Ахмедов Ф.К., Негматуллаева М.Н., Курбанова З.Ш. Преэклампсия муаммосига замонавий қарашлар//  тиббиётда янги кун.1(21)- Тошкент, 2018. – С. 180-185.  (14.00.00.№22)  


 Scientific-practical conference with international participation “Modern prospects for improving the service of maternal and child health: an innovative approach and interdisciplinary integration.” December 17-18, 2021.

Department activity

Conversation of the head of the department Tuksanova D.I. together with employees on the topic “Corruption is a threat to the future”. (09.09.2021)

Conversation with students of the 351-group of the OKHI on the topic “Fighting religious extremism and terrorism” (09/23/2021)

The students of the group actively participated and expressed their opinion in a round discussion on the topic “I am against crime”. (04/28/2022)

Employees of the department at the innovation fair organized for youth (15.09.2021)

Employees of the department in the districts of the Bukhara region in medical examinations aimed at improving the health of the population and preventing diseases. (2.04.-3.06.2022).

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the population together with students. (2.04-20.04.2022)

In a conversation with students on the topic “I made friends with 10 books in a month – 100 books in a year” (10/28/2021)

The activities of the circle “Young obstetrician-gynecologist”

Young employees of the department in the process of presidential elections (24.10.2021)

During a spiritual hour on the topic “Drug addiction and AIDS – the plague of the century” (02/24/2022)

The student youth team of BukhMI in the Medical Olympiad “Medical Specialists” organized by TMA was awarded the proud 3rd place and was awarded diplomas and gifts. (27.10.2021)

In the 21st IDUM of the Romitan district, a round-robin debate was held with girls in grades 8-11 on the topic “Preparing teenage girls for motherhood, a healthy family is the key to a happy family” (04/27/2022)

A meeting was held with 7th grade girls on the topic “The importance of reproductive health in the health of girls” at school No. 1 in the city of Bukhara. (02/17/2022)

At the regional charity bike marathon. (12.06.2022)

Academic mobility

At the heart of the academic mobility program is the visit of the head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 DSc., Associate Professor Tuksanova D.I. at Al-Farabi University of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of the academic mobility program, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Negmatullaeva M.N. and candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Hotamova M.T. at the Kaliningrad University named after Academician Immanuel Kant and the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR, Moscow).

Department Professor, DSc. Khamdamova M.T. on the basis of the academic mobility program at the Medical University of Tajikistan named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina.

Professor Dr. Amina Ater, a highly qualified specialist of the Asian Department of the European Medical Association of Germany, included in the rating of 1000 as part of the academic mobility program, on May 28-29 gave a lecture at the regional perinatal center together with the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute and practical classes .

In cooperation with the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, a lecture and practical session was held on May 22-26 at the base of the Regional Perinatal Center, together with Bishekova Balzira Nagashibaevna, professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. trainings, master classes were conducted. During the internships, students, clinical residents, masters and practicing doctors gained new knowledge and improved their professional skills.

Visited from Turkish University of Health Sciences, ranked 1000 within the framework of the academic mobility program, together with professors Veli MIHMANLI and Suleyman SALMAN of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Konuni Sultan Sulayman Research and Training Hospital in the gynecology department of the 2nd Regional Perinatal Center of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology “Uterus extirpation from a modified vagina, anterior and posterior colporrhaphy and several laparoscopic operations were carried out. The internships were a master class for clinical residents, masters and practicing doctors and improved their professional skills.

As part of the academic mobility, professors of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Kanoni Sultan Suleiman Research and Training Hospital, visiting from the Turkish University of Health Sciences, Levent Yaşar, VEli Mehmanli, Ismail Özdemir, Suleiman Salman, Shukru Yildiz, in cooperation with the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at the regional perinatal center from March 24- Lectures and practical classes were held until April 17.

Photo of the final state examination of students of the exit course. 01.06.2023

Open educational process Lectures

Internal devices of the uterus BIV coils, cauterization technique and understanding of reproductive health according to the WHO program

Men Khatamova Matlyuba Tilavovna Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara city Bukhara State Medical University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Professor, Associate Professor, Associate Professor


  • Reproductive Health
    WHO Acceptability Description
    Contraceptive Methods
    Types of Bivs
    Mechanism of Action of Bivs
    Advantages of Bivs
    Disadvantages of Bivs
    What is Reproductive Health?
    Reproductive health is an important part of health at any stage of a woman’s life.
    Reproductive health includes:
    – Contraception service
    – Monitoring a woman during pregnancy, care during childbirth.
    Prevention of STDs and AIDS
    Treatment of JI, JOYUK and CHAYAK
    Functions of Contraception Service
    Birth of Expected Children
    Management of the Interval between Pregnancy and Childbirth
    Control of the Timing of Childbirth Depending on the Woman’s Age
    Determining the Number of Children in the Family at the Parents’ Desire
    Reproductive health counseling consists of six elements.
    Easy to remember using the letters that make up the word.
    Question: Acceptance is 80% of Success.
    Give her your undivided attention from the moment she arrives.
    Be nice; introduce yourself, then invite her to sit down
    Ask what kind of help you need
    Tell the client that any information they give will be confidential.
    Have the consultation in a place where others will not overhear
    Him: Asks about his problem and desire.
    Help the woman talk about her needs, doubts, and concerns about contraception.
    If it is the woman’s first visit, take a medical history.
    Explain to the woman that this information will help her choose the best method.
    Most women do not understand medical terms for diseases. Ask questions about different parts of the body.
    If it is a return visit, ask the woman if there have been any changes since her last visit.
    T: Information about the different methods of contraception.
    Every woman should know the family planning methods available.
    Tell new women which methods are convenient and where they can get what they need.
    Ask women which method they are interested in.
    Q: Which method would you choose?
    Ask the woman if she likes a particular method. Some know exactly what they want. Others need help choosing a method.
    To help a woman, ask about her reproductive goals.
    Ask for friendly communication. Which method do they want?
    Repeat information you don’t understand.
    If the method chosen is dangerous for the woman, explain why and help her choose another method.
    A: The key is how the method is used.
    If the method requires additional procedures, explain to the woman where and when she can do this.
    Show and explain how to use the method.
    Ask the woman to repeat your instructions. Listen carefully and make sure they understand your instructions clearly.g
    Mention possible side effects and their warning signs.
    Schedule a return visit and ask them to contact their doctor immediately if any side effects occur.
    R: Information about the scheduled return to the ferry.
    Ask if the woman is resuming the method
    When using, ask the woman if there are any problems.
    If the woman notices any side effects, ask about their intensity. Explain to the woman that it is not dangerous.
    Ask if the woman has any questions.

Professors of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology visited the Bukhara Innovative Medical College.

On February 15, 2024, in order to ensure the implementation of the order of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On methodological and scientific support for vocational education institutions”, students visited the Bukhara Innovative Medical Technical College. During the visit, the educational and regulatory documentation of the Department of General and Fundamental Sciences, clinical sciences taught at the department and specialized scientific programs taught at the obstetrics faculty of the technical school were studied. The teachers of the department decided to prepare educational and scientific articles together with the professors of the institute.

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