
Defense of the thesis

About The Event

The Scientific Council for the Award of Academic Degrees DSc.04/30.04.2022.Tib.93.02 at Bukhara State Medical Institute


Dear ___________________________________________ !

The next meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.04/30.04.2022.Tib.93.02 will be held on January 20, 2025 at 13:00 in a small conference hall on the 2nd floor of the main building of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.

The agenda:

1. Official dissertation defense of Nilufar Kahharovna Salomova candidate for the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc) in medical Sciences, specialty 14.00.13 – Neurology on the topic “Clinical and biochemical disorders in the post-stroke period, secondary prevention of strokes in the outpatient stage”.

Abstract – download

Scientific supervisor: DSc Sanobar Nizamovna Rakhmatova

Conference ID: 881 1498 0734

Access code: 12345

Present of the Scientific Council for Awarding Academic Degrees

DSc.04/30.04.2022.Tib.93.02 of Bukhara State Medical Institute                                   D.T.Khodzhieva

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