About The Event
Member of the one-time scientific council for the award of academic degrees DSc.04/30.04.2022.tib.93.01 at the Bukhara State Medical Institute
Dear ___________________________________________ !
The next meeting of the one-time scientific council for the award of academic degrees DSc.04/30.04.2022.tib.93.01 will be held on February 16, 2023 at 1400 in a small conference room on the 3rd floor of the main building of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
1. Official defense of the dissertation of Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillovich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 14.00.36 – Allergology and Immunology; 14.00.33- Healthcare. Management in health care on the topic “Pro-inflammatory cytokine response in children with coinfection caused by antibiotic-resistant hemolytic Escherichia and organizational and methodological principles of treatment.”
Supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ziyadullaev Shukhrat Khudoyberdievich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Rizaev Zhasur Alimzhanovich
Conference ID: 921 5599 1674
Access code: 12345
Chairman of the one-time scientific council DSc.04/30.04.2022.Tib.93.01
at Bukhara State Medical Institute A.Sh. Inoyatov