About The Event
Dear ___________________________________________ !
The next meeting of the single Scientific Council DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01 will be held on March 17, 2022 at 12:30 in the small conference hall on the 3rd floor of the main building of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
1.The official defense of the dissertation of Mamarajabov Sobirjon Ergashevich for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) in the specialty 14.00.33 – Public health. Healthcare management; 14.00.27 – Surgery on the topic ” The ways of improving early diagnosis and organization of surgical care of human echinococcosis in Uzbekistan”.
Scientific advisors DSc., professor Rizaev Jasur Alimdjanovich
DSc. Baymakov Sayfiddin Risbaevich
ID conference: 863 1592 1581
Access code: 123456
Deputy Chairman of the scientific
Council DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01 A.Sh. Inoyatov